
laughed numbly, lost 20 pounds in 2 months, and the chest was gone, and the stomach was still there, netizens: I didn't come to my aunt for a year after losing weight

author:A casual customer

Losing weight is a cliché.

Recently, a female blogger shared on the Internet that she lost 20 pounds in a month, but her belly was not thin at all, but she lost her breasts, and bluntly said: It's really difficult to lose weight. Hahaha.


Losing weight is a step-by-step process, you must not be in a hurry, otherwise it is common to lose weight and rebound, and it will bring a lot of negative effects.

laughed numbly, lost 20 pounds in 2 months, and the chest was gone, and the stomach was still there, netizens: I didn't come to my aunt for a year after losing weight
laughed numbly, lost 20 pounds in 2 months, and the chest was gone, and the stomach was still there, netizens: I didn't come to my aunt for a year after losing weight

Keeping your mouth shut is the key to losing weight, many obese people are caused by overeating, even if the amount of exercise increases, the amount of food does not decrease, and it is still impossible to lose.

laughed numbly, lost 20 pounds in 2 months, and the chest was gone, and the stomach was still there, netizens: I didn't come to my aunt for a year after losing weight

Some netizens said that if you want to lose weight, you can refer to the 211 diet, the effect is very significant, and the most important thing is to persevere.

laughed numbly, lost 20 pounds in 2 months, and the chest was gone, and the stomach was still there, netizens: I didn't come to my aunt for a year after losing weight

Don't try to lose weight quickly, it hurts your body too much. And it rebounded quickly. Isn't there a saying, slow is fast, fast is slow.

laughed numbly, lost 20 pounds in 2 months, and the chest was gone, and the stomach was still there, netizens: I didn't come to my aunt for a year after losing weight

Seeing that the girl lost her breasts, but her belly did not lose, many people retreated, whether to lose weight or not. Don't keep what you shouldn't keep, but what you shouldn't keep is still there. [covers face]

laughed numbly, lost 20 pounds in 2 months, and the chest was gone, and the stomach was still there, netizens: I didn't come to my aunt for a year after losing weight
laughed numbly, lost 20 pounds in 2 months, and the chest was gone, and the stomach was still there, netizens: I didn't come to my aunt for a year after losing weight

Everyone's physique is different, not all people are like this, and they have to find a way to lose weight that suits them.

laughed numbly, lost 20 pounds in 2 months, and the chest was gone, and the stomach was still there, netizens: I didn't come to my aunt for a year after losing weight

Netizens said that a little fat on the stomach is also protecting the uterus, and being too thin is not a good thing, and it will have negative effects such as hair loss.

laughed numbly, lost 20 pounds in 2 months, and the chest was gone, and the stomach was still there, netizens: I didn't come to my aunt for a year after losing weight

I don't know what kind of weight loss method you think is the best, welcome to leave a message to discuss.