
Only when you are down, can you see who is a true friend, and the sharing of netizens is too heart-wrenching

author:A casual customer

Life is a long journey, full of unknowns and uncertainties, and not all of them will be smooth sailing. Downfall, presumably everyone is unwilling to face, but when we do encounter it, we often feel helpless, lost and frustrated. At this time, those drinking and meat friends who usually call each other brothers may disappear without a trace, and it is easiest for people to see who is the real friend at this time.

When you are down, you can best experience the warmth and coldness of human feelings. Many netizens are deeply touched by this.

When it's time to really use the money, your so-called good friends may not necessarily lend it to you, but the person you think has an average relationship with will lend it to you. There is only icing on the cake in the world, where does it come from.

Only when you are down, can you see who is a true friend, and the sharing of netizens is too heart-wrenching

Some friends themselves are very poor, but the moment they hear you open their mouth to borrow money, they will not hesitate to lend you the money on their bodies, such a person is really worthy of deep friendship, and he should be more grateful to him.

Only when you are down, can you see who is a true friend, and the sharing of netizens is too heart-wrenching

Borrow or not to borrow are understood, the poor are good alone, the good are good at the world, the poor are making trouble and no one asks, the rich have distant relatives in the mountains, the friendship of gentlemen is as light as water, and the friendship of villains is wine and meat.

Only when you are down, can you see who is a true friend, and the sharing of netizens is too heart-wrenching

Some netizens opened their mouths to borrow money from their aunt, but they didn't expect their aunt to block him directly. Don't feel like you have a lot of weight in the eyes of your relatives, if you don't have a relationship with the older generation, you may be nothing in his eyes. Don't be too enthusiastic about friends, classmates, and relatives, and don't be too distant, and it's best to keep a good distance. When they really need help, they do what they can, but if they do good deeds, don't ask about the future.

Only when you are down, can you see who is a true friend, and the sharing of netizens is too heart-wrenching

When you are down, you are reluctant to notify you of happy events, for fear of taking a ride. Don't test human nature, let alone test when you're down, because the result will make you very sad, friends don't have a real sense of right or wrong, it's just that it's not suitable for you, the right friends will pull you, and don't blame the inappropriate friends, because you are just ordinary intersections.

Only when you are down, can you see who is a true friend, and the sharing of netizens is too heart-wrenching

The person who dislikes you is not a friend, even if it is a brother, a true friend will not only remember the good past between you and him, nor will it care whether you are rich or poor.

Only when you are down, can you see who is a true friend, and the sharing of netizens is too heart-wrenching
Only when you are down, can you see who is a true friend, and the sharing of netizens is too heart-wrenching

Down-and-out people are like rats crossing the street, and everyone avoids them. Don't think about relying on friends for help or help, you have to rely on yourself for everything. Don't be rich and don't think of your friends, if you are down, you want to be angry with them, then you are not a real friend in their eyes.

Only when you are down, can you see who is a true friend, and the sharing of netizens is too heart-wrenching
Only when you are down, can you see who is a true friend, and the sharing of netizens is too heart-wrenching

When a friend is in trouble and needs help, we must also lend a helping hand in time, but we must also keep an eye on it and distinguish who is a true friend, otherwise it will be given to a white-eyed wolf.

Only when you are down, can you see who is a true friend, and the sharing of netizens is too heart-wrenching

I don't know who helped you when you were down, do you remember, welcome to leave a message to share.