
If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

author:The stars are from the media

Text/star from the media

Editor/star from the media

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In practice, the actions of this military alliance are often strongly aggressive.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

From the Gulf War, the Kosovo War to the Iraq War, NATO countries have either directly participated in the war or provided support for it.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

These actions have fully exposed NATO's military alliance nature and global influence.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

Behind NATO's slogan of "common defense" lies its desire to intervene in global affairs.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

This interference manifests itself not only in military operations, but also in interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

NATO's global influence has made it an important force in the global political and military landscape to a certain extent.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

France, Germany and Spain are planning to launch an unprecedented large-scale overseas military exercise this year, known as Pacific Sky-24.

The scale and scope of this military exercise, with the air forces of the three countries as the main participating forces, have attracted wide attention from the international community.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

According to the website of the US media "Air Force Times", the French Air Force will dispatch four Rafale fighters, the Luftwaffe will dispatch eight Typhoon fighters, 12 Tornado fighter-bombers and four H-145M helicopters, and the Spanish Air Force will dispatch four Typhoon fighters and one A-330 transport aircraft.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

The air forces of the three countries will also jointly dispatch nine A-400 transport aircraft, bringing the total number of military aircraft participating in the exercise to 42.

The background and scale of this military exercise undoubtedly show the military ambitions of France, Germany and Spain in the Asia-Pacific region, and also reflect NATO's military layout on a global scale.

In the face of such a situation, the mainland must maintain a high degree of vigilance, pay close attention to the progress of this military exercise, and take corresponding measures to ensure national security and regional stability.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

The Arctic region has become the focus of global strategic competition due to its unique geographical location and abundant natural resources.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

As an important part of the Arctic Circle, Alaska plays a pivotal role in maintaining the security and stability of North America and even the world.

The choice of the air forces of France, Germany and Spain to carry out joint military exercises with the United States is undoubtedly to demonstrate their presence in the Arctic region to the world.

The war for resources is inevitable, and this military exercise can be seen as a strategic layout of NATO countries in the Arctic region.

As an important country in the Asia-Pacific region, Japan's military role and ambitions cannot be ignored.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

The cooperation between the air forces of the three countries and the Japan Air Self-Defense Force is aimed at enhancing each other's cooperative combat capabilities and reflecting Japan's military ambitions in the Asia-Pacific region.

Japan has been trying to enhance its influence and voice in the Asia-Pacific region by strengthening military cooperation with NATO countries.

The security situation in the Pacific Rim region is complex and volatile, and the surrounding environment of the mainland is also facing many challenges.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

In this joint military exercise, France, Germany and Spain aim to strengthen relations with Asia-Pacific allies and jointly respond to possible security threats.

This is undoubtedly a severe test for the mainland. We need to pay close attention to the dynamics of this military exercise and be prepared to deal with it.

Australia's strategic position in the Asia-Pacific region has become increasingly prominent, and its China policy has also attracted much attention.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

The military cooperation between the air forces of the three countries and Australia is intended to strengthen the strategic cooperation between the two sides in the Asia-Pacific region.

This is both a challenge and an opportunity for the mainland.

We need to pay close attention to Australia's military developments, and at the same time deepen friendly cooperation with neighboring countries to jointly maintain regional peace and stability.

The geopolitical competition between India and the mainland in the Asia-Pacific region is becoming more and more intense, and the participation of the air forces of the three countries in the Indian version of the "Red Flag Military Exercise" is undoubtedly a demonstration of its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region to the mainland.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

In the face of this challenge, the mainland needs to maintain its strategic focus and resolutely safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

At the same time, we should also actively engage in dialogue and cooperation with India to jointly promote regional peace and stability.

The deep meaning of the air force exercises of France, Germany and Spain

Behind this military exercise, codenamed "Pacific Sky-24," the actions of the air forces of France, Germany and Spain undoubtedly reveal a deep meaning.

Through joint military exercises around the world, they seem to be preparing for a possible armed conflict with the continent in the future.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

This move deserves our great attention and vigilance, because it reflects the military layout and strategic intentions of NATO countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

At present, the mainland's strategic position in the Asia-Pacific region is becoming increasingly important, and the challenges it is facing are becoming more and more severe.

The current military exercise of the air forces of France, Germany, and Spain has undoubtedly brought new pressure to the security situation around the mainland.

How to ensure national security and safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity in a complex and ever-changing international environment has become a major issue before us.

If you don't have enough strength, don't hold on! 42 Franco-German-Spanish military planes are coming to China's surroundings to 'show their muscles'?

In the face of NATO's military exercises, we should take strength as the backing and peaceful development as the principle, firmly safeguard national interests, and make greater contributions to world peace and development.


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