
You have to know! This is how the story begins in 1929, when the Great Depression devastated Japan in the United States

author:Wood has a story

Americans can't forget "Black Thursday", just like Chinese can't forget the "War of Resistance Against Japan", across the Pacific Ocean, the two are actually mutually causal.

On October 24, 1929, the Wall Street butterfly flapped its wings, causing 90 million casualties worldwide years later.

As strange as it sounds, the use of war to divert economic crises is a common occurrence in human history, and it all began on the New York Stock Exchange, where it flapped its wings on October 24, 1929.

"Oh God! I'm out of stock! ”

You have to know! This is how the story begins in 1929, when the Great Depression devastated Japan in the United States

October 24 is Thursday, the U.S. stock market opened as an avalanche, the disaster came too fast, the brokers were all blinded, and that energy can be described as shaking the earth.

"The stock price collapsed at the opening, the market changed as fast as a roller coaster, and the on-site quotation machine could only record the data of the first half hour, because the paper tape was all gone, and a total of 12.89 million shares were sold throughout the day! OMG! ”

From Black Thursday to October 29, five days later, the market value of the US stock market of 500 billion was wiped out, and the GDP of the United States in 1929 was only 103.1 billion US dollars, and the United States went bankrupt.

The destructive power of the stock market crash spread rapidly, pushing all walks of life into a catastrophe, and the whole United States is like hell on earth.

"First the stock market crashed, then the wildfires hit the banks, the banks went bankrupt after the run, and the depositors went bankrupt."

You have to know! This is how the story begins in 1929, when the Great Depression devastated Japan in the United States

This is not the whole story, when the federal government found out that the situation was out of control, more than 10,000 banks had already failed, and what was worse was that as soon as the banks failed, the capital chain of the real enterprise was immediately broken, and it was also declared bankrupt, smashing the jobs of tens of millions of workers.

"We've lost almost half of our industrial production capacity, unemployment has skyrocketed to 30 percent, 140,000 factories and businesses have closed, and the streets are full of people receiving handouts."

From the stock market crash to the Great Depression, it took only a few months, which was the biggest crisis since the founding of the United States.

The rich are jumping off buildings, the middle class is receiving handouts, and the poor are starting to dig through garbage heaps, and this is the end of the world after April 1930.

If the crisis had been directed only at the United States, when the tremor of the butterfly wings disrupted the air currents and crossed the Pacific Ocean, a super hurricane formed between China and Japan.

The Great Depression in the United States crushed the Japanese economy, and then China was pitted!

You have to know! This is how the story begins in 1929, when the Great Depression devastated Japan in the United States

Throughout the twenties, "tenant disputes" occurred one after another, with the Ministry of the Interior counting 5,455 vicious incidents, and the Great Depression in the United States completely upended Japanese agriculture.

"Japanese farmers went bankrupt, and after the Great Depression in the United States, Japanese rice fell from 31 yen to 17 yen, and in just two years, the total debt of farmers in the country was as high as 6 billion yen, which is desperate!"

The figures are exaggerated, and on average, each Japanese farmer had to share the debt of 1,000 yen, and 1929 was a bumper harvest year, and the income from the fall in rice prices could not cover the transportation costs, and industrial production was also destroyed.

The United States picked peaches in World War I and made its fortune in the twenties, which led to a surge in demand for goods, and Japanese raw silk, cotton spinning, and chemical fiber products also caught the American train, but the Great Depression was menacing.

You have to know! This is how the story begins in 1929, when the Great Depression devastated Japan in the United States

"In the year following the Great Depression in the United States, Japan's industrial productivity fell by 32.9 percent, and the Great Unemployment also occurred in Japan."

The Great Depression in the United States gave birth to the "Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act", which increased tariffs to 23%, resulting in the total destruction of the Japanese raw silk industry.

"Without exports to the United States, there will not be enough foreign exchange, and Japan will not be able to import industrial raw materials and chemical industrial products."

At the end of 1929, the crisis broke out, and by 1930, 3,000 silk factories in Japan had closed down, bankrupting 2.21 million sericulture farmers, and the social crisis had broken out.

But even if Japan goes bankrupt, what does it have to do with China?

In the eyes of the young Zhuang soldiers of the Japanese army, of course, there is a relationship.

You have to know! This is how the story begins in 1929, when the Great Depression devastated Japan in the United States

The most direct way to get out of the economic crisis is to resort to force and plunder foreign countries, so in 1931, the "918 Incident" broke out, and the Japanese military department found that the effect was really good!

On September 18, 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army, which was entrenched in Northeast China, suddenly attacked, and in February of the following year, the entire territory of Northeast China fell, and the news spread to the Japanese island, and the whole country rejoiced, which was the biggest good news since the outbreak of the economic crisis.

In the years of economic collapse, Japan seemed to have been given a shot in the arm, and colonizing China was the medicine that quickly turned the foundation!

The civilian cabinet was immediately abandoned, the army became the heroes of the peasants, and the extreme right forces in Japan had the absolute upper hand, which gave birth to the May 15 Incident of 1932.

On May 15, 1932, 11 soldiers of the Navy suddenly broke into the official residence of the Japanese Prime Minister, and without saying a word, they shot the Japanese Prime Minister Inuyang Yi twice, and the incident was decisive for the historical trend of China and Japan.

You have to know! This is how the story begins in 1929, when the Great Depression devastated Japan in the United States

Yoshio Nakamura, the mastermind of the May 15 Incident, later confessed that he did this to save the Japanese peasants.

Prime Minister Inukai Yi is considered a stumbling block to the military department, this person is left and right, and relations with China are relaxed, not only supporting the reduction of the size of the army, but also not recognizing Manchukuo, damn it! If he does not die, he will not be able to complete the plan of aggression, and he will not be able to save the Japanese peasants, the logic is so absurd.

The military department has reached a consensus that there is only one way to get Japan out of the crisis, and there is only one way to invade China!

After the military department took control of the political situation, the Kwantung Army proposed the "Manchurian Agricultural Migration Plan for One Million Households" in 1936, the purpose of which was to replace the population of Northeast China and send bankrupt and unemployed Japanese peasants to Northeast China to complete the colonization plan!

The Great Depression in the United States triggered a global economic crisis, and Japan suffered a heavy blow in the Great Depression due to its own economic structural problems, which accelerated the pace of full-scale invasion of China.

You have to know! This is how the story begins in 1929, when the Great Depression devastated Japan in the United States

The Great Depression in the United States in 1929 was the trigger for World War II, which caused 90 million casualties worldwide, and China's losses were particularly heavy, starting from 1931, the total number of Chinese military and civilian casualties exceeded 35 million, and the indirect economic losses reached 500 billion yuan.

In the entire World War II, 1.95 million Japanese soldiers were killed and wounded, 119 cities on the mainland were destroyed, and two mushroom bombs were dropped, which are still closely monitored by the US military stationed in Japan.

Although the use of war to solve economic problems is not always so effective, in the end, the crisis will still become the only option for many countries, and will the lessons of the failures of Japan and Germany serve as a wake-up call for those who come after them?

Not necessarily! Because humanity never learns from historical experience.

So, always be prepared!

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