
The secret of the variety show turmoil is revealed: is the interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng a misunderstanding or hype?

The secret of the variety show turmoil is revealed: is the interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng a misunderstanding or hype?

Recently, the interaction of a variety show has made the names of Bailu and Fan Chengcheng frequently appear on the hot search. This "turmoil" originated from a series of actions of the two in the show, which was interpreted by some netizens as "Fan Chengcheng deliberately hurt Bailu", but what is the truth?

The secret of the variety show turmoil is revealed: is the interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng a misunderstanding or hype?

The beginning and end of the turmoil: from "groping pig hand" to "gentleman's hand"

With the heated discussion among netizens, a clip of the program was repeatedly transmitted. In this clip, Fan Chengcheng seems to have inappropriate behavior, and was nicknamed "groping pig hand" by netizens. However, looking closely at the whole show, it is not difficult to find that Fan Chengcheng always keeps a certain distance when interacting with other guests, especially the interaction with Bailu, which reflects the characteristics of "gentleman's hand" everywhere. This careful attitude can also be traced in previous shows.

The secret of the variety show turmoil is revealed: is the interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng a misunderstanding or hype?

The "Pumping Stool" Incident: The Show's Effect or the Real Reaction?

And in this turmoil, there is also a "stool" link that has attracted much attention. In this session, Bailu seemed to fall because of Fan Chengcheng's "action" and limped away. But this is not the case, according to the program team and participating guests, this link was designed in advance in order to increase the drama and enjoyment of the show. And Fan Chengcheng also communicated with Bailu in advance to ensure her safety.

The secret of the variety show turmoil is revealed: is the interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng a misunderstanding or hype?

Netizens are hotly discussed: collision of views and rational analysis

In the face of this turmoil, netizens have different opinions. Some people accuse Fan Chengcheng of misbehaving, while others think that this is the effect of the show, and there is no need to make a fuss. However, as viewers and netizens, we should maintain a rational and objective attitude when making speeches, and not blindly follow the trend or spread false information.

The secret of the variety show turmoil is revealed: is the interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng a misunderstanding or hype?

The drama of variety shows and the image of stars

As a form of entertainment, the essence of variety shows is to attract audiences and increase topicality. Therefore, it is inevitable to design some dramatic and conflicting parts of the show. As public figures, celebrities' images and behaviors will naturally attract the attention of the majority of netizens and the media. But we should also understand that celebrities are also ordinary people, and they also have their own emotions and feelings. We should respect their privacy and rights, and not over-interpret and speculate.

The secret of the variety show turmoil is revealed: is the interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng a misunderstanding or hype?

Bailu's response: We are all professional

In this turmoil, Bailu also responded in person. She said that the interaction between herself and Fan Chengcheng in the show is normal, and she hopes that everyone will not over-interpret and speculate. At the same time, she also emphasized that she and Fan Chengcheng are both professional artists and will respect the rules of the game and the effect of the show.

The secret of the variety show turmoil is revealed: is the interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng a misunderstanding or hype?

Conclusion: Look at variety shows and stars rationally

To sum up, we should maintain a rational and objective attitude when facing variety shows and stars. Don't blindly follow the trend or spread false information, but learn to think independently and analyze rationally. Only in this way can we truly enjoy the fun and joy that variety shows bring!

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