
Xiaobai's ruthless words continued, Fan Chengcheng 'smelled blood' on the spot, and the new rap 2024 Demon King Kicking Stadium Competition was full of highlights

author:Linlin said entertainment


The shock of the Demon King's kicking match

In the new rap 2024 Demon King Kicking Competition, Xiaobai returned to the arena as the big devil, and his return undoubtedly added great highlights to the game. Xiaobai released cruel words before the game, making it clear that his purpose in this competition is to win.

Xiaobai's ruthless words continued, Fan Chengcheng 'smelled blood' on the spot, and the new rap 2024 Demon King Kicking Stadium Competition was full of highlights

This strong desire to win made the audience feel his determination. His aura is powerful, and his words are full of power, which shocked both the players present and the audience.

Xiaobai's ruthless words continued, Fan Chengcheng 'smelled blood' on the spot, and the new rap 2024 Demon King Kicking Stadium Competition was full of highlights

When Fan Chengcheng watched from the sidelines, he couldn't help but bluntly say "I smelled blood for the first time on this stage", which not only expressed his shock at Xiaobai's performance, but also reflected the tension and intensity of the game.

Xiaobai's ruthless words continued, Fan Chengcheng 'smelled blood' on the spot, and the new rap 2024 Demon King Kicking Stadium Competition was full of highlights

Fan Chengcheng's on-site feelings


Fan Chengcheng's words are undoubtedly a high evaluation of Xiaobai's performance. His description of "smelling blood", although exaggerated, vividly conveys the tension of the competition and the fierce competition between the players. This way of describing has also made netizens leave messages on social media,

Xiaobai's ruthless words continued, Fan Chengcheng 'smelled blood' on the spot, and the new rap 2024 Demon King Kicking Stadium Competition was full of highlights

Some joked: "Is Fan Chengcheng too into the play?" Others said: "This description is so graphic that it makes people feel like they are there." Fan Chengcheng's words not only increased the highlights of the game, but also made the audience full of expectations for the results of the game.

Xiaobai's ruthless words continued, Fan Chengcheng 'smelled blood' on the spot, and the new rap 2024 Demon King Kicking Stadium Competition was full of highlights

Controversial summary

Xiaobai's performance and Fan Chengcheng's description sparked widespread discussion on social media. On the one hand, the audience appreciated Xiaobai's strong return and Fan Chengcheng's vivid description, believing that it increased the excitement and tension of the game.

Xiaobai's ruthless words continued, Fan Chengcheng 'smelled blood' on the spot, and the new rap 2024 Demon King Kicking Stadium Competition was full of highlights

On the other hand, some viewers expressed puzzlement at this exaggerated description, believing that it may mislead the audience about the real situation of the game. This kind of controversial discussion undoubtedly increased the topicality of the competition and allowed more young audiences to participate in the discussion.

Xiaobai's ruthless words continued, Fan Chengcheng 'smelled blood' on the spot, and the new rap 2024 Demon King Kicking Stadium Competition was full of highlights

In the comment area, netizens expressed their opinions, and some humorously commented: "Is Fan Chengcheng too involved in the play? Some netizens discussed the authenticity of the game and the performance of the players more seriously. Regardless, this event provides a platform for social media users to discuss and reflect, and also makes the New Rap 2024 contest even more engaging.

Xiaobai's ruthless words continued, Fan Chengcheng 'smelled blood' on the spot, and the new rap 2024 Demon King Kicking Stadium Competition was full of highlights

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