
Jiang Ping's principal is no longer pretending! During the interview, the corners of his mouth turned up and his little hands with nowhere to put betrayed him

author:Pudding Sweet Sweet 7C6K

The Light of Ripple Water: The girl of the secondary school shines on the global stage, revealing the counterattack of the mathematical genius

Jiang Ping's principal is no longer pretending! During the interview, the corners of his mouth turned up and his little hands with nowhere to put betrayed him


In the inconspicuous small city of Lianshui, Jiangsu, a legendary figure was born - Jiang Ping, a mathematical genius from a secondary school. In the recently concluded Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, she was a dark horse, stunning four and won the twelfth place in the world. This achievement not only refreshed people's perception of secondary school students, but also made people curious: how did she do it? Today, let's walk into Jiang Ping's world and reveal the counterattack of this mathematical genius.

Jiang Ping's principal is no longer pretending! During the interview, the corners of his mouth turned up and his little hands with nowhere to put betrayed him

1. The emergence of mathematical geniuses

In the small city of Lianshui, Jiang Ping has shown a talent and love for mathematics since she was a child. She seems to have an innate sensitivity and interest in complex mathematical formulas and puzzles. Whenever she encounters a difficult problem, she can always quickly find the solution and give the correct answer. In the process of studying in secondary school, Jiang Ping is like a fish in water, and her mathematics scores have always been among the best, even surpassing many students in key high schools.

However, Jiang Ping did not become complacent because of this, but worked harder to learn and explore. She knows that she still has a long way to go, and she needs to keep working hard and improving. She used her spare time to study advanced mathematics, linear algebra and other university courses on her own, and actively participated in various mathematics competitions and lectures to broaden her horizons and knowledge.

Jiang Ping's principal is no longer pretending! During the interview, the corners of his mouth turned up and his little hands with nowhere to put betrayed him

Second, the hardships and sweat of the counterattack

In the process of preparing for the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, Jiang Ping has put in more sweat and effort than others. She had to stay up late every day to study and brush up on questions until late at night. Her desk is full of math books and materials, and her mind is full of math formulas and solutions. Her hard work paid off, and she showed amazing strength and talent in the competition, eventually finishing 12th in the world.

Behind this achievement is Jiang Ping's countless days and nights of persistence and dedication. She has proved with her practical actions that secondary school students can also shine on the international stage. Her story has inspired countless secondary school students and math enthusiasts to see their potential and hope.

Jiang Ping's principal is no longer pretending! During the interview, the corners of his mouth turned up and his little hands with nowhere to put betrayed him

3. Masterpieces and unique insights of mathematical geniuses

Jiang Ping's talent in the field of mathematics is not only reflected in her competition results, but also in her mathematical research and works. She has independently completed a paper on "Applications of Nonlinear Differential Equations in Physics", which has attracted wide attention in the academic community. Her unique insights and in-depth analysis allow people to see her solid mathematical skills and keen insight.

In addition to academic research, Jiang Ping is also actively involved in various mathematics popularization activities. She uses her knowledge and experience in mathematics to provide math tutoring and answer questions for primary and secondary school students and math enthusiasts. Her enthusiasm and patience have earned her affection and respect.

Jiang Ping's principal is no longer pretending! During the interview, the corners of his mouth turned up and his little hands with nowhere to put betrayed him

4. The support and encouragement of the principal

Behind Jiang Ping, there is a principal who pays silently and selflessly - Principal Wang. He is well aware of the importance and significance of vocational education, and has been committed to providing students with better educational resources and a broader development platform. In the process of Jiang Ping's preparation for the competition, he gave Jiang Ping meticulous care and support. He not only provided Jiang Ping with a good learning environment and abundant resource support, but also encouraged her to pursue her dreams and goals bravely.

In the eyes of Principal Wang, Jiang Ping is a student with unlimited potential and possibility. He believes that as long as he gives enough support and encouragement, Jiang Ping will be able to achieve more brilliant results. His support and trust made Jiang Ping more determined to believe and resolve.

Jiang Ping's principal is no longer pretending! During the interview, the corners of his mouth turned up and his little hands with nowhere to put betrayed him

5. Netizens are hotly discussing and looking forward to the future

As Jiang Ping's story spread widely on social media, netizens expressed their opinions and comments. Some people praised and cheered for Jiang Ping, praising her as China's pride and role model; Some people praise Lianshui College, believing that it is a school full of vitality and potential; There are also calls for society to pay more attention to vocational education and the growth and development of secondary school students.

These comments and voices reflect people's recognition and concern for Jiang Ping and Lianshui Zhongzhuan. At the same time, it also allows people to see the potential and hope of China's vocational education. We believe that in the near future, there will be more secondary school students like Jiang Ping to show their style and strength on the international stage.

Jiang Ping's principal is no longer pretending! During the interview, the corners of his mouth turned up and his little hands with nowhere to put betrayed him


Jiang Ping's story is not only a legend of one person, but also a microcosm of an era. She proved with her practical actions that secondary school students can also shine on the international stage, and also let us see the potential and hope of China's vocational education. Let's praise and cheer for Jiang Ping and cheer for China's vocational education! At the same time, we also look forward to more secondary school students being able to bravely pursue their dreams and goals like Jiang Ping and write their own legendary stories!

Jiang Ping's principal is no longer pretending! During the interview, the corners of his mouth turned up and his little hands with nowhere to put betrayed him

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