
Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

author:Rose Tea Party

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Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

Edit: Rose Tea Party

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

A seemingly ordinary family conflict actually involved a bombshell in the entertainment industry.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

The protagonist is none other than the controversial family, the Wang family.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

Wang Sicong's illegitimate daughter turmoil made this once glorious "folk song" the focus of public opinion again. At the same time, an amateur mother, Huang Yiming, also became a celebrity overnight. The cause of the incident was that she suddenly publicly claimed that her child was Wang Sicong's biological daughter.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

This explosive news was like a bombshell, instantly igniting the curiosity of netizens. There is no shortage of questioning voices below, but there are indeed some convincing "criminal evidence" in Huang Yiming's family - such as the resemblance of his daughter to the Wang family.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

Soon, Huang Yiming released a "bombshell" of his intimate photos with Wang Sicong. The two do seem to be lovers in the photo, and Huang Yiming's words seem to be very convincing.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

However, what people didn't expect was that in the face of such "hardcore" evidence, Wang Sicong did not choose to refute it directly this time, but expressed his attitude in a silent way. This mysterious reaction only added to the bizarre color of the incident, and also made many netizens doubt the statement that "Wang Sicong has an illegitimate daughter".

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

Can't you get it to be a son? This Wang family is so capable? Soon, netizens began to launch a comprehensive "human flesh" investigation of Huang Yiming. It turned out that Huang Yiming was not an ordinary mother. Her family background is not simple, her mother not only lives a luxurious life, but also seems to have an inextricable relationship with the Wang family.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

Some netizens even suspected that Huang Yiming had carefully planned an "unspoken rule" plan. The purpose is to use his children to infiltrate a wealthy family and "make a profit" in the Wang family.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

This kind of accusation is undoubtedly very serious, but from some words and deeds of Huang Yiming and his mother, some strange things can indeed be seen. For example, for children who have never seen their father, they induce her to shout "Daddy Daddy" all the time. It looks like you're giving someone a look.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

What's even more outrageous is that Huang Yiming actually created a trumpet in the name of his daughter, ready to make money on Taobao live broadcast. No wonder netizens questioned that she was using her daughter as a "tool to make money".

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

In the face of the bombardment of netizens, Huang Yiming's mother and daughter can also carry it! They did not deny it, but intensified their provocation of Wang Sicong. In a reality show, Huang Yiming once again expounded his argument of "the daughter-in-law of the Wang family", and her mother was also on her side to "protect the master".

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

Clearly, they were determined to provoke the royal lion so that it could be lured out of the hole. If things are really what they expected, maybe the authorities are confused, and the Wang family may not be able to keep their "foundation".

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

Just when the rhythm of Huang Yiming's mother and daughter was rising, Wang Sicong suddenly spoke, breaking the silence for a long time. However, to everyone's surprise, he did not refute as ordinary people wanted, but opened his mouth in an almost tender way. "I wish their mother and daughter good health and safety, and I wish them a bright future." Although these words were simple, there was an incomprehensible tiredness in the tone. It seems that Wang Sicong just wants to stay away from the disturbances and live his ordinary life at this time.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

This is the first time that Wang Sicong has responded to the outside world in such a gentle way. His calm words added a lot of new speculation to netizens. Does it mean that he acquiesced to the identity of Huang Yiming's daughter? Or was it a reluctant compromise? Wang Sicong's unexpected response undoubtedly added a new mystery to the incident. As a result, the discussion of netizens has fallen into a new round of craze.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

Some people believe that Wang Sicong's remarks have implied that he has admitted the existence of an illegitimate daughter, but for some reason, he cannot make it public for the time being. There is also speculation that he wants to end the dispute in a conciliatory way and avoid further escalation. However, some netizens analyzed that Wang Sicong may just be responding in a decent way, and did not really respond substantively to the illegitimate daughter.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

In any case, Wang Sicong's "flame-out" response undoubtedly gave Huang Yiming's mother and daughter more room to play. In fact, after Wang Sicong's public statement, their actions became more arrogant and straightforward.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

Huang Yiming began to hype up his identity as the "daughter-in-law of the Wang family" in the live broadcast room, and also pulled his daughter to be coquettish and cute, revealing his disdain for the Wang family everywhere in his words. And her mother directly criticized and commented on the Wang family's behavior directly in front of the camera.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

It can be seen that Huang Yiming's mother and daughter regarded Wang Sicong's response as some kind of acquiescence, so they more confidently promoted their ideas. This made many netizens very angry. Because in their opinion, although Wang Sicong's rhetoric is neutral, Huang Yiming's mother and daughter are the "violent parties" in this dispute. It is really against justice that they are so rampant, but they are not being punished as they should be, but are acting recklessly.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

Because of this, public opinion began to reverse. Wang Sicong, who was fiercely questioned before, won the sympathy of more netizens because of his calmness and humility. In comparison, Huang Yiming's mother-daughter style does seem a little too much.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

In the face of such condemnation, Huang Yiming did not restrain in the slightest, but intensified. She tried to lead the conflict to a new climax, perhaps to squeeze into the Wang family completely, or to put enough pressure on the Wang family to force them to respond in some way.

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

But just when Huang Yiming's mother and daughter were brewing a new conspiracy, the Wang family unexpectedly issued a family announcement, and the atmosphere suddenly reversed. The announcement condemned the despicable acts of the Huang family and revealed some heavy inside information......

Huang Yiming's mother appeared on the scene, and one behavior caused disgust among netizens, and more and more people supported Wang Sicong!

In this way, a family dispute that had been rendered extremely confusing finally ushered in the revelation of the truth under the blow of the Wang family......

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