
The yuan is not made of paper? How many do you know about the secrets hidden in the yuan?

author:Garfield's Storybook


When it comes to what is the most used currency, the renminbi is absolutely the best, but its printing cost is expensive, and it is said that all kinds of strange anti-counterfeiting technology is because ordinary people do not understand the way coins are printed.

The yuan is not made of paper? How many do you know about the secrets hidden in the yuan?

Therefore, there are still a lot of anti-counterfeiting technologies in RMB, and the following will reveal the secrets hidden in RMB.

Security threads.

There is a galvanizing line on one hundred yuan, which can be felt if you touch it with your hands, which is a method used for anti-counterfeiting.

So how do you do it?

The yuan is not made of paper? How many do you know about the secrets hidden in the yuan?

This anti-counterfeiting line is actually a metal wire, and then after some processing, galvanized silver can be embedded in the banknote, which is equivalent to the perfect combination of this anti-counterfeiting line and the banknote.

In addition to silver, the material of the security wire is brass, and the security line of brass wire is usually used for currencies of other denominations other than 100 yuan.

The yuan is not made of paper? How many do you know about the secrets hidden in the yuan?

And the current anti-counterfeiting line is also after a variety of processing technology processing can be completed, if it is not visible to the naked eye, and only through professional equipment detection can detect the authenticity of the anti-counterfeiting line.

In the early days, counterfeit coins were basically hand-painted, so knowing the way to distinguish between anti-counterfeiting lines can easily distinguish the real from the fake.

The yuan is not made of paper? How many do you know about the secrets hidden in the yuan?

But now the manufacturing technology of counterfeit money is quite mature, and some counterfeit banknotes are made of real money, so it is difficult for such a person to distinguish with the naked eye, so it is better not to trade with cash.

Invisible words.

There are two characters in the middle of the pattern on the yuan, one is "People's Bank of China" and the other is the abbreviation of "People's Bank of China", but people cannot see it with the naked eye, but there is a special way to see it.

That is to use fluorescent lights, of course, in addition to the special illumination method of fluorescent lights, you can also use the human eye to observe, but you must see it in a specific situation.

The yuan is not made of paper? How many do you know about the secrets hidden in the yuan?

Sometimes the pattern on the RMB is this end, sometimes it is the other end, and different words on the RMB are viewed from different angles, as if there is some password on the coin.

Of course, in addition to these two characters, there are many patterns with similar special phenomena, but most of them are words, such as the name of the RMB is written in the vertical stripe in the middle of the pattern, and the face value of the RMB is written in the horizontal stripe.

The yuan is not made of paper? How many do you know about the secrets hidden in the yuan?

This is equivalent to the password on the renminbi, and people can distinguish the authenticity of counterfeit banknotes in this way whenever they encounter counterfeit banknotes.

So how do these Chinese characters become invisible?

When making counterfeit banknotes, the material of the counterfeit banknotes is usually the same, and the ink used in the banknote maker is the same as the ink used in ordinary printing houses.

The yuan is not made of paper? How many do you know about the secrets hidden in the yuan?

When people use fluorescent lamps, through the irradiation of fluorescent lamps, coupled with the characteristics of the material and ink on the anti-counterfeiting line, the shadow of the text can be displayed on the banknote, so that people can see, which is also the reason why this kind of text can be "invisible".

Marker lines.

In order to deal with the technology of counterfeit banknotes, the banknote makers have applied an anti-counterfeiting technology of bank cards to the RMB.

That is the marking line, I believe you know, in today's bank cards, people apply a kind of paint called metal magnetic oil to the inside of the card, through this magnetic material, you can draw a conclusion.

The yuan is not made of paper? How many do you know about the secrets hidden in the yuan?

Only real denomination bank cards will cause changes in the magnetic field, and counterfeit banknotes are not magnetic, so when swiping the card, use the magnetic field meter to inspect the banknotes, you can easily distinguish the real from the fake.

The purpose of this is mainly to allow the common people to better distinguish the authenticity of coins, but the counterfeit banknotes in this way are actually very simple.

Avatar on the banknote.

People must be curious as to why the avatar on the banknote is facing you no matter how you turn it, and there must be a lot of secrets in it.

First of all, it is quite troublesome for the state to carve a person's avatar for everyone's avatar, so it's not impossible, it doesn't need to be done, so how do the avatars of these characters be printed?

The yuan is not made of paper? How many do you know about the secrets hidden in the yuan?

The answer is also quite simple, it is to spend money to buy it.

Some avatars are carved, some are made, some are photos of QR codes, and some are taken with cameras, all for the same purpose.

Printing time.

I don't know if you have noticed, in addition to the surface on the RMB, there is also a very important thing in addition to the layout and code, that is, the printing time.

The yuan is not made of paper? How many do you know about the secrets hidden in the yuan?

Many people think that this time was printed when coins of this denomination were made, but this is not the case.

This time refers to the year in which the banknote was printed, usually in December of the year when the next year's banknote is printed, and then stored for one year before it can be circulated.

When people check the authenticity of banknotes, they can check the authenticity of banknotes according to time.


From this article, we can see that there are many hidden secrets on banknotes, and although some of these secrets are to protect the authenticity of the banknotes, some are hidden because people do not know how the banknotes are printed.

The yuan is not made of paper? How many do you know about the secrets hidden in the yuan?

In any case, people should be vigilant as long as there is insecurity in their lives, and not everything can be ignored.

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