
Dong Mingzhu, who has an annual salary of more than 10 million, angrily reprimanded employees with a monthly salary of 3,000: Is there only money in his eyes?

author:Little Red Orange 1218 review

Under the old locust tree in the urban village, the two uncles sat on the old stone bench, holding a hot bowl of tea in their hands, and their faces were hung with wrinkles carved by the years, chatting energetically. One uncle shook a fan, while the other squinted his eyes, listening to the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, occasionally interjecting a few sentences. This scene, like a painting of old Beijing, is full of the flavor of life.

Dong Mingzhu, who has an annual salary of more than 10 million, angrily reprimanded employees with a monthly salary of 3,000: Is there only money in his eyes?

Uncle Li: "Alas, have you heard? The incident uploaded on the Internet said that Dong Mingzhu scolded those young people with a monthly salary of only 3,000 at the induction ceremony of Gree's new employees, saying that they only had money in their eyes. Is this true or false? ”

Uncle Wang: "Hey, these days, whatever has been spread on the Internet, it is not called news if you don't add oil and vinegar." Dong Mingzhu is a big entrepreneur in China, with an annual salary of 10 million, which is earned by ability, not falling from the sky. She led Gree Electric, which turned a small factory into the boss of the home appliance industry. ”

Dong Mingzhu, who has an annual salary of more than 10 million, angrily reprimanded employees with a monthly salary of 3,000: Is there only money in his eyes?

Uncle Li: "That being said, you also have to be considerate of these young people." With a monthly salary of 3,000, this is a tight day in Beijing. Rent, food, transportation, what should not be costed? It would be great if Dong Mingzhu could understand their difficulties. ”

Uncle Wang: "Well, what you said makes sense. Dong Mingzhu proposed to 'increase the individual income tax threshold' at the two sessions, which shows that she still thinks about ordinary people in her heart. If she can implement this idea to the employees of her company, then it is the real 'Iron Lady' style! ”

Uncle Li: "Yes, the success of an enterprise is behind the sweat and hard work of employees. If Dong Mingzhu can invest more of her money in social welfare and help those in need, then her position in the hearts of the Chinese will be more stable. After all, no matter how much money you have, it can't compare to the warmth of people's hearts. ”

Dong Mingzhu, who has an annual salary of more than 10 million, angrily reprimanded employees with a monthly salary of 3,000: Is there only money in his eyes?

Uncle Wang: "That's right, money is a good thing, but people's hearts are the most precious." We old bones, after seeing a lot of changes in the world, know that what people can remember is not how much money you have, but how many good things you have done. ”

The dialogue between the two masters is like a collision of folk wisdom, full of understanding of life and expectations for the future. In this era of rapid change, their words remind us that no matter where we go, we must not forget our original intentions and ignore the voices and needs of every ordinary person. Dong Mingzhu, the "Iron Lady", her brilliance in business should also become the driving force for her to pay attention to the society and give back to the society, so that her name not only represents success, but also represents a responsibility and love for the society.

Dong Mingzhu, who has an annual salary of more than 10 million, angrily reprimanded employees with a monthly salary of 3,000: Is there only money in his eyes?

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