
After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?



As a pioneer born in the war-torn era, Guo Xunqi experienced turbulent times in his early years, and gradually awakened and showed a deep concern for the country and the nation. His early contacts with the Communist Party and his decision-making in the Kuomintang-Communist civil war demonstrated his wisdom and firm conviction. In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Guo Xunqi formed an indissoluble bond with the New Fourth Army and made important contributions to the cause of the War of Resistance Against Japan. Want to know more about Guo Xunqi's story on the stage of history? Let's learn more!

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?

Guo Xunqi's early life and awakening

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?

Guo Xunqi was born in 1895, at that time, his birthplace in Mianyang, Sichuan, was not called Mianyang, but a small city called "Scattered Flowers". The year Guo Xunqi was born, it was only four years after Kang Youwei's rebellious Western army conquered Chengdu. In Guo Xunqi's childhood, the invasion of foreign powers made the southeast of the eastern country a smoke, while the domestic war was continuous, various warlords were fighting, and the people were miserable.

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?

It was in such an environment that Guo Xunqi spent his teenage years. After the victory of the Xinhai Revolution in 1912, Guo Xunqi joined the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the 13th Town of the Army. This time, he and this army did not surrender as before, but rushed to the Fuchuan military authorities in northeastern Sichuan. This move seems to have buried Guo Xunqi's deep awareness of the country and the nation in the future.

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?
After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?

Guo Xunqi's early contacts with the Communist Party

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?

One night in the spring of 1926, Chen Yi and Guo Xunqi met while drinking coffee in a small café in Chongqing until it was almost close. From the first conversation, Guo Xunqi became extremely interested in this Red Army general. Soon, by chance, Guo Xunqi came into contact with the Communist Party.

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?

When the "March 31" tragedy was about to occur, Guo Xunqi secretly found Xu Junshi, Zhang Weizhen and several other communists to discuss countermeasures, and quietly took Chen Yi from a house in the Chongqing concession to his home to avoid being pursued by the Kuomintang.

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?

Guo Xunqi's decision-making and fate during the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?

In the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Guo Xunqi went through ups and downs and finally stood on the side of the Kuomintang. On April 23, 1949, Guo Xunqi was ordered to replace Xie Zhi, who had just died, as the director of the Sichuan Pacification Office. However, due to the division of the Sichuan warlords, the chaos of the warlord forces, and the chaos of the army at that time, Guo Xunqi did not hold any real power.

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?

Guo Xunqi's contribution and subsequent influence in the War of Resistance Against Japan

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Guo Xunqi and the New Fourth Army formed an indissoluble bond. From June to August 1939 in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, when the 13th Brigade of the 11th Division of the New Fourth Army was transferred from Baokang, Hubei to the Tongjiang and Kaijiang areas of Sichuan, Guo Xunqi gave great help to the New Fourth Army. He not only personally went to meet with the main cadres of the 11th Division, the wounded, sick and their families on the way to the transfer, but also gave the 13th Brigade of the 11th Division a secret defense area for rest and recuperation and material supplies.

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?

In addition, Guo Xunqi also provided a large amount of grain, straw sandals, straw cloth, and other materials to the New Fourth Army. In the seven years before 1945, except for the material break during the "Tong (Jiang) Sichuan (North) Meeting (War)" in 1941, Guo Xunqi has been giving material support to the New Fourth Army.

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?
After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?


After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?

As a historical figure, Guo Xunqi's firm stance and efforts for the country and nation in turbulent times are awe-inspiring. His contribution during the Anti-Japanese War showed his mind and responsibility. Let us remember history, cherish the memory of the martyrs, and work together to contribute to the prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

After the national army was captured, he asked Chen Yi angrily: I was going to revolt 9 years ago, why didn't you accept it?