
From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

author:Cereal bars talk about the past and the present
From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced
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From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

In 2007, on the stage of "Avenue of Stars", a 28-year-old blind singer Yang Guang made a stunning appearance. He conquered the judges and the audience with his natural sound, and won the championship in one fell swoop.

This young man from Harbin, Heilongjiang, with his love for music and tenacious spirit, seems to be about to embark on a glorious musical journey.

However, fate is always elusive. In just a few years, Yang Guang's life has experienced a dramatic turn. The once high-profile new star has become the target of public criticism.

What has this talented musician experienced? What is the reason for such a huge gap? Let's walk into Yang Guang's life together and unveil the mystery of his ups and downs.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

Yang Guang's life has been full of challenges from the beginning. At just 8 months old, he was diagnosed with a rare form of retinoblastic carcinoma. In order to save their young son's life, Yang Guang's parents threw everything they had and ran around looking for medical advice.

Although his life was ultimately saved, Yang Guang lost his sight forever and fell into eternal darkness.

However, this boy from Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, was not struck down by fate. In the school for the blind, Yang Guang showed extraordinary leadership skills and perseverance.

He is not only the leader of his class, but also a role model and backbone for his classmates. Even in the face of Li Guangzhou, the famous mischievous mischievolar in the school, Yang Guang won the respect of the other party with his aura and courage, so that this "prick" willingly called him "big brother".

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

The hardships of life don't stop there. When Yang Guang was 19 years old, he was deeply attracted by the charm of music. Like a ray of light in the darkness, music opened a new window for him to see a different world.

With a love for music, Yang Guang made a bold decision: against his family's wishes, he went to the Beijing Disabled People's Art Troupe to pursue his musical dreams.

The cost of this decision is enormous. Yang Guang and his grandmother could only live in a simple basement, enduring the damp and cold environment. Looking at his grandmother's increasingly haggard figure, Yang Guang's heart was like a knife, and he secretly decided to make a difference in his music career.

However, fate dealt him a heavy blow again. Grandpa and grandmother passed away one after another, and then my father was tragically killed in a car accident.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

In the face of successive blows, Yang Guang did not give up. He chose to use singing to soothe his mother's pain and use music to heal his soul. He sometimes imitates Liu Huan, sometimes learns from Han Lei, and awakens the hope in his mother's heart with sincere singing.

It is this dedication to music and deep attachment to his relatives that has become the driving force for Yang Guang to keep moving forward.

Seeing her son's love and talent for music, the mother encouraged him to participate in a singing competition. Although Yang Guang had low self-esteem due to blindness, his mother's support gave him courage.

She brought Yang Guang to Beijing, and the mother and son began to look for opportunities to show their talents in major performance venues. These difficult but hopeful years laid a solid foundation for Yang Guang's future musical career.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

2007 was a turning point in his life for 28-year-old Yang Guang. With his mother's encouragement, he mustered up the courage to sign up for the "Walk of Fame" draft.

The moment Yang Guang stood on the stage, no one could have imagined that this seemingly ordinary blind youth would have such an amazing talent.

Yang Guang's singing, like his name, is full of strength and hope. As soon as his voice opened, it shocked everyone present. From the weekly champion to the monthly champion, and then to the final annual championship, Yang Guang proved his worth with his strength.

His singing of "You Are My Eyes" became a hit hit, which moved countless audiences and made people understand the bumpy but strong story behind the blind singer.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

Once the road to success opens, opportunities follow. Yang Guang not only appeared on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala on his 29th birthday, but also became the torchbearer of the Paralympics and the guest singer at the opening ceremony.

He performed "Gathering in Beijing" with a moving singing voice, which became the focus of global attention.

By chance, Yang Guang met the famous singer Dai Yuqiang. In the face of this highly respected senior, Yang Guang showed a rare humility and curiosity.

He earnestly begged Dai Yu to take him as an apprentice, hoping to further improve his musical attainments. Dai Yuqiang was impressed by Yang Guang's sincerity and agreed to guide him as a friend.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

Under Dai Yuqiang's careful teaching, Yang Guang's musical talent has been further improved. He created popular masterpieces such as "Looking Back", which once again attracted national attention.

Yang Guang's career seems to have reached its peak, and various honors and opportunities are pouring in.

However, just when Yang Guang's career was in full swing, someone kindly reminded him: "It is not easy to be red, but not forgetting the original intention is the long-term way." This sentence is like a seed, buried in Yang Guang's heart.

After becoming famous, Yang Guang's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. Various programs vied with each other to invite him to be a guest judge or art director, and people began to call him "Teacher Yang".

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

Whenever he appeared on the recording site, the people around him would enthusiastically serve him tea and throat water. This kind of VIP-level treatment made Yang Guang feel both novel and a little uncomfortable.

At first, Yang Guang was able to keep a low profile, often signaling that the people around him did not need to be too restrained. However, in the midst of a feast of fame and fortune, how can you be exempt from the flattery of others? In the days surrounded by countless praises, Yang Guang gradually indulged in it and could not extricate himself.

His style began to change quietly, and his former humility and low-key attitude gradually replaced by arrogance and criticality.

Where will this change in personality take Yang Guang? Will he be able to keep his original intention in the whirlpool of fame and fortune and continue his musical dreams? The gears of fate began to turn again, and Yang Guang's life was about to usher in a new challenge.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

Over time, Yang Guang's personality quietly changed. The once humble and hard-working youth was gradually carried away by success and praise. He began to be dissatisfied with everything around him and became intolerant of small mistakes by the staff.

This shift not only affected his relationships, but also laid a hidden danger for his career.

A program recording in 2014 became a turning point in Yang Guang's career. On the same day, Yang Guang thought that the microphone arranged for him by the staff was not in the right position, and he was immediately furious.

He commanded the field staff on the spot, reprimanded him harshly, and did not care about the feelings of others. Despite the kind reminders, he was stubborn and failed to realize his mistake.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

This move not only almost caused the recording of the program to be delayed, but also made the atmosphere extremely embarrassing.

This is just a microcosm of Yang Guang's many gaffes. In the follow-up show, he repeatedly spoke wildly and blamed others. He doesn't like everything and shows a lot of dissatisfaction.

This behavior quickly aroused the disgust of people in the industry, CCTV no longer threw an olive branch to him, and other program groups began to stay away.

Public opinion began to accuse Yang Guang of "playing a big name", but he did not seem to realize the predicament he was in. He is still immersed in his own world and thinks he is qualified to be picky about everything.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

It wasn't until an in-depth talk show was recorded that things took a turn for the worse.

The director of "Avenue of Stars" was invited to participate in the show with Yang Guang. At first, the conversation between the two was quite peaceful, but then Yang Guang suddenly lost his temper and made unreasonable accusations against the director.

This rude behavior finally touched the director's bottom line.

These words were like a slap in the face, which made Yang Guang sober up in an instant. He suddenly realized how inappropriate his actions were, but it was too late. After the show was broadcast, Yang Guang's reputation fell to the freezing point, and all kinds of resources receded like a tide.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

He used to be glamorous, but now he can only turn to small commercial performances, although his income is still stable, but it is not the same as the glory of the past.

All these changes stem from the change in Yang Guang's personality. He forgot his original intention and what got him to where he is today. The image of the once strong, humble blind singer has been replaced by arrogance and arrogance.

This lesson made Yang Guang pay a heavy price.

Losing the spotlight, Yang Guang finally had a chance to calm down and reflect. He begins to examine what he has done in the past and realizes that it was his arrogance and arrogance that led to the decline of his career.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

This realization made him feel deep remorse and self-remorse.

During this low period, Yang Guang began to re-examine his life. He remembered himself who had gone against his family's wishes for his music dreams, and he remembered his helpful self in the school for the blind.

These memories made him realize that he had been lost for too long.

Yang Guang is determined to start anew. He began to keep a low profile and no longer dictate to others. In his work, he rediscovered his love for music and felt every note with his heart.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

At the same time, he also began to pay attention to public welfare, hoping to use his influence to make some contributions to the society.

In terms of personal life, Yang Guang also ushered in a new turnaround. He met a gentle and elegant girl, and the two quickly fell in love, entered the palace of marriage, and were happy with a noble son.

In the face of his own children, Yang Guang often taught: "People should not be greedy, they need to take long-term benefits into account, and do good deeds and virtues first." These words are not only expectations for children, but also a reminder to themselves.

Through continuous introspection and hard work, Yang Guang slowly reshaped his image. He re-examines his relationship with music and strives to create more high-quality works.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

His sincerity and change have also slowly been recognized by industry insiders and fans.

This experience made Yang Guang deeply realize that success is not achieved overnight, and maintaining the original intention and humble attitude is the long-term way. He began to cherish every opportunity to perform and treat every staff member with care.

Yang Guang's change not only allowed him to regain some job opportunities, but more importantly, he found his original self who loved music and chased his dreams.

August 2022 was a significant moment for Yang Guang. After a long period of introspection and hard work, he once again stood on the stage of "Avenue of Stars".

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

This time, Yang Guang's performance is similar to the past. He behaved with extreme humility, as if he had returned to the young man with dreams many years ago. Yang Guang on the stage, his eyes flashed with love for music and gratitude for life.

After returning to the stage, Yang Guang opened a personal social account and shared his singing works every day. He proved that he still loves music and is still capable of creating beautiful melodies.

This persistent attitude has won the support and love of many fans.

Today's Yang Guang, although he is no longer the dazzling champion of the Avenue of Stars, has found his original self - the Yang Guang who is full of love for music and hope for life.

From the champion of the Avenue of Stars to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has the blind singer Yang Guang experienced

His story has also become a wake-up call and inspiration for many people.

On the stage of life, each of us is constantly interpreting our own story. Yang Guang's experience tells us that no matter in good times or bad, maintaining humility and original intention is always the only way to success.

Yang Guang's rebirth is not only a personal victory for him, but also a source of hope for all those who are struggling in the face of adversity.

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