
Lei Jun's "ambition"

author:Meng Yonghui
Lei Jun's "ambition"

Lei Jun once used the phrase "gambling on all his reputation" to describe his feelings about devoting himself to the car-building track, and he said so and did the same.

Looking at Lei Jun's remarks and his behavior, it is not difficult to see that the current Lei Jun must say that he will build a car, and he will do a car.

In short, car building has been deeply rooted in Lei Jun's blood.

It is precisely because Lei Jun is so determined and persistent in building cars that the launch of Xiaomi Su7 can be said to be very successful.

Whether it is from the empty alleys at the launch conference of Xiaomi Su7, or from the sales performance of Xiaomi Su7, this can be seen almost everywhere.

It is almost certain that in the future, Lei Jun will also bring us new surprises on the car-making track, and at this point, Lei Jun will become the "star" on the car-making track.

For Lei Jun to devote himself so firmly and persistently to the ranks of car manufacturing, many people will simply think that Lei Jun has seen the capital dividend on the car-making track, and some people even think that the reason why Lei Jun will devote himself to the ranks of car manufacturing is to raise Xiaomi's stock price.

Although there is some reasonableness in these speculations, it would be too simplistic and arbitrary to just regard these elements as the whole of Lei Jun's car making.

In fact, in addition to the fact that Lei Jun's car building is related to Xiaomi's stock price, there are other factors, which are the fundamental reasons why he is so determined and determined to devote himself to car building.


When the trend of car building began to rise, all kinds of players began to jump into it.

Whether it is an Internet player, a real estate player, or even a traditional car manufacturer, this is the case.

In-depth analysis of the reasons why so many players have devoted themselves to the ranks of car building, it is not difficult to see that they have taken a fancy to the capital dividend on the car building track, which is undoubtedly an important aspect.

Indeed, for the early car-making track, the dividends of capital are indeed abundant.

For many car-making players, they don't need to really build a car, but as long as they hold the PPT of the car, they can get the attention and favor of capital.

It can be seen that the car-making track in this period is indeed driven by capital, and it is indeed full of many capital dividends.

However, the addition of capital has boosted the boom in car manufacturing, but it has also exacerbated the bubble on this track.

What we see is that all kinds of car manufacturers are starting to join in, and what we are seeing is that all kinds of new energy vehicles are starting to appear on the streets.

This scene is familiar, and we have seen similar scenes in the past mobile Internet era.

In the same way, what we need to understand is that capital brings only a short-term prosperity, and capital brings only a bubble that is fast and fast.

When the boom of capital is gone, everything will eventually return to flat.

The car-building track has also gone through such a process.

When the attention of capital to the car-making track began to decline, what we saw was that a group of car-making players began to withdraw from the stage of history.

Whether it is Evergrande Automobile or Gaohe Automobile, all of them are the direct embodiment of this phenomenon.

However, it was at such a moment that Lei Jun joined in. Although after the release of Xiaomi Su7, Xiaomi's stock price has increased to a certain extent, but if it is just because of this, we conclude that Lei Jun is committed to building cars in order to raise Xiaomi's stock price, it is inevitably a little too simple and arbitrary.

In fact, in addition to the elements of capital, the reason why Lei Jun will devote himself to the ranks of car manufacturing is to hide his greater ambitions.

This is the fundamental reason why Lei Jun will devote himself to the car-making track without hesitation.


If you want to find Lei Jun's ambitions, the reason why Lei Jun will devote himself to the ranks of car manufacturing is actually to find a new carrier for the Xiaomi ecosystem.

Through Xiaomi's car manufacturing, Lei Jun can not only connect Xiaomi's ecology in the Internet era, but also further extend the boundaries of Xiaomi's ecology.

Many people only look at car building from the perspective of energy power, so in many cases, the so-called car building is actually a new energy vehicle.

In fact, just limiting car manufacturing to the category of new energy is actually a great underestimation of the intrinsic value and significance of car manufacturing.

The reason why car manufacturing has received so much attention is not only its innovation in energy, but also its expansion of new carriers of the Internet.

More precisely, the next generation of new cars will replace mobile phones and become new carriers.

For every player who wants to make a difference in the post-Internet era, using car manufacturing as a carrier to open a new door to development may be the key to ensuring that they can make a difference in the Internet of Things era that has arrived.

For Lei Jun, the same is true.

One of the important reasons why he is so resolutely committed to the track of car manufacturing is that he is looking for a new carrier for Xiaomi in addition to mobile phones, so as to open up the imagination of the outside world for Xiaomi, so as to truly bring Xiaomi into a larger ecosystem.

At this point, we can see a hint from the concept of "people, cars and home ecology" launched by Xiaomi.

With such a whole ecology, Xiaomi can truly bid farewell to the disadvantages of just using mobile phones as the main carrier, and can truly jump out of the development dilemma of Internet dividends and truly enter a new ecological development stage.

For Lei Jun, who has always regarded ecology as the core of Xiaomi's development, he will naturally not miss such an excellent opportunity to build Xiaomi's entire ecology.

Therefore, if we want to find Lei Jun's ambition outside the capital of the car-making track, inject new connotations into the Xiaomi ecology, and constantly build the whole ecology of Xiaomi, so that Xiaomi can realize more new imaginations, which may be his real ambition.

Recognizing this, we can truly understand why Lei Jun said "gambling on all his reputation" to devote himself to the track;

Recognizing this, we can truly understand the important functions and significance of car manufacturing under Xiaomi's overall grand strategy.


For Xiaomi, one of the important reasons for its success is that it has found the core of "mobile phone" and launched a series of products and services around "mobile phone".

It can be said that mobile phones are the "core" of Xiaomi in the mobile Internet era.

One of the important reasons why Xiaomi has become Xiaomi is that it has established a complete set of products and services around the core of "mobile phones".

When the mobile phone market begins to be saturated, especially when the ceiling of mobile phone shipments is getting lower and lower, just with "mobile phones" as the core, it begins to face more and more dilemmas and problems.

The dilemma encountered by mobile phone manufacturers is not only reflected in Xiaomi, even the head player Apple, is also facing such a dilemma.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that Apple has been secretly trying to build a car for a long time.

It wasn't until the advent of Apple's Vision Pro that it let go of its obsession with building cars and devoted itself to such a new track.

As a result, Apple began to abandon the car-building project and diverted the relevant personnel to the AI department.

For Xiaomi, in fact, it is also facing a similar development dilemma as Apple.

For Xiaomi, it also needs to find a "core" of products and services in the post-Internet era, but in the end, Xiaomi transferred such a "core" to car manufacturing, rather than a new device similar to Apple's vision Pro.

From such a point of view, if we look for the reason why Lei Jun is so resolutely committed to the ambition of the car-making track, to find a new "core" for Xiaomi in the post-Internet era, and to reconstruct a series of products and services with such a core, and to continue to make Xiaomi's plate bigger, may be the most worthy of our attention.

Unlike mobile phones, the products and services carried by cars are more abundant and diverse.

This is true both in hardware and software.

It can be said that a car carries many more products and services than a mobile phone.

It is precisely because of this that car-making players represented by Weilai and Geely have also begun to devote themselves to the track of making mobile phones.

It can be said that only by breaking down the barriers between mobile phones and cars, and truly realizing the collaboration between the two, can we release greater imagination.

For Xiaomi, it has been very mature in the issue of making mobile phones, and if it can make up for the shortcomings of the car by making cars, it can undoubtedly get new opportunities to compete with other new forces in car manufacturing.

From such a point of view, the reason why Lei Jun will join the ranks of car manufacturing without hesitation is to regard car manufacturing as a carrier for expanding new products and services, and to use car manufacturing to break down the barriers between it and mobile phones, so as to achieve a new ecology of the whole link.


We can't fully understand the real purpose of Lei Jun's dedication to the car-making track by blindly seeing Lei Jun's car building as capital, and just blindly linking Lei Jun's car manufacturing with capital, without paying attention to Lei Jun's greater ambitions.

For Lei Jun, the reason why he can build a car is not for money, and we can see a hint of this from his own pocket to build a car.

In a sense,

The reason why Lei Jun can build a car is actually to find a larger ecological base for the development of Xiaomi;

The reason why Lei Jun can build a car is actually to find a bridge and link for Xiaomi to connect the Internet era and the Internet of Things era.

When we recognize such a purpose and reason, we may be able to truly find the deeper internal reasons for Xiaomi's car making, and we may be able to truly understand Lei Jun's true ambition to build a car.


Author: Meng Yonghui, senior writer, columnist, industry observer, well-known KOL, digital economist.