
Jay Chou's song starts from before 1671.

author:Jay Copywriter
Jay Chou's song starts from before 1671.

The Big World Behind "Orchid Pavilion Preface" (Part I)

Flick the fingers of the years, the city was annihilated in an instant, and the bluestone street looked back and smiled, you hated it gently, you shook your head and sighed lightly, who made you frown and deep boudoir Leaving a taste of rouge

The face is fleeting, and the bluestone street looks back and smiles gracefully, as if it was just yesterday.

The sentence "Hate it" points out the dissatisfaction of the male protagonist with the female protagonist's feelings.

The heroine shook her head, was it her generosity or helplessness? Tightly knit brows, but can't deceive people.

You have applied rouge, and you should have been pleasing to yourself. But this look makes everything meaningless.

The words "in vain" are all lonely. is reminiscent of the sentence in "Chrysanthemum Terrace", "Leave me alone on the lake in pairs".

Jay Chou's song starts from before 1671.

The wild goose flew south, turned around and glanced at you, tears and a handful of moons, holding memories in your hand, how to sleep, and how could you be concerned, sewing embroidered shoe needles, needles, resentment, resentment, like flowers, resentment, who will you complain about

The flying south of the human goose heralds the end of separation, and inadvertently glimpses your tears.

Holding the silver glow of the moonlight in his hand, his heart was full of his memories, how to sleep peacefully in the long night.

Will a woman who locks herself up in a boudoir all day complain about all this?

"Blue and White Porcelain" has "three troubles", "Fireworks are Easy to Cold" has "three grades", and "Orchid Pavilion Preface" has "three grievances". It is all about the scenery to the people, to express the progression of emotions.

"The plantain outside the curtain provokes a shower, the door knocker provokes patina, and I pass by the Jiangnan town and provoke you" "Let me wait for history to turn around, wait for the wine to be mellow, and wait for you to play a guzheng"

Jay Chou's song starts from before 1671.

It has nothing to do with Fengyue, I will wait for you to reply

The handwriting is worthy and not afraid of right and wrong in the world

The rain hit the banana leaves and it was a few more nights

I'm waiting for the spring thunder to remind you who you love

At this point, we understand that this song was originally written about a love triangle. The sentence "not afraid of right and wrong in the world" and the sentence "to remind you who you love" makes the inexplicable emotional changes of the previous male protagonist reasonable.

The person who bears you how to match your goodness. And my love, with a clear conscience. I'm not afraid of what others say, because love is not sinful.

Time will tell, and I know you'll come back, and I'll know who your heart should be for.

1671 has passed, and in the 324 words of the "Orchid Pavilion Collection Preface", you can still smell the strong mellow fragrance wafting from that distant era. 1671 has passed, and Wang Xizhi's regret for the impermanence of life is still floating in this chapter of joy and sorrow.

Jay Chou's song starts from before 1671.

"1998-2024 Jay Chou Song Interpretation of the Most Dick"

Taobao platform The purchase link is as follows (copy to Taobao): HU9196 「Jay文案1998-2024:周杰伦歌曲解读」

Jay Chou's song starts from before 1671.

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