
Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

author:Zeng Xiaojie

There is Internet celebrity Guo Youcai in the past, and there is Internet celebrity "Hei Lun" in the back, one became popular by covering classic songs, and the other became popular by imitating Jay Chou, and the common point is that they both made a lot of money. Although the strength is online and some fans pay for it, the infringement involved is destined to not go far.

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

Guo Youcai, an Internet celebrity who became popular in May, has gained more than 10 million fans in just a few days, and his income has soared from a few hundred yuan a day to a daily income of one million, and it has also set a city on fire for a while.

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

But then Guo Youcai was attacked because of copyright issues, and after the resumption of the broadcast, he also turned off the live broadcast for a while, and later started the live broadcast after coordination, and at the same time, his team also created a few songs and started a national tour.

Until now, Guo Youcai's live broadcast room is still full of gifts, and when he went to tour the ancient city of Phoenix in Hunan, the scenic spot once caused traffic congestion.

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

A few days ago, the Internet celebrity "Hei Lun", who became popular by imitating Jay Chou, has more than one million fans by singing Jay Chou's songs, imitating Jay Chou's words, and actions.

Recently, Helen has become a guest of honor in a high-end bar, and launched a national tour in early June, almost all of which were full, and the admission fee was even as high as 6,000 yuan, which was almost three times that of Jay Chou's concert infield ticket of 2,000 yuan.

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

However, a few days ago, Helen suddenly announced the suspension of the tour in July, because too many Jay Chou fans were dissatisfied, which put him under a lot of pressure, and he was not authorized by the songwriter, and the bar that invited him may also be jointly and severally liable for infringement.

Since last month, Helen has flown to many cities in China to hold "concerts", and as of the 27th, Helen has performed 5 times in Foshan, Suzhou, Hangzhou and other cities, and the performance songs "All the Way to the North", "Stranded" and "Zhou Daxia" are all Jay Chou's works.

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

You can also see many videos of Heilun singing with the audience on Heilun's social account, and it can be seen that the atmosphere is very high, and a sentence circulating on the Internet, "It's not that Jay Chou looks down on him, but Heilun is more cost-effective!" The bar owner also said that he really didn't feel how popular Helen was before, but after he actually invited Helen to perform, the consumer price of the entire bar was driven and increased several times.

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

But I have to say that among the Internet celebrities who imitate Jay Chou, there is no doubt that Hei Lun is the most similar imitation, especially his inverted voice was commented by netizens, and even a wind of imitating Hei Lun was blown on the Internet.

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

However, the popular Hei Lun pressed the "pause button" on the tour in Hangzhou on July 4 and Wuhan on July 7. Including Xiamen, Hangzhou, and Wuhan, refunds have been launched. The bar operator revealed that Helen's performance is not actually selling tickets, but the minimum cost of the hotel, and there are different prices according to different seats.

It is reported that many viewers watched one of the performances because of the mentality of "missed Jay Chou's peak, can't miss Helen's peak again", and Helen sang 5 Jay Chou songs that day, the time was about half an hour, the atmosphere was very good, Helen was an interesting person.

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

Heilun performed in Suzhou on June 7, the front row of the performance site was 588 yuan, and the last row of the performance area was sold for nearly 4,000 yuan. Taking Jay Chou's recent concert in Fuzhou as an example, the most expensive ticket is only 2,000 yuan.

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

The reason why Helen's performance position is more expensive the further back he is is because the performance he sees in the back row is more like the real Jay Chou.

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

As Hei Lun's fame grew, the price of the performance also rose, so much so that netizens complained that "the tickets bought for hundreds or thousands of yuan were dumbfounded the moment people came out".

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

Some netizens said, "Hei Lun Pi Lun, who started by rubbing Jay Chou's fame, has now become a sharp blade to slander Jay Chou and his family, and Bi Lun even found Kunling imitators to attract attention."

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

"Jay Chou also said that Duo Yuan Lun is working hard to live, but he didn't expect to get a bottom line in exchange for eyeballs." Jay Chou fans bluntly said "blatant infringement" and "Jay Chou can sue him".

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

Hei Lun originally planned to 28th and 29th in Xiamen Wenzao and Mingfa two stores of the performance temporarily announced the cancellation, many places clerks explained differently, some people said "the reason for the itinerary conflict", and some stores said, "Taiyuan is too hot, so now it can't be performed in other places."

Although Helen's offline touring has been stopped, his online performances have not been affected in the slightest. From the evening of June 28th to the early morning of the 29th, Hei Lun's live broadcast room was still on the air normally, and during Hei Lun's singing, fans continued to reward and generously gave thousands of yuan in gifts.

As for Helen imitating Jay Chou in the performance and singing the songs written by Jay Chou, is there any doubt about illegal infringement? The lawyer said: "Paid performances should be commercial performances, and Helen's performance of these (Jay) songs is first suspected of infringing on the rights of songwriters."

Internet celebrity Heilun tour suspended! The ticket is 6,000 yuan more expensive than Jay Chou, fans: sue him for infringement

At the same time, bars that invite Helen to tour should check whether they have obtained legal authorization in advance, and if they do not do so, they may also be liable for aiding and assisting in infringement or joint infringement. ”

All in all, Helen has achieved great success in the short term by imitating Jay Chou's way, but how to find a balance between legal compliance and public recognition will be an important issue that he needs to seriously think about and solve in his future development, and perhaps he can find the answer from Internet celebrity Guo Youcai.

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