
Tian Liang took his children to visit Cambridge, and the height of the sister and brother immediately surpassed that of their father

author:Sohu Entertainment
Tian Liang took his children to visit Cambridge, and the height of the sister and brother immediately surpassed that of their father

Sohu Entertainment News On June 30, some netizens met Tian Liang in Cambridge, England, with his daughter Tian Yucheng and son Xiao Liangzai to visit and play, and the three of them were wearing sunglasses and dressed casually and comfortably.

Tian Liang took his children to visit Cambridge, and the height of the sister and brother immediately surpassed that of their father

The 13-year-old Xiao Liangzai's height has soared, he is already as tall as his father, and he looks like a handsome young man, and the 16-year-old "Sendie" sister has become a slim little beauty, and her height is about the same height as her brother's father.

Tian Liang took his children to visit Cambridge, and the height of the sister and brother immediately surpassed that of their father

Tian Liang was met by chance in England.

Tian Liang took his children to visit Cambridge, and the height of the sister and brother immediately surpassed that of their father

13-year-old Xiao Liangzai dined at the restaurant.

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