
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

author:Nanjing's Charming Campus

Campus in June

It is filled with the enthusiasm of youth and the joy of harvest

High school entrance examination in June

Let go of the ideals and hopes of students

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Wonderful sneak peek


In order to leave more good memories for the third-year graduates, on June 28, Nanjing No. 1 Middle School Mingfa Binjiang Branch held the 2024 junior high school graduation ceremony in the lecture hall. School leaders, all teachers and students of the third grade gathered here to celebrate this warm moment.

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Return to the scene


The program performance "Musical Instrument Youth" opened energetically

Ignite the lively atmosphere of the scene

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

The majestic national anthem sounded

All the staff stood in solemnity

National Anthem

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Principal's speech

Earnestly entrusted

Zhang Xuan, secretary of the party branch and principal of the school, delivered a speech, she hoped that the students would keep in mind the school motto of "looking up to great love and seeking truth", practice the four connotations of "health, friendliness, elegance and responsibility", believe in their own ability, with courage and wisdom, forge ahead, constantly surpass, and create their own wonderful.

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

A student of Mingfa Middle School

President Zhang's earnest teachings will be remembered

Shine in the days ahead

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

The commendation decision is read out


On the road of three years of searching

A number of outstanding representatives at the municipal level have emerged

Wang Zhong, vice president of the school, read out the municipal commendation decision

and awards to the winners

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Wang Yuanyuan, the leader of the third grade group

The list of outstanding graduates was announced

Shao Jianbin, director of the Academic Affairs Office, presented awards to them

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Graduation certificate and set sail

After three years of hard work

The students finally graduated

Zhang Xuan, Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of the school

Graduation certificates were presented to the students

Graduation booklet

I wish you a bright future

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

The Alumni Alliance treasures the school flag

At the graduation ceremony

Announced the establishment of the third alumni alliance in the history of the university

We look forward to all my classmates joining us

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

A class flag full of cohesion

Witnessed the three years of Mingfa students

The class leaders handed over the class flags to the school for collection

Wang Zhong, vice principal of the school, took the stage to accept the collection

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Chapter 1

Grow and see

Looking back on three years

Thank you to the teachers for their dedication

Thank you for your companionship and support

Poetry recitation "Thanksgiving Growth, Set Sail"

Express deep love and reluctance to your alma mater

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

On the stage, the students performed wonderfully

Energetic hip-hop skewers

They interpret youth through dance

Ignite dreams with passion

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Students spoke thanksgiving to their alma mater

In their speeches, the student representatives recalled the bits and pieces of growth in Mingfa, thanked their alma mater for their training and teachers' dedication, and hoped that everyone could remember the three years in Mingfa, inspire the students to move forward bravely on the road in the future, and wish every student to make their dreams come true and have a prosperous future.

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Chapter II

Teacher's Grace and Remembrance

Everyone is in the sketch "Campus Adventure".

Look back at your own campus story

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Rap dance skewers show

Mingfa students have a lively and beautiful demeanor

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

The teachers danced wonderfully

"Full of Love"

It brought a lot of warmth and surprises to the students

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Parents speak with sincere expectations

In their speeches, the parent representatives thanked the school and teachers for their hard work, congratulated the students on their successful graduation, and believed that the students would create their own brilliance with a confident attitude and fearless courage in the future.

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Chapter III

Say goodbye, love forever

Teachers and students sang "The Day of Mingfa in a Middle School" on the same stage, the melody of the song is melodious, full of nostalgia and emotion for the past years.

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Teacher's Message

In the past three years, we have established a deep friendship between teachers and students. On the occasion of graduation, the students listened to the warm parting words of the 20 class teachers, and the words full of strength and passion washed the hearts of every student.

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

To thank the teachers for their careful cultivation

The students used a bouquet of flowers to express their sincerity and gratitude

Student representatives presented flowers to all teachers in the third grade

The scene was full of warmth

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!
Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

The beautifully crafted graduation video "Goodbye, Mingfa in One Middle School" played the end of the graduation ceremony. In the warm applause, the graduation ceremony of the 2024 junior high school of Mingfa No. 1 Middle School came to a successful conclusion.

A voice read the teacher

A voice read the classmates

Say goodbye

Cherish the fond memories of your alma mater

Looking forward to a better next meeting


A 2024 graduate of Mingfa Middle School

The future is bright and flowers all the way

Teachers and students reminisce about the colorful campus time! The graduation ceremony of this junior high school in Jiangbei New Area has temperature!

Editor: Zhu Jun

Choreographer: Ma Min

Cinematographer: Zhu Yesheng Zhao Zexu

© Nanjing's Charming Campus

The graphics and videos on this platform are all independently shot and produced by the "Charming Campus" column group. Without authorization, it shall not be reproduced, and the source must be indicated for reprinting. If other pictures and music used on the platform belong to the relevant rights holders, please contact us at any time to negotiate the authorization or deletion.

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