
Exclusive: Amy's Art District is busy filming The whole process is full of hip-hop and energy

author:Sohu Entertainment
Exclusive: Amy's Art District is busy filming The whole process is full of hip-hop and energy

Sohu Entertainment News (Flood Studio/Graphic) Recently, Amy appeared in an art park to be busy with filming work, and saw Amy holding a parasol by herself, smiling brightly, and in a pretty good mood. [Copyright Notice: This article is an exclusive manuscript of Sohu Entertainment, and unauthorized reprinting, excerpts, etc. are prohibited, otherwise legal responsibility will be pursued. 】

Exclusive: Amy's Art District is busy filming The whole process is full of hip-hop and energy

Amy wears a little khaki coat with purple stockings and a happy sunny smile on her face.

Exclusive: Amy's Art District is busy filming The whole process is full of hip-hop and energy

Amy wears bold and unique colors.

Exclusive: Amy's Art District is busy filming The whole process is full of hip-hop and energy

Despite the hot weather, Amy's heavy coat was not affected at all.

Exclusive: Amy's Art District is busy filming The whole process is full of hip-hop and energy

Amy is a gorgeous and unique flower under the sun.

Exclusive: Amy's Art District is busy filming The whole process is full of hip-hop and energy

Amy chatted with the staff giggling, without any shelf at all, and kept coquettish with the staff.

Exclusive: Amy's Art District is busy filming The whole process is full of hip-hop and energy

At the work site, Sister Zi is really positive, and she has been chatting happily with the staff about work.

Exclusive: Amy's Art District is busy filming The whole process is full of hip-hop and energy

During the filming, Amy was also full of energy throughout the whole process, and her status was very online.

Exclusive: Amy's Art District is busy filming The whole process is full of hip-hop and energy

Amy's eyes were blingbling and the sun was positive.

Exclusive: Amy's Art District is busy filming The whole process is full of hip-hop and energy

Amy is full of energy and must be a joy to work with.

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