
The Warriors gave up struggling, LaVine didn't want it, the Nuggets were hit hard, and Klay George was about to leave

author:Ah Fei said basketball

The annual NBA free agent market kicked off on time, and many big fish decided to go on the first day. Just like the Warriors wanted to extend the time of Paul's contract to regularize, they pretended to make a fuss, and quickly gave up struggling; Nuggets general manager Booth and predecessor Conner Libby are really not half a star; Two high-profile stars, the Warriors' Klay Thompson and the Clippers' Paul George, have confirmed their imminent departures, while Harden has signed a contract extension with the Clippers.

The Warriors gave up struggling, LaVine didn't want it, the Nuggets were hit hard, and Klay George was about to leave

The Golden State Warriors giving up Paul could optimize $30.8 million in salary space, so cutting CP3 is completely understandable. But the Warriors have been actively communicating before, hoping to find various trade possibilities, and they feel that it is lonely to talk about at the beginning. It is reported that the Bulls previously wanted to trade LaVine for Paul and Wiggins, but the Warriors rejected it - Lacob wanted to reduce costs and increase efficiency, not charity, and LaVine's contract was stinky and long, and he really took the Warriors management for fools...... Besides, the Warriors already have their own "Golden State LaVine" and don't need players with duplicate positions. Paul chose to join the Spurs at a price of 11 million for 1 year, partnering with Wemban, and he is expected to turn the Holy Village into another "empty city".

The Warriors gave up struggling, LaVine didn't want it, the Nuggets were hit hard, and Klay George was about to leave

The Nuggets' previous trade for Reggie was insignificant, but letting Pope go for nothing would have been another big hit. During the championship season, the Nuggets failed to keep Bruce Brown, and this time they directly let go of Pope, who signed a three-year, $66 million contract with the Magic. General Manager Booth is to blame, what are you doing every day, don't you have a little plan to prepare? He is really not a star and a half apart from his predecessor Connery, and the championship framework built by Connery is almost finished by Huo Huo, and the lineup has been doing subtraction every day, throwing all the burden to Mr. Yoo? also bullied Jokic as an honest person, and did not like to force the palace management.

The Warriors gave up struggling, LaVine didn't want it, the Nuggets were hit hard, and Klay George was about to leave

The moment George chose to jump out of his contract, the possibility of the Warriors wanting to trade him was dashed. And the Clippers officially confirmed that General Qiao is about to leave the team, and his contract with Philadelphia has been negotiated, and some details can be officially announced. The Clippers and George are also pure, everything is a business of money. The Clippers successfully renewed Harden's contract for $70 million for two years, with a second-year player option. It was Wei Shao's heartache that he exercised his player option, but the Clippers didn't appreciate it and put him on the shelf...... It is reported that the Nuggets are very interested in Wei Shao, how to say it, the last team that did not want to pop and chose Wei Shao, how it will end, everyone will taste it for themselves.

The Warriors gave up struggling, LaVine didn't want it, the Nuggets were hit hard, and Klay George was about to leave

The final negotiations between Klay and the Warriors did not go well, which made the Warrior feel "betrayed" for a while. However, in the final years of Golden State, Tang Shen still managed to get together and disperse, according to the report, he said a friendly goodbye to everyone in the Warriors management, and he didn't have to blush next time. Klay's next home could be the Magic, the Mavericks, the Magic, the Nuggets, and the names of the Los Angeles duo are also mentioned, after all, who would refuse to play for their hometown team? Don't be surprised if Klay ends up signing a contract that's less than the two-year, $48 million (offered by the Warriors), it's not about money, it's just a story of an arrogant player trying to prove himself in a different environment.

In addition, Varland signed with the Wizards for $30 million, Eric Gordon jumped out of the $3.4 million player option to go to Philadelphia, and the Pistons signed Cunningham with a five-year $226 million cap salary.