
Glory has been in the party for 50 years, and the red family style has been passed down from generation to generation

author:The most martial marquis

On the eve of "July 1st", Wuhou District adopted a variety of methods such as door-to-door awarding by leading cadres, collective awarding of ceremonies, and awarding of theme party day activities, and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to 538 old party members in the district.

With 50 years of party age and 50 years of glory, the commemorative medal carries a glorious history of laying the foundation and establishing a career, and witnesses the glorious history of the old party members who firmly believe in following the party and taking on the glorious history with enthusiasm and bravery. Let's meet one of the old party members, Guo Suhua.

"My father was a veteran party member who participated in the revolution during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. His spirit of diligence and thrift and dedication throughout his life and willingness to be a cow for his children has had a profound impact on me, so I have inherited this concept in the education of my children's three views. ”

——83-year-old veteran party member Guo Suhua

Glory has been in the party for 50 years, and the red family style has been passed down from generation to generation

Guo Suhua received the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

On the morning of June 28, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Guo Suhua, a veteran party member of No. 36 Kehua North Road, Brown North Community, Yulin Street, ushered in the honorary moment of his party membership, and the community staff sent her the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party". Rubbing the precious commemorative medal engraved with the traces of the struggle of countless communists and containing the rich spiritual connotation of being in the party for the party, the old man Guo Suhua seems to have returned to the eventful years of the past. Looking at the yellowed photos, she told the original intention of a Communist Party member.

Based on ordinary positions

Write loyalty

Guo Suhua is 83 years old this year and has worked in mineral processing and sintering plants and nuclear industry enterprises. In the mid-60s of the last century, in order to actively respond to the call of the party and the state, she followed her husband Wang Fengtong from Baotou, Inner Mongolia to Yibin, Sichuan, to participate in the construction of the third line in the western region and devote herself to national construction and economic development. "Although the conditions were very difficult at that time, we had a belief in our hearts, that is, to serve the people, no matter what difficulties we encountered, we could not give up." Guo Suhua recalled.

Glory has been in the party for 50 years, and the red family style has been passed down from generation to generation

Mr. and Mrs. Guo Suhua and their daughter reminisced about the past together

As an authentic northerner, Guo Suhua came to the southwest not only to overcome the differences in climate, environment, eating habits, etc., but also to shoulder the busy work and raise young children. "My husband was at the forefront of the third-line construction at that time, and he was very busy. In addition to my work, I have to take care of the daily life, study and education of the five sisters, but fortunately, the children are very competitive, and the eldest has set an example for the next few children. Guo Suhua recalled.

Glory has been in the party for 50 years, and the red family style has been passed down from generation to generation

Guo Suhua's family is in Sichuan

In the memory of the fourth daughter, Wang Bin, New Year's Day every year is a happy moment for countless people to reunite, but for her mother, who is engaged in accounting, it is the busiest day. "No matter what happened that day, my mother would insist on finishing her work before going home." Wang Bin recalled. One year, on New Year's Day, the whole family sat at the dining table for a reunion, but the family never saw her mother come home, so the family sent the food to her mother's unit, and she had been busy with data verification and completely forgot to eat, and when she remembered, the food was already cold.

There are many such details in Sister Wang Bin's memory. The difficult years not only tempered the hard-working, simple, and silent dedication of Guo Suhua and his wife, but also allowed them to set a good example for the five sisters by example, and imperceptibly influenced the growth of the children. During his work, Guo Suhua won honors such as advanced producer and outstanding party member, and was received by Premier Zhou Enlai as a "young red flag bearer".

Glory has been in the party for 50 years, and the red family style has been passed down from generation to generation

Premier Zhou Enlai received a precious photo of Guo Suhua and other advanced producers

"Our family has always taught by example to speak louder than words, and parents have always taught their children to deal with the relationship between pain and happiness, gain and loss, personal interests and collective interests, work and family." Wang Bin said.

Cultivate patriotic feelings

Inherit the good family style

The years are like a long river, and the good family style moistens the Quartet. Parents are the cornerstone of the family style, self-cultivation, strict governance, and struggle to rejuvenate the family, such a family style is inherited in Guo Suhua's family and continues to influence the younger generations.

Glory has been in the party for 50 years, and the red family style has been passed down from generation to generation

The plaque hanging on the door of Guo Suhua's old cave is hanging

Guo Suhua was born in a revolutionary family, and his father, Guo Rukun, participated in the anti-Japanese rescue work in August 1937 and joined the Communist Party of China that year. Since participating in the revolution, he has insisted on honesty and strict self-discipline for decades. When he was seriously ill in 1985, Guo Rukun used all his savings for many years to pay party dues and support the education of his hometown. "My father's dedication and dedication throughout his life, and his spirit of being willing to serve his children and cattle had a profound impact on me. Therefore, my three-view education for my children is to have great ambitions, be honest people, study diligently, work hard, and don't give up in the face of setbacks. Guo Suhua recalled.

Glory has been in the party for 50 years, and the red family style has been passed down from generation to generation

Guo Suhua's family took a group photo with his parents

Today, Guo Suhua's five daughters have made good achievements in their work under the influence of a good family style, and their grandchildren have grown up, and in the infiltration of the red family style, they have joined the Communist Party of China during their college years, inheriting the fine traditions from their ancestors with practical actions.

Glory has been in the party for 50 years, and the red family style has been passed down from generation to generation

Mr. and Mrs. Guo Suhua wrote a handwritten letter to their grandchildren to inherit the family style

"In our family, hard work is not just a loud slogan, but to see the spirit in doing every little thing, completing every task, and fulfilling every duty, and pass on this spirit from generation to generation." Guo Suhua has been retired for more than 30 years, and she continues to give full play to the residual enthusiasm of old party members, actively participate in community activities, and actively make suggestions and suggestions for community development and governance.

Glory has been in the party for 50 years, and the red family style has been passed down from generation to generation

Guo Suhua and the old party members reviewed the oath of joining the party

Glory has been in the party for 50 years, and the red family style has been passed down from generation to generation

Guo Suhua actively participated in the activities of the party branch

On the occasion of Guo Suhua's "50 years of glory in the party", the youngest daughter Wang Wei also specially produced the inheritance materials of "cultivating a good family style and passing on the red blood from generation to generation", so that the children of the next generation can also understand the hard work of their parents. Wang Wei hopes that the children will be down-to-earth, start from the subtleties, start from the little things, do the big things wonderfully, do the small things exquisitely, and let the good family style be passed on from generation to generation in the ears and eyes and imperceptibly.

Glory has been in the party for 50 years, and the red family style has been passed down from generation to generation

Good family style is passed down from generation to generation

Reporter: Zhang Ji