
I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

author:Calm dreams P


I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

This is the 4,225th real story we have told

As an exchange student in Kyrgyzstan, I came to Tianjin University to study languages. Later, I didn't even want to go back to China, and I really couldn't bear to have friends here.

I love China, I love the people here, and I know I will definitely come back to China again.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(My favorite is Tianjin)

I, named Tansuluu, which means "beautiful as dawn", was born in 2004 in the city of Jalal Abad, in southern Kyrgyzstan, of Kyrgyz ethnicity, nickname: Flower of Central Asia.

Yu Renci is my own Chinese name. I love China and jade, and I feel very happy when I hear people call me by my Chinese name.

My mom and dad were military, and because of that, I had to change schools every two to three years. I also have three younger sisters and a younger brother who is in kindergarten.

My parents worked hard every day to keep our lives busy. I am the eldest daughter in the family, so I have to be a role model for the family so that I can guide my younger siblings on the right path. So I worked very hard to learn as much as I could.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(I was at the Central Asian Student Exchange Conference)

I am a third-year student at Bishkek State University, majoring in International Management at the Kyrgyz-Chinese Department. Chinese is the most difficult language in the world and is a compulsory course for us.

Learning Chinese is a little difficult for me, but my Chinese is better than English.

I love basketball and drawing and have been playing basketball since high school. Every time I participated in a basketball game, I always hurt my finger, and my mother was very worried and didn't approve of me playing basketball.

Half a year ago, I went to Tianjin University in China as an exchange student for a language internship. When I came back, I was lagging behind my classmates in my studies, and I needed to spend time trying to catch up and catch up on the classes I had missed, while also squeezing out time for internships.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(Me on horseback)

As we all know, Kyrgyzstan is rich in minerals: gold, mercury, antimony, rare earths, tin, tungsten, coal, non-metallic raw materials, etc., and is extremely rich in hydropower resources, but it is a country on the edge of the global economic process.

As the country adapts to the trends and needs of the new "green" international market and takes its economy to the next level, it is facing the benefits of economic development and on the other hand, it is also necessary to protect nature.

The State now has a youth policy aimed at developing the potential of young people for innovative development. Therefore, young talents are the future of the country, and there is no reason why we should not work hard.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(I'm live on Issyk-Kul Lake)

We, the people of Kyrgyzstan, are very hospitable. In our country, the tradition of respecting the elderly continues to this day.

In Kyrgyz families, the grandparents' house is called "chon uy" ("big house"), which is an expression of piety to the founder of the family.

Kyrgyzstan is a "nomad of the steppes" and has a rich nomadic cultural heritage and traditions, which have become an integral part of the Kyrgyz national identity.

During the summer months, many families still drive their cattle to graze on the mountain meadows known as Jailoo, thus preserving ancient traditions and nomadic lifestyles.

As a people on horseback, we have a lot of horses, and good horses are very expensive. Kyrgyzstanis have a bold and fierce personality, and people have learned to ride horses from an early age.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work


There is also a game called Kok-boru, which is a symbiosis of horse racing and games. The riders fight for the skin of the goat, which they first have to grab and then throw it into the "cauldron" (gate) of the opposing team.

The Kok-bor race in Kyrgyzstan is held at the racecourse on official holidays and weekends, and many people go to watch it.

If you want to know Kyrgyzstan, you have to see Issky Kul Lake - the "Pearl of Central Asia", "You can't be to Kyrgyzstan without Issyk-Kul Lake". It is the deepest and second largest mountain lake in the world.

There is an old story about the origin of the lake. It was a former city-state, and the Khan had proposed to a beautiful girl, but she was unwilling to marry someone she didn't love.

She tried to escape the castle, but everyone feared the Khan's power, and no one was willing to help. In the end, her cry for help seemed to move the heavens, and a sudden flood flooded the city, and everyone was sunk under the water, forming this beautiful lake.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(My Leisure Time)

Issyk-Kul is called Issyk-Kul, which means "warm lake" in Russian. It is unique in that it does not freeze even in winter, and it is located at an altitude of more than 1.5 km, so the climate here is milder than in other regions.

In 2008, according to the state decree, fishing was not allowed in Issyk-Kul and Sunkul lakes, regardless of the season, but swimming was allowed due to the population reduction of Peliadi, Siga, Chebak, Chebachka, Issyk-Kul Ottoman, Issyk-Kul Kurmarinka, etc.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(Beautiful lakes in Kyrgyzstan)

The Kyrgyz national costume is also quite distinctive, the men's national costume Ak-kalpak- (white felt hat): "Let the white kalpak never fall off your head." "Symbolizing mountains and purity, it carries the heritage of ancestors and national philosophy.

Its shape resembles the snow-capped peaks of the mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Ak-kalpak is sewn from natural felt, which is made of clean, carved, freshly processed fine white wool.

The material warms up in the cold, cools down at high temperatures, and is waterproof.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(My Reverie)

For decades, Kyrgyzstan's status could be judged by the headdress. For example, the ak-kalpak of the rich in a high-top top, on solemn occasions, sewed ak-kalpak from expensive thin felt and velvet and decorated with special patterns. The wedding groom's headdress must be embroidered with a white pattern.

There are two types of ak-kalpak that are popular at the moment: the usual and the more elongated bakai kalpak (which the elderly like to wear).

Every year on March 5, Kyrgyzstan celebrates Ak-Kalpak Day. It originated in 2011.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(People celebrating Ak-Kalpak Day)

The hats of Kyrgyz women also tell their information: where she is from, how old she is, whether she is married or not. Each type of headgear has a special definition.

Tebitey is an exclusive headgear for boys and girls. Girls wear it from an early age. In the nomadic era, the headdress was made of red velvet or manat, decorated with beads and embroidery and gold, the weight of which reflected different values. Amulets are also often sewn into hats.

Shokulo is a tapered headdress that the bride must wear on her wedding day, wearing it to leave her father's house and go to the groom's house. Every detail has a special meaning, and wedding tiaras are often handmade by mothers for their daughters.

Elechek is a headdress worn by a woman as a wife or mother, and it is wrapped in white cotton fabric around a woman's head.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work


In nomadic life, it was possible to wrap newborns in the fabric of Elechek, but also to bandage wounds, and even during burials, as a shroud for the deceased, it was very valuable.

Pork is not allowed in our country, we are Moslem. Because pigs spend their whole lives lying in the mud or in their own excrement. Pork is not dirty, but it is considered unclean and harmful to human health, and it contains a lot of fat, toxins and bacteria. We eat more mutton and beef, and horse meat is also available.

Kyrgyzstan is one of the first countries in Central Asia to develop tourism: glaciers, plateaus, mountain forests, mountain lakes and fresh air make it a popular holiday destination for Russians, and it is also an excellent choice for summer vacations.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work


The Ala-Archa National Park near the city of Bishkek, with a natural altitude of 1,600-4,860 meters above sea level and fresh air, is our favorite place for us and our guests.

The scent of conifers, snow-capped peaks with the sound of springs and waterfalls, rare alpine plants and wildlife, and the dazzling blue of the sky and the mountains attract hikers and climbers from all over the world.

Burana Tower is a tower located in an abandoned town, dating back to the 9th-11th centuries. The design and style of the Brañata is stunning. In particular, the beautiful patterns on the towers were made 1,000 years ago without the use of any technology.

Next to the tower there is a museum, and in the museum of the Burana Tower complex you can see antiquities from the Silk Road period.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work


There is also a fairytale canyon located on the southern shore of Issyk-Kul Lake, with red clay rocks, easy access and a unique and distinctive scenery.

Imagine the strange combination of blue skies, bright sunlight, strange slopes from pale sand to intermittent flowers of thick bricks.

For centuries, the climate of the region has turned the Aeolian Gorge into a fairytale world.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(My classmates and I wore beautiful Hanfu to make us look more Chinese)

Barskoon Gorge is a picturesque gorge on the southern shore of Issyk-Kul Lake with waterfalls and dense coniferous forests.

The gorge stretches for 30 kilometers through rocky passes up to 4,000 meters high to the Terskey-Ala-Too mountain range.

Travelers from all over the world have seen the beauty and power of falling water with their own eyes. There are waterfalls with beautiful names: Leopard's Tears (with three 100-meter-high ledges), Manas Bowls, Champagne Spray, etc.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(Me and my friend on the way)

Not long ago, there was a Chinese outdoor adventure documentary program to be filmed, and the staff came to our school to invite Chinese students, and I and several other students were selected.

A month later, we were recording the show in Tokmak. Later I learned that they were a famous Chinese traveler who had traveled to countless places in the world.

The people in the program team are quite friendly, and the filming during this period of time has given me a closer understanding of some Chinese culture. As a result, I learned about Li Bai, who was born in Broken Leaf City, and the Tang poems he wrote, learned Li Bai's "Will Enter the Wine", and tried to understand its meaning.

We also tried on beautiful hanfu. When they left, we all felt very reluctant.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(My classmates and I participated in the filming of the show of Couples)

I really like China, it's not only beautiful and safe, but the Chinese are also very polite and kind.

Since I was a child, I didn't have any loyal friends: because I was good at studying, many of my classmates would ask me to help them with their homework, but I rejected them because I thought that studying was their own business and that they should do it independently and not ask for help from others.

In the end, even the two or three remaining friends abandoned me because the boys they liked confessed to me, not them.

After that, I didn't dare to be friends with anyone, but I always dreamed of having many friends in my heart, and friendship was a very precious thing for me.

This dream has come true in China, and I have made many friends not only in China, but also in other countries.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(Dinner with friends)

On our first day in China, we almost couldn't buy water. It's all electronic payments, we only have cash. And my Chinese is not very good, I can't understand what the waiter is saying. She was a little anxious and kept explaining it to me loudly, but I still didn't understand.

The students standing behind me wanted to help me pay. In the end, I realized that we had given the waiter 5 yuan and the water was only 3 yuan, and she used the remaining 2 yuan to sell us a bag. But we didn't ask for a bag or 2 yuan for change, and left in an awkward and panicked manner, which is funny in retrospect.

What's even more interesting is that many Chinese don't believe that we are foreigners, saying that we look too much like them. Repeatedly, it was only after talking that they understood that we were really foreigners.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(We are in Tianjin)

I've been to Tianjin, Beijing, and Shandong. When I was traveling in Beijing, my Chinese friend asked me to try Beijing's famous bean juice, and for me, the taste was indescribable, and I was puzzled why Beijingers love to drink soybean juice.

Every place in China has its own unique characteristics and unique cuisine. After coming to China to study and live for a while, I learned a truth: before Kyrgyzstani people thought that all Chinese loved and could eat bugs. In fact, this is not the case, most Chinese do not dare to eat bugs!

Even now, after I returned to Kyrgyzstan, people in my family often ask me, "Can you eat bugs now?" "It makes me laugh.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(I finished my language internship in Tianjin)

Every city in China is beautiful, but what I like the most is Tianjin, not only because I have studied there, but most importantly: Tianjin has my good friends and the most beautiful encounters in my life.

Youth, fleeting, I have been busy with my studies, no chance to fall in love, but I also look forward to love, I like tall, smart, humorous and caring boys, will value the boy's own conduct, for his family conditions but not too many requirements.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(I'm looking forward to the future)

I'm waiting for the wind and waiting for you, and I look forward to the near future, beautiful love will come as scheduled.

Next year, I will graduate from university, I will go to graduate school in China, and then I will look for a job related to China. I believe that time pays off, and after hard work, you will eventually get results.

The mountains and rivers are not as good as you, and the vast galaxy is dust. That's what China attracts me, and I definitely want to come back to this magical land of China again.

I, a Kyrgyz girl, look like Chinese and want to stay in China for graduate school and work

(Welcome to follow the protagonist's account "Flower of Central Asia")

[Dictation: The Flower of Central Asia (Jade Benevolence)]

[Written by: Beacon Flame]

[Editor: Wuxi Wu]

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(*This article is based on the oral statements of the parties, and the authenticity is the responsibility of the oral narrator.) Friendly reminder from this account: Please identify the relevant risks by yourself, and do not blindly follow the trend to make impulsive decisions. )

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