
I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

author:Calm dreams P


I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

This is the 4,221st real story we have told

I'm Andy, a Andy@ traveler, and when I was 25 years old, I saw a video and decided to go overseas to become a walking cultural communicator.

In foreign countries, all kinds of prejudices followed, and they were even ridiculed to their faces.

In order to better spread Chinese culture, I broadcast live in many countries. But I'm alone, I'm weak, what should I do next?

I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

(in Tangier, Morocco)

I am a post-90s generation, born in an ordinary family in Zhengzhou, my family is well-off, and I am the only child in my family.

My parents had high expectations for me since I was a child, but my father's education for me was based on "filial piety under the stick". I still remember that if I didn't get in the top 10 of my grade, my father would punish me.

My father seemed to be very particular about where I was beaten. He only spanked my left hand, not my right hand, and only spanked my head. I know why, because the mind needs to think, and the right hand needs to write.

My parents are very traditional, they not only pursue the concept of "learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and I will not be afraid to go all over the world", but also want me to learn traditional Chinese culture well.

When I was younger, my father had a book in his hand, and I had to read it. He forced me to read "Kangxi Dynasty", "Three Character Classic", etc., as well as some modern writers, such as Yu Qiuyu's books.

At that time, I was very resistant, and while other children were watching TV, I stayed in the study with my father, helplessly being a "little bookworm".

But when I grew up, I tasted the sweetness of postponement of education, and I also understood and appreciated my father's good intentions.

Perhaps it is this kind of family environment that has cultivated my cheerful and independent personality.

I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

(Attended the engagement ceremony of the Iranian couple)

After graduating from high school, I entered a university in Sichuan to study film and television acting. After graduating, he successfully became a drama actor.

The roles I have played are not limited to Chinese roles, but sometimes foreign roles.

For me, the most workable thing is that every time I play a role, I need to observe life in detail, deeply understand the thoughts and characters of the role, and then put myself in the shoes of the characters to repeatedly figure out and scrutinize the role, and finally interpret it through expressions, actions and language.

After several years of experience as a drama actor, the biggest feeling is that it seems that every time you play a role, it is like experiencing a kind of life. The thoughts and concepts of the people in the play were repeatedly recast, and then in the collision of different ideas, I was prompted to think deeply about some questions.

It was at this time that I came into contact with overseas live streaming.

During the live broadcast, I found that foreigners have a deep prejudice against China, such as thinking that China is poor and backward, Chinese people are shy, and China has some bad customs.

Maybe there is a strong patriotic feeling in my blood, and when I can't speak even slightly complicated English, in the world of the Internet, I stumble to explain and argue with foreigners.

In order to better spread the real China, I also went to watch some American dramas and practiced my spoken English. Unexpectedly, after two or three months, my spoken English had reached the point where I could communicate with foreigners without any barriers.

I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

(Host my Moroccan mother)

Through more and more interactions, I found that foreigners have a very stereotypical impression of China. Among them, some netizens in South America and Arab countries shared some videos with me, and two of them touched me a lot.

One of them is a sick girl, and the other is a mukbang, both of which are scandalized.

These two videos are very popular on foreign social media, and the comments at the bottom make me feel very uncomfortable, basically watching the clown jumping beam, and leaving a message with a schadenfreude mentality.

That's why I came up with the idea of traveling around the world. As soon as this thought appeared, it could not be shaken down.

When I told my parents about the idea, they reacted as strongly as I expected.

They think that I have a stable job and a good income, and in the current environment, if I lose my job, it will be easier said than done. And as an only child, when they go abroad alone, their worries are beyond words.

In the beginning, they saw me as willful. In order to stop me, they said that I insisted on going abroad and did not seek support from them when I was in trouble.

But in his 20s, he is an age that loves to dream, and he is also an age that dares to act on his dreams. I want to be a walking cultural communicator, and I think it's a very meaningful thing.

I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

(First meeting with Iranian "Mom and Dad")

So, amid the opposition and worries of my parents, in August 2022, I took the first flight to a foreign country with the $1,000 I had saved from two years of work.

For the first stop, I chose Turkey. As a transit point in Europe, Turkey is very convenient to go to countries in Asia, Europe and Africa.

Before leaving, I booked a B&B online and was going to stay for a month.

It's hard to get started. It was the first time I went abroad, and although I was very excited, I was also anxious. On the plane, I brewed for five or six minutes to ask the flight attendant for a glass of water before I said "Excuse me" with a red face.

It was the first time I had a face-to-face interaction with a foreigner in real life, and I was inevitably nervous.

Standing on an unfamiliar street in Turkey, I felt a sense of excitement and excitement to break out of the birdcage, but also a hint of worry. Strange countries, unfamiliar faces, and unfamiliar languages all seem to be a chasm in front of me.

For a moment, I wondered if I was too impulsive.

But I remembered what I said to my family before I came out, "Everyone else can survive begging, not to mention that my limbs are sound." "The path I chose can only go hard.

I vividly remember that when I went to a convenience store to buy something, the boss recognized me as Chinese and showed me a word (racist language) with a smile.

I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

(and Egyptian netizens face base)

I felt bad about the whole person, and the shame was mixed with anger. Just when he was about to lose his emotions, the boss said again: "I just want to tell you that I know China, and I know a lot of Chinese words." The look and tone of his voice didn't look provocative.

My heart fell into the ice valley, because he didn't realize that this was a derogatory term that insulted and hurt the feelings of the Chinese nation for a hundred years.

Different from the emotions just now, I was a little frightened at that moment. It turns out that the Chinese culture that foreigners receive is distorted like this, and they can't get in touch with the real China, only the China that others want them to see.

I eased my emotions and told him in a stern way that this word was a malicious smear against China, and that the real China was not what he saw.

And there are many more such experiences.

When I was a guest at a friend's house in Egypt, one of them asked me in person, "Do Chinese really eat cats and dogs?" ”

I stood up suddenly, looked into the eyes that were looking at me, excitedly pulled off a hair on my head and said, "There are many Chinese, you can't generalize, just like this hair I pulled out, it's just an example." ”

I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

(Walking the streets of St. Petersburg, Russia)

Maybe it was my excited look, or maybe it was my indignant words, which shocked them, and they apologized to me one after another, and paid attention to my live broadcast room, saying that they would take a serious look at the real appearance of China.

Tourism is not my goal, every time I go to a country, I prefer to go deep into the lives of the locals and immerse myself in Chinese food and culture.

During the days when I lived and ate with the locals, I not only shared Chinese spicy strips, chicken feet and other delicacies with them, but also let them watch the architecture and customs of China through the videos on my mobile phone, and introduced the culture, economic development, and changes of the times in the mainland.

In this way, it has subverted and corrected the one-sided and erroneous perception of China by many local people.

Later, a friend of mine went to China to study and sent me a message. It was to the effect that China has so many beautiful places, so many delicacies, so good urban development, and so many Chinese boys who are much more handsome than me.

Faith does not stop, and the pace does not stop. After a month in Turkey, I went non-stop to Morocco, the UAE, Egypt, Iran, Russia, Serbia and other countries, and I usually stayed in each country for one to three months.

I was also impressed by the Serbian experience. I have a good impression of this country, and I have traveled to it twice.

I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

(Russian netizens learning Chinese)

The first time I went, I brought $500 with me and was ready to travel for a month. On the last 3 days, I was running out of money, and the local hotel room rate was $80 a night, and I searched many hotels that day and found that there were no rooms I could afford.

So, I went live on the street, saying that I had nowhere to live. Not long after, a local couple warmly invited me to live at their home in the live broadcast room.

Their kindness has solved my urgent needs, and I am grateful to this day.

On my second trip to Serbia, I brought $1,000 with me and was going to stay for two months. After landing in Belgrade, the capital, I searched for a house on my mobile phone and finally found a house I liked, but the landlord didn't speak English.

Seeing that I struggled to communicate, the two female freshmen sitting next to me took the initiative to help me and the boss to say that it was a pity that the housing price was not agreed.

Just when I was in a hurry, they said they could take me to find a house. Through chatting, I learned that it was their freshman registration day.

After I reported to them, the two girls showed me the house as a family, and after a lot of bus changes, they finally found a $200 house in January, and it was already 6 p.m.

I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

(Photographed abroad)

For me, who is unfamiliar with life in a strange country, their behavior is tantamount to sending charcoal in the snow.

So, I offered to give them a meal to show my gratitude, but they declined me and offered to help me.

These are some of the warmest things I've encountered during my travels. Whether it is the couple or the two college students, although I have had concerns and worries about their kindness, I still want to believe that the warmth of human nature knows no borders.

Although I think people should be vigilant, they should not speculate maliciously, because when you maliciously speculate about the world, the world will reward you with malice.

Maybe it also has something to do with my personality, I am very cheerful and expressive, and I have more than 50,000 followers on foreign social media. They often joke with me, saying that I am not like Chinese, because the Chinese they come into contact with are shy and do not like to express.

I think the Arabs like me because they know that there is some negative perception of them.

But I have always been open and understanding in my communication with them. I think this empathy is due to the books I read since I was a child, and my later experience as a drama actor.

I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

(Chinese and foreign friends meet in Guangzhou)

From the bottom of my heart, I have a compassionate and tolerant attitude towards some developing and war-torn countries. Every country has its own unique view of history, cultural values and objective reality, and respecting the culture, customs and etiquette of other countries is the consciousness and self-confidence I should have.

I enjoy the interaction and the subtle and silent transmission of culture.

Asian culture is very popular in Arab countries, and they are more familiar with Jackie Chan, which is a good example.

If I continue to work hard, like many Chinese people who are committed to spreading Chinese culture, I can also contribute a little bit to improving China's influence.

Of course, life cannot be smooth sailing, and there will be all kinds of unexpected accidents.

On February 6, 2023, two earthquakes with a magnitude of about 7.8 struck Turkey in succession, killing more than 10,000 people in Turkey and Syria and affecting millions of people.

I had only been away from the epicenter of Kahramanmaraş for a week, and if I had been a week late, I might have faced a different outcome.

Seeing the debris and rising casualty figures, I was reminded of the university teacher I had borrowed from last week.

I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

(Visit a local Iranian home)

He sadly told me on the phone that he would never see many of his friends and students again, some of whom I knew.

A few days ago, my friends who were pushing cups and changing lamps together have been separated by yin and yang today, and I can't help but have red eyes and blurred vision.

In the face of disaster, human beings are really too small and powerless, and I am sad that I can't do more.

Before that, I was worried about my small income, and at that moment, I felt how lucky I was that I was no longer worried about the fact that I only earned more than $10,000 a year. Because there are many things that are more important than money, such as life, happiness, etc.

In the two years that I have been abroad, I have grown older, and now I am 27 years old, and personal issues have been put on the agenda by my parents.

As a very traditional person, although my family has been urging me to get married, I will not fall in love for the sake of falling in love. Although I sometimes meet foreign girls who are very eye-catching and have a good temperament, I still haven't taken that step after all.

My family didn't object to me finding foreign girls, but I didn't stay long in each country, and I mainly made friends. I don't think about personal feelings for the time being, I just want to show the real China subtly in the cultural blending.

I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

(Streets of Belgrade, Serbia)

In the next step, I plan to move to Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and other Asian countries.

If you also want to be a global travel expert, it is recommended to prepare in advance, not to ride a donkey to find a horse, not only to set off with a guaranteed income, but also to have a general understanding of the national conditions, culture, currency exchange and other aspects of the destination country.

I encountered such an incident when I went to Iran, because it was difficult to move an inch after landing, and I was going to buy a mobile phone card. The vendor said $20, but I didn't have enough budget and didn't think the price was reasonable.

The next day, I was pleasantly surprised to buy a 12 RMB card in the company of local netizens.

Later, I met a domestic friend, and he showed off to me, saying that he bought a one-month data card for $200.

At that time, my first reaction was, isn't this wronged? I don't know if I suffer a loss, and I think I've taken advantage. So no matter where we go, we have to do a good job.

If you want to develop in live streaming, whether it is at home or abroad. I hope everyone can be an authentic recorder and spread the real culture.

Civilization is enriched by exchanges and mutual learning, and when we join the live broadcast industry, every shot shown is spreading a certain culture.

Maybe there aren't too many viewers, but every frame is the seed of a different culture and civilization, planted and planted for a long time, it will take root and sprout.

I, giving up a stable job to go abroad for live broadcasting, don't want money, I just want to dispel foreigners' misunderstanding of China

(Welcome to the protagonist account "Andy the Traveler")


[Author: Half an acre of gardenia]

[Editor: Drunk Hongyan]

We can't experience different lives, but we can feel different life trajectories here, every photo here is a bit of life, every story is a real life, if you also like it, please click to follow! @真实人物采访

(*This article is based on the oral statements of the parties, and the authenticity is the responsibility of the oral narrator.) Friendly reminder from this account: Please identify the relevant risks by yourself, and do not blindly follow the trend to make impulsive decisions. )

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