
Wang Yan's son escorted Peking University to arouse doubts, high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition? Fryer in the comment area

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Another big thing happened in the college entrance examination circle! Just when Li Xueqin was caught in the whirlpool of public opinion because of the "landlubber but with a certificate", it was reported on the Internet that Wang Yan's son was escorted to Peking University, and high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition.

This incident caused a sensation as soon as it was exposed, what is going on?

It is reported that on June 15, a sports blogger broke the news on the Internet that there is a name in the list of high-level athletes of Peking University this year with the same name and surname as Wang Yan's son, both named Wang Hongqin, and he was admitted to Peking University as a basketball student.

Wang Yan's son escorted Peking University to arouse doubts, high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition? Fryer in the comment area

And the Wang Yan mentioned by the blogger is none other than the actor of "Qing Gege" in the old version of "Huanzhu Gege".

Although "Qing Gege" did not attract many fans in "Huanzhu Gege", it left a very deep impression on the audience.

Especially when she first appeared, her bright eyes and bright teeth, dignified and elegant, smart facial features, and a smile were bright and moving, which amazed I don't know how many audiences.

Therefore, as soon as they heard that Wang Yan's son was likely to be among the sports candidates admitted to Peking University this year, netizens immediately became interested and began to pay attention to this matter.

It is reported that Wang Yan's son Wang Hongqin was born in Beijing on July 23, 2006, and his nickname is Qiuqiu.

Wang Yan's son escorted Peking University to arouse doubts, high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition? Fryer in the comment area

In 2014, Wang Yan took her son to shoot the reality show movie "Baby I'm Sorry"; In September 2015, the mother and son participated in the first parent-child food growth variety show "Come on Little Master" in China.

It was also through this show that the audience got to know Wang Yan's son and was deeply impressed by his nickname.

At that time, Wang Hongqin was only nine years old, and his round little face was very cute.

And now he has grown into a handsome guy who is taller than his mother Wang Yan.

However, he is not yet eighteen years old.

Wang Yan's son escorted Peking University to arouse doubts, high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition? Fryer in the comment area

So, is Wang Hongqin, who was admitted to Peking University, Wang Yan's son?

According to the 2024 qualified list of high-level athletes of Peking University published on the Internet, a male candidate named Wang Hongqin is among them.

He studied at Beijing No. 4 Middle School, and the test item was basketball, with a professional test score of 78.67 points, a professional qualification standard of 72.23 points, and a cultural class requirement of "D+0".

Wang Yan's son escorted Peking University to arouse doubts, high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition? Fryer in the comment area

It is not difficult to see that this Wang Hongqin was awarded the guaranteed admission ticket to Peking University by virtue of his basketball expertise.

And Wang Yan's son Wang Hongqin happened to be in high school at Beijing No. 4 Middle School, and he just happened to take the college entrance examination this year.

Moreover, according to the analysis of netizens, the birth date of Wang Hongqin in the list is also comparable to that of Wang Yan's son.

In addition, Wang Yan herself is very well-known, so the news that Wang Yan's son was escorted to Peking University quickly spread on the Internet, arousing public opinion.

Wang Yan's son escorted Peking University to arouse doubts, high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition? Fryer in the comment area

Some netizens specially checked the 2024 Peking University high-level sports team enrollment brochure and found that as long as the candidate can pass the high-level athlete exam recognized by Peking University, and his college entrance examination score just reaches the admission score of the general undergraduate batch in the student's source province, then he can be admitted to Peking University.

Wang Yan's son escorted Peking University to arouse doubts, high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition? Fryer in the comment area

According to the 2024 Beijing college entrance examination score line, this year's Beijing general undergraduate score line is 434 points, and the special type enrollment score line is 523 points.

In other words, as long as Wang Hongqin has a score of 434 or above in the college entrance examination, then he can enter Peking University.

Compared with many provinces such as Henan and Shandong, Beijing's college entrance examination score line is not too friendly to candidates.

It is worth mentioning that after learning that Beijing's score line is low, netizens were curious about Wang Hongqin's results in the high-level athlete exam.

Wang Yan's son escorted Peking University to arouse doubts, high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition? Fryer in the comment area

For a while, the majority of netizens were speculating about Wang Hongqin's own ability.

With the high popularity and topicality, the entry "Wang Yan's son high-level athlete exam" quickly rushed to the top of the hot search list, attracting widespread attention.

According to netizens, he was escorted to Peking University this year as a basketball specialty student and is about to become a member of the high-level athlete team of Peking University.

However, some netizens found out that his results in the high-level athlete exam were not ideal.

According to netizens, they checked the list of high-level athletes of Peking University on the Sunshine College Entrance Examination Network, and found that Wang Hongqin has basketball and athlete certificates, but he belongs to the guard position, and his professional test score ranks second.

Wang Yan's son escorted Peking University to arouse doubts, high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition? Fryer in the comment area

However, according to the application requirements, there is no requirement for the height of the candidate for the position of guard, even if the height is only 1.5 meters, he can also be a high-level basketball player.

But netizens who have watched the video of Wang Hongqin playing basketball said that Wang Hongqin's real level is very average.

What's even more shocking is that netizens also collected the scoring information of Wang Hongqin's previous participation in the game, however, I don't know if I don't look at it, and I was shocked when I saw it.

It turned out that Wang Hongqin's scoring ranking in each game was not only ranked fifth, but also the score was basically in single digits.

Wang Yan's son escorted Peking University to arouse doubts, high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition? Fryer in the comment area

There was even one game in which his total score turned out to be zero.

In this regard, some professionals pointed out that Wang Hongqin is likely to be an alternate player for a long time.

Wang Yan's son escorted Peking University to arouse doubts, high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition? Fryer in the comment area

However, it is understood that he has a chance to win the title of first-class athlete even if he does not play.

Because according to the rules for awarding the title of first-class athlete in the high school division of the National Sports Traditional School League, as long as his school team wins the ranking in various national competitions, he has the opportunity to be awarded the title of first-class athlete even if he does not play.

As soon as this news came out, it caused a tsunami of public opinion, and the comment area directly fried the pot.

Some netizens think that Wang Hongqin won the title of first-class basketball player, and he has no real name.

Wang Yan's son escorted Peking University to arouse doubts, high-level athletes scored zero points in the competition? Fryer in the comment area

For a while, netizens were questioning whether this matter was reasonable and legal? At present, the matter is still fermenting.

Because Wang Yan's husband is a wealthy business tycoon with a deep family background, some netizens suspect that Wang Hongqin's escort to Peking University is not as simple as it seems.

However, what the editor wants to say is that all this is just an online rumor, and it remains to be discussed whether the sports specialty student who was reported to Peking University is the son of star Wang Yan.

I hope everyone can eat melons rationally, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, and do not spread rumors!

I don't know what you think about Wang Hongqin's escort to Peking University? Welcome to leave a comment in the comment area.


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