
Matter? "Qing Gege" Wang Yan's son Wang Hongqin relied on his basketball expertise to escort Peking University and was questioned!

author:Goo doesn't get lost

Wang Yan's son Wang Hongqin was recently revealed to have been sent to Peking University by relying on his basketball expertise, which immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, and people questioned whether his basketball results were qualified. Wang Hongqin is no stranger to the entertainment industry, in 2014, when he was an 8-year-old elementary school student, he participated in the filming of a parent-child program with his mother Wang Yan.

Matter? "Qing Gege" Wang Yan's son Wang Hongqin relied on his basketball expertise to escort Peking University and was questioned!

At that time, he behaved extremely presumptuous in front of the camera, not only publicly calling his mother "pig's head", but also saying that he wanted to "teach" his mother and let his father beat her. This directly made Wang Yan break the defense, and she burst into tears on the spot. Wang Hongqin's state at that time made everyone worry about his future, but he didn't expect that time had passed, he had grown up, and successfully entered Peking University as a sports student.

As soon as the news came out, everyone talked about it, questioning whether his basketball performance was outstanding, and worried that it was a false declaration of academic qualifications. In fact, there is already a precedent for celebrities to rely on sports escort, and Zhang Zetian relied on his aerobics expertise to enter Tsinghua University. Regarding Wang Hongqin's situation, some people are worried that they will repeat the mistake of "milk tea sister".

Matter? "Qing Gege" Wang Yan's son Wang Hongqin relied on his basketball expertise to escort Peking University and was questioned!

Educational equity is the cornerstone of social development. If the enrollment of elite schools is only based on family background, rather than strength, it will inevitably lead to a flood of power relations. This is neither fair nor conducive to the development of education itself. Of course, the purpose of recruiting students with sports specialties is to discover more diverse talents. However, in operation, it is easy to cause some unhealthy winds.

There is a need for regulatory oversight to avoid loopholes and increase public trust in the admissions mechanism. Only by allowing every child to strive for opportunities through their own efforts can educational resources be reasonably allocated and the essential value of education can be demonstrated. This requires the joint efforts of all sectors so that every young person can express themselves through the right path, rather than relying on connections.

Matter? "Qing Gege" Wang Yan's son Wang Hongqin relied on his basketball expertise to escort Peking University and was questioned!

Regarding Wang Hongqin's situation, netizens are also hotly discussing. Someone sent out the record of his school team, showing that the team's performance was mediocre, which did not match the honor of "first-class basketball player". This caused netizens to trace the source and expose the doubts of the matter. The public is eagerly concerned about the admissions of prestigious universities, and everyone hopes that the process will be open and transparent, and the results will be fair and equitable.

The relevant departments should do a good job of controlling the power of public supervision and turning it into a driving force to ensure the quality of enrollment. Only when the credibility is strong enough will the people truly trust education, and the spring breeze of education can blow in every corner. Education should not only focus on selecting high-achieving students, but also provide an environment in which each child can grow up healthy and find the most suitable direction for his or her own development.

Matter? "Qing Gege" Wang Yan's son Wang Hongqin relied on his basketball expertise to escort Peking University and was questioned!

A single test cannot fully evaluate a person, and every life should be viewed through the lens of development. In the selection of talents, we should not only look at the performance of a certain specialty. It is hoped that in the intense stage of further education, every child can grow up healthy and happy, and the education department can also uphold the concept of education-oriented, so that every life is cherished and every child's talent can be seen.

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