
OnePlus Li Jie: Focusing on users, the Ace 3 Pro new product launch conference focuses on demand and technological innovation

author:Zhongguancun Online

On the evening of June 27, 2024, the OnePlus Ace 3 Pro new product launch conference was successfully concluded at the gymnasium of Beijing University of Technology. In the current industry background of rising costs of chips and memory components, OnePlus adheres to the concept of "product first over price" and is committed to creating high-performance smart devices that exceed user expectations.

OnePlus Li Jie: Focusing on users, the Ace 3 Pro new product launch conference focuses on demand and technological innovation

This press conference marks OnePlus's official entry into the comprehensive layout of performance ecological products, especially for campus and college students, through the linkage of product lines such as tablets, mobile phones, and watches, optimizing the user experience in various scenarios such as learning, life, and sports. Li Jie said that the reason why OnePlus chose to expand the ecological category at this time is based on the growth of the user base and a deep understanding of user needs. OnePlus noticed that young users have a strong demand for multi-device connectivity, so on the premise of sufficient technology and product reserves, OnePlus set out to build a user-centric ecosystem.

OnePlus Li Jie: Focusing on users, the Ace 3 Pro new product launch conference focuses on demand and technological innovation

As the flagship, OnePlus Ace 3 Pro is equipped with the exclusive research and development of glacier battery technology, using a large capacity of 6100mAh, taking into account the golden ratio of battery density and volume, reflecting the in-depth insight into users' battery life needs. Li Jie emphasized that the success of Glacier Battery stems from OnePlus's accurate grasp of user experience and close cooperation with upstream suppliers to jointly promote the marketization of technological innovation. In the future, Glacier battery technology is expected to become a battery brand in the OPPO system and benefit more users.

OnePlus Li Jie: Focusing on users, the Ace 3 Pro new product launch conference focuses on demand and technological innovation

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In addition, the OnePlus Ace 3 Pro is equipped with 24GB of large memory, which not only meets the needs of users for multitasking in terms of capacity, but also reserves space for future memory transfer rate increases. The phone stands out in terms of gaming performance, becoming the world's first Android phone to support Genshin Impact at 120 fps smoothly, thanks to OnePlus's deep exploration and optimization of Qualcomm's GPU potential, demonstrating the brand's leading position in performance optimization.

OnePlus Li Jie: Focusing on users, the Ace 3 Pro new product launch conference focuses on demand and technological innovation

In the face of the challenges of the Android tablet market, OnePlus actively responded to the specific needs of college students for high-performance tablets, not only making significant improvements in hardware configuration, but also customizing a series of functions for learning and entertainment scenarios, such as panoramic virtual screens, aiming to provide efficient learning and immersive entertainment experience, with performance as a selling point, to make up for the gap in the market.

Li Jie also mentioned that OnePlus Ace 3 Pro has been greatly improved in many dimensions compared with its predecessor, including the use of the latest 8Gen3 chip, 8T LTPO screen, etc., these upgrades are accompanied by an increase in cost, but OnePlus still maintains a sincere pricing strategy, and the increase is controlled between 200 and 400 yuan, ensuring that users can enjoy the benefits brought by technological innovation.

Finally, regarding the new logo "Ace Performance" on the OnePlus Ace 3 Pro Supercar Collector's Edition, Li Jie explained that it means extreme performance, expressing the brand's ultimate attitude towards speed and performance, and is expected to become an iconic symbol of OnePlus's performance optimization technology in the future.

To sum up, the release of OnePlus Ace 3 Pro is not only an iteration of hardware, but also a deepening of the brand's high-performance ecological layout, demonstrating the brand's innovation and user-oriented thinking in a complex market environment. OnePlus is responding to market demand with practical actions and continues to explore and define new standards for future smart devices.


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