
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

author:Talk about mmhktf

Seven years of preparation and seven years of construction have finally come to this moment

——The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was officially opened to traffic today!

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

On the first day of opening, because it was free, the citizens came to drink the soup to see the scenery, and the gods from all walks of life came to broadcast live, and there were all kinds of needs, so as:

The deep passage is crazy!

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

People who move fast

It's been a sneak peek to experience the traffic jam▼

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

How hot was the first day of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor?

The Securities Times reported

"30 minutes walk for 2 hours, queue for more than 10 kilometers"

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

Some netizens ridiculed:

The happiest thing after the opening of the Shenzhong Passage is ▼

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

Good news: the Humen Bridge can breathe a sigh of relief

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

Bad news: continue to block in a different place


I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

In general, the first opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor not only has high specifications and high popularity, but also has a great impact on many places in the Bay Area in the future:

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

After the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the driving time between Shenzhen and Zhongshan will be shortened from two hours to half an hour, and it will only take 15 minutes from Nansha to Zhongshan in Guangzhou, and from more than 2 hours to one hour from Zhuhai and Jiangmen to Shenzhen, creating a new pattern of transportation development in the Bay Area.

After the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the toll models will implement the "Classification of Toll Road Vehicle Toll Models" (JT/T489-2019), and the toll standard for all vehicles in the project is 66 yuan/standard train, including:

The charging standard from the east artificial island (starting point) to the west artificial island is 37 yuan/standard train;

The charging standard for the interconnection between the West Artificial Island and Wanqingsha Hub is 23 yuan/standard train;

The charging standard for Wanqingsha hub interchange to Hengmen interchange (end point) is 6 yuan/standard train;

The charging coefficient of 1~4 types of passenger cars is 1, 1.5, 2, 3, wherein, 3 types of passenger cars, 4 types of passenger cars charging coefficients are implemented according to 60% of the aforementioned coefficients;

The charging coefficients of 1~6 types of trucks are 1, 2.1, 3.16, 3.75, 3.86 and 4.09;

The charging standard of special operation vehicles shall be implemented with reference to trucks.

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......


The panicked beachhead said that he was afraid, and he sighed in the ocean.

Eight hundred years ago, Prime Minister Wen, known as the first champion of the ages, was imprisoned by the Yuan army on a ship and passed through the Lingding Ocean.

At this time, the land fell, the mountains and rivers were broken, and Mr. was full of grief and indignation in this vast ocean.

Many people may not know that this poem is written around us, at the mouth of the Pearl River.

Eight hundred years later, after seven years of construction, a 24-kilometer-long cross-sea passage broke through the "sea":

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

This is the "Deep Middle Channel".

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, in fact, connects the three cities of Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhongshan, starting from Bao'an in the west, passing through the East Artificial Island into the undersea tunnel, and then driving on the sea-crossing bridge from the West Artificial Island, which is divided into Y-shapes in Wanqingsha:

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

Wanqingsha Interchange Bridge connects Nansha, and Hengmen East Channel Bridge connects Ma'an Island:

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

On November 28, the main line of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was completed, and the West Artificial Island, with an area of 137,000 square meters, is the dividing line between the undersea tunnel and the sea-crossing bridge.

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

Driving on the sea-crossing bridge, there is a sense of boundlessness:

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

On the main bridge of the sea-crossing bridge, two squares are connected diagonally together, like good friends holding hands, and there are four big characters engraved next to them:


I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

When our colleague saw it, he was indignant and said:

"This should be called the Deep Spike Passage!"

I want to use my limited knowledge of mechanics to tell them that two sides cannot be strong, and that the triangle is the most stable.

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

At this time, the flybridge was silent, and the ocean was deep. The last person who wants to enter the state of "deep spike" is the driver who has just dried a bottle of Red Bull.

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......


In the renderings, the West Artificial Island is a beautiful island full of greenery.

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

But looking at the satellite map, the western artificial island is just like a cobra snake head, rushing towards Shenzhen:

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

Our colleagues have always wondered why the bridge on Midway Island is not set up in Nansha Wanqingsha is more cost-effective and convenient?

Why not take the following route:

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

The answers from colleagues are varied:

Some people say that because the drivers can't accept "deep spikes";

Some people joked that because it could not play the role of "surrounding" the port of Guangzhou.

Poor Guangzhou Port, because of the construction of the Pearl River Estuary Bridge, the giant ship could not sail into Huangpu, and was forced to relocate to Nansha, and built Nansha Port with a lot of money.

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

But the good times did not last long, and the news of the construction of the Shenzhong Passage came, and in the process, the industry expressed the concern that the bridge would block the giant ship, and suggested that the whole tunnel plan should be changed.

However, it is said that after trying hard and taking several measures, the half-bridge and half-tunnel scheme was continued:

1. On the side of Bao'an, Shenzhen, an undersea tunnel is adopted, and the giant ship can theoretically go around;

2. The bridge deck was raised, and the navigable height increased from more than 60 meters to 76.5 meters;

3. Build a Wanqingsha Interchange Bridge to connect Nansha;

4. The Port of Guangzhou acquires the Port of Zhongshan outside the bridge.

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

From this point of view, Guangzhou is true love for Nansha.

There is no "spike" in the name of the channel, and I endured it;

In the future, the giant ship may not be able to sail into Nansha Port, so endure it;

Nansha has gained some benefits:

The Nansha branch of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is connected to Nansha Port quickly, and Nansha can be more conveniently connected with Shenzhen, Zhongshan, and even Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macao.

The port of Guangzhou acquired the port of Zhongshan, and the goods of Nansha could go directly to the port of Zhongshan through the Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel, and the "encirclement" effect of the bridge was correspondingly weakened.

Pros and cons, pros and cons, pros and cons.

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......


After the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, all parties began to estimate the positive impact.

After all, the travel time from Shenzhen to Zhongshan has been shortened from two hours to 30 minutes, making commuting much more convenient.

The house price in Bao'an over there is 7~80,000 yuan, and the house price on Ma'an Island here is 1~20,000 yuan, and the imagination space is greatly dropped!

My good friend Yardon Vincent asked poop:

"After the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, will the Zhongshan house I bought stop falling?"

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

Fecal Answer:

"Be confident, please remove it."

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

From the first year of construction of the Shenzhong Passage, the developer has been drawing cakes, and in the past seven years, Vincent has eaten more cakes than the code he used as a farmer.

In 2020, the average price of Saddle Island pierced the 20,000 mark, and the highest was close to 30,000.

"I live on Saddle Island and work in Qianhai."

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

For real estate sales on Saddle Island, customers like to take them to high-rise buildings or the seaside:

"Well, you see, there are many high-rise buildings in Shenzhen, and the housing prices are expensive, and we don't even have 1/3 of them."

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

It seems that as long as the bridge is passed, a steady stream of Shenzhen pick-up heroes will drive from the bottom of the sea.

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

The salesmen calculated the accounts for the buyers:

Buy a 100 square meter house, Shenzhen Baoan 70,000, our side 20,000, a house will be less than 5 million.

If you live in this house for 25 years, it is equivalent to saving 200,000 yuan a year, but you only drive for 30 minutes more every day.

If you live in Shenzhen, you have to drive, and you can save 22 yuan with one foot on the accelerator.

Vincent's eyebrows fluttered after hearing this:

There is no problem that cannot be solved by stepping on the accelerator, if one kick is not enough, then you have to step on several feet.

After all, every foot is saving money.

In 2023, after three years, I will get the latest price of the new property on Saddle Island:

The average price of Agile Bay No. 1 starts from 16,500 yuan/㎡, the average price of GDH City starts from 17,500 yuan/square meter, the average price of China Merchants Zhenwan Mansion starts from 17,500 yuan/square meter, and the average price of Vanke Shenye Bay Zhongxin City apartment is 15,000 yuan/㎡.

Saddle Island is full of more than 10,000 real estate, so I calculated it for Vincent:

The average price fell by more than 5,000 yuan in three years, and the total price lost 500,000 yuan.

Although the reality is skinny, the ideal is still plump.

Vanke, a good student in the real estate industry, has invested tens of billions of dollars in Ma'an Island to build a super city "Vanke Shenye Bay New Town":

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......
I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

Vanke also built the first InterContinental Hotel in Zhongshan in the Bay New Town:

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

Vanke named her the Gate of the Future.

I never expected it! The Shenzhong Passage was opened to traffic today, and a large number of vehicles were blocked on the bridge......

The future is a good thing, after all, the problems that we can't solve now can be solved by the "future".