
In the first half of the year, more than 4.07 million passenger cars were recalled, with a large number of Tesla and a high frequency of Mercedes-Benz

author:China Economic Net

Source: China Economic Net

In the first half of the year, the domestic passenger car recall market formed a trend of "starting at a high level and declining step by step", involving 32 brands and 66 batches of 4077203 passenger cars were recalled, a year-on-year increase of 64.77%.

In the first half of the year, a total of 5 brands in the United States recalled a total of 1764253 passenger cars, accounting for 43.27% of the total number of recalls. Japan has the largest number of brands involved, with a total of 8 brands recalling 1183164 passenger cars, accounting for 29.02%.

In terms of brands, in the first half of the year, Tesla was the only brand to recall more than one million vehicles, and it recalled 1632179 passenger cars in three batches. However, it is worth noting that the three recalls issued by Tesla are all free software upgrades for vehicles through vehicle remote upgrade (OTA) technology, so as to eliminate hidden dangers, which is really a "non-sense recall". Honda (including Acura) and Mercedes-Benz have recalled a total of 803686 passenger cars due to fuel pump problems.

According to the data of the Defective Product Management Center of the State Administration for Market Regulation, in June, the scale of domestic passenger car recalls "reached a new level", with a total of 14 brands recalling 133989 passenger cars, a decrease of 45.50% month-on-month, becoming the lowest point in the first half of the year.

In the first half of the year, more than 4.07 million passenger cars were recalled, with a large number of Tesla and a high frequency of Mercedes-Benz

As a result, in the first half of the year, the domestic passenger car recall market formed a trend of "starting at a high level and declining step by step". Specifically, in the first month of 2024, the scale of passenger car recalls started at a high level of 2550965 units, which is a new high since April 2021. The scale of recalls in a single month even exceeds the overall number of recalls in the first half of 2022 and the first half of 2023. Since then, the scale of passenger car recalls has been declining gradually, falling to 400,000-500,000 units in February-March, 20-300,000 units in April-May, and 10-200,000 units in June.

In the first half of the year, more than 4.07 million passenger cars were recalled, with a large number of Tesla and a high frequency of Mercedes-Benz

Based on the data from January to June, a total of 4077203 passenger cars involving 32 brands and 66 batches were recalled in the first half of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 64.77%.

In terms of series, in the first half of the year, the number of recalls from American and Japanese brands exceeded one million; Among them, a total of 5 brands in the United States recalled a total of 1764253 passenger cars, accounting for 43.27% of the total number of recalls, the largest number. Japan has the largest number of brands involved, with a total of 8 brands recalling 1183164 passenger cars, accounting for 29.02%.

In the first half of the year, more than 4.07 million passenger cars were recalled, with a large number of Tesla and a high frequency of Mercedes-Benz

Next, a total of 4 brands in Germany recalled a total of 843602 passenger cars, accounting for 20.69%; At the same time, German brands have the highest frequency of recalls, with a total of 20 batches of recalls launched in the first half of the year. A total of 265506 passenger cars were recalled by the five brands in China, accounting for 6.51%. In addition, the number of recalls from Swedish brands, the United Kingdom, South Korea and Italy was less than 10,000 units, with 9,675, 5,816, 4,232 and 955 vehicles respectively, accounting for 0.24%, 0.14%, 0.10% and 0.02% respectively.

Focusing on specific brands, in the first half of the year, only the Tesla 1 brand initiated a single recall of more than 1 million vehicles. In January, Tesla issued a recall of more than 1,617,600 vehicles, including all imported and domestically produced models sold in China. At the same time, Tesla is also the only brand with an overall recall of more than one million vehicles in the first half of the year, and from January to June, it recalled a total of 1632179 passenger cars in three batches.

Tesla has experienced frequent large-scale recalls in recent years. In the Chinese market, in 2023, Tesla has launched a recall of more than one million vehicles, and finally Tesla will recall a total of 1112331 passenger cars in 5 batches in 2023. In 2022, Tesla recalled a total of 791502 passenger cars in 6 batches, making it the brand with the largest number of recalls in the whole year and the first electric vehicle brand to top the annual recall list. In 2021, it also recalled 543811 passenger cars in six batches.

However, it is worth noting that with the improvement of automotive technology and intelligence, the form of automobile "recall" has changed dramatically. In the first half of the year, Tesla issued three recalls, all of which were free software upgrades for vehicles through vehicle remote upgrade (OTA) technology, so as to eliminate hidden dangers, which is really a "non-senseless recall".

In the first half of this year, Honda, including Honda, Acura, and Concept, followed closely behind, recalling a total of 928824 passenger cars in three batches. It is worth noting that 520624 of the recall was due to the fact that the vehicle was equipped with a faulty fuel pump; In addition, in the first half of the year, Mercedes-Benz and Acura also recalled 283,060 and 12 passenger cars respectively due to the same problem.

Since 2019, the frequent recalls caused by faulty fuel pumps in Denso have become the focus of the passenger car recall market. In 2020, as many as 2741469 passenger cars in China were recalled due to this problem, accounting for 41.40% of the total number of recalls in the year. In August 2023, 314746 more passenger cars were recalled due to faulty fuel pumps. From January to June this year, the number of passenger cars recalled due to this problem reached 803686.

In the first half of this year, Mercedes-Benz recalls are still frequent, and in the first six months, Mercedes-Benz only issued a recall in May. In the end, it launched a total of 8 recalls in the first half of the year, ranking first in the frequency of recalls; A total of 788988 passenger cars were recalled, ranking third in terms of recall scale. (China Economic Net reporter Guo Yue)

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