
Abundant! Various communities in Meilin Street held colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

Abundant! Various communities in Meilin Street held colorful activities to celebrate July 1st

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, recently, various communities in Meilin Street, Futian District, Shenzhen have carried out a series of colorful theme activities to welcome the "July 1st" to carry forward the great spirit of party building and stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of party members and cadres.

Meidu Community: The Party Member Service Market opened the "July 1st" special session, which warmed the hearts of the people

On the afternoon of June 29, the Party Committee of Meidu Community, Meilin Street, guided the majority of party members and cadres to polish the "ID card" of Communist Party members, interpret the original intention with responsibility, practice the mission with hard work, and carry out a special party member service market with the theme of "Warm People's Hearts and Beautiful Concentricity" in Zhuoyue Hui South Square.

Abundant! Various communities in Meilin Street held colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Abundant! Various communities in Meilin Street held colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

The market set up 8 booths such as "Secretary Face-to-face", "Children's Heart to the Party, Welcome July 1st", "National Style Charity Sale, Love to Help the Disabled", "Enjoy Summer Vacation, Unlock Children's Fun", "National Anti-Fraud, You and I Walk Together", and launched more than 20 red propaganda and service projects benefiting enterprises and people, such as party history knowledge games, skillful gifts, national style handicraft charity sales, one-to-one employment guidance, youth summer safety publicity, shoulder and neck free clinics, etc., creating a good atmosphere of "Red Heart to the Party" in the neighborhood community, attracting more than 800 residents to participate.

In the meantime, at the "secretary face-to-face" booth, Wang Hanwei, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the office of Meilin Street, and Li Jie, secretary of the Party Committee of Meidu Community, "talked to the residents" face-to-face, listened to the voices of the masses, understood the needs of the masses, and narrowed the distance with the residents. The two responded to the demands of residents such as road traffic congestion and the shortage of parking spaces in the community, and promoted the party member service market to better become a "connecting bridge" to connect the masses. The "secretary face-to-face" booth has received more than 20 times, and there are 2 demands for follow-up on the spot, and staff have been arranged to communicate one-on-one. At the same time, the Futian District Water Affairs Bureau carried out policy publicity at the market site, so that more residents could understand the project of "Futian District Excellent Drinking Water Household and Secondary Water Supply Upgrading and Renovation to Check and Fill Gaps" to ensure residents' safe and sanitary water.

At the booth of "Childlike Hearts to the Party, Welcoming July 1st", the children painted colorful patterns in a whimsical manner, made red windmills with their skillful hands, and wrote their best wishes for the festival on the windmills. The children waved windmills and actively participated in the party history knowledge game quiz, which deepened their understanding of the history of the red revolution imperceptibly. EF teachers led the children to wave colorful paintbrushes and use their imagination and creativity to doodle the plaster dolls. Qinhan Hutong Sinology Education Institution brought a vivid and vivid lecture hall of Sinology, and the children experienced an unforgettable journey of Sinology in the "chess" on the Go board.

At the booth of "Smart Gig Work, Education Improvement", the staff answered the employment questions of residents in the jurisdiction on the spot, carried out one-on-one employment guidance, and used the "Futian Smart Gig Work" platform to help residents find gig jobs that suit them faster. The Qualification Enhancement Institution of Shangcai Education provides residents with a detailed explanation of the ways and functions of academic qualifications, and provides guidance on academic qualifications. In order to enhance residents' awareness of anti-fraud, this market united with Shenzhen Longhua Branch of Credit Securities to carry out anti-fraud and anti-money laundering financial knowledge publicity. The authorized store of Futian Mobile Excellence City was also invited to provide residents with services such as home network detection and telecom anti-fraud publicity, helping to create a strong atmosphere of national anti-fraud.

In addition, the retired party members of the Meidu Community Senior Citizens Association also brought a poetry recitation to everyone at the scene, which won bursts of applause at the scene.

Meifeng Community: The "song and dance drama" in the park sings patriotic hymns and is full of creativity

On the afternoon of June 29th, sponsored by the Party Working Committee of Meilin Street, Futian District, and the Meilin Street Office of Futian District, and undertaken by the Party Committee of Meifeng Community, Meifeng Community Party and Mass Service Center, and Meifeng Community New Era Civilization Practice Station, the Meifeng Community People's Livelihood Micro-reality "Vitality Meifeng, Dream-chasing" Creative Park Cultural Service Brand Project of the "Red Heart to the Party, Beautiful Walk" New Era Civilization Theme Show was held in Meifeng Community Creative Park. Mo Hongxia, member of the CPPCC Futian District, Bin Qiang, head of the Meilin Street People's Livelihood Service Center, and Liu Zhenfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Meifeng Community, attended the performance.

Abundant! Various communities in Meilin Street held colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

Focusing on the theme of "Red Heart to the Party, Beautiful Walk", the event integrated poetry recitation, chorus, erhu performance, dance, magic, Sichuan opera face-changing performance and other popular art performance forms, attracting nearly 300 residents to stop and watch.

Residents at the scene said that it was very meaningful to carry out cultural performances. It not only enriches the cultural life, but also deeply feels that the good life of everyone in the new era is not easy to come by.

The journey is magnificent, and the original intention is long-lasting. Liu Zhenfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Meifeng Community, said that in the future, the Party Committee of Meifeng Community will keep in mind its original mission, strengthen its ideals and beliefs, let the party building and the needs of the masses achieve "two-way running", play the "most beautiful movement" of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and better promote the in-depth development of various works of Meifeng Community, and build a safe, beautiful and vibrant Meifeng.

Shangmei Community: Celebrate the "July 1st" Art Show and show the "Silver Age" style

On the afternoon of June 27, under the guidance of the Party Committee of Shangmei Community, Meilin Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, the Shangmei Community Senior Citizens Association and the Shangmei Community Party and Mass Service Center carried out the "Ode to the Party's Grace and Show Style" to celebrate the July 1st Literary and Art Performance.

Abundant! Various communities in Meilin Street held colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

The theatrical performance kicked off with Shangmei Choir's "No Communist Party, No New China", followed by the soft team "The Look of Shenzhen", the Hulusi team "The True Colors of Soldiers" and other programs, and finally the aerobics "My China is Good" pushed the performance to a climax.

The theme of the whole art show is distinct, the forms are diverse, and the content is rich, presenting an audio-visual feast for the audience.

Written by: Nandu reporter Zhang Xinyi, correspondent Zhu Yuhui, Li Jiayu, Yi Qiong

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