
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 9: This is the real strategy, don't worry about some small details!

author:I'm king in the game

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 9 This is the real strategy, don't care about some small details!

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 9: This is the real strategy, don't worry about some small details!

In Three Kingdoms 9, players can deeply experience the real strategy. As a commander-in-chief, your role is not to be busy with trivial matters, but to stand on a strategic vantage point and overlook the entire battle. Instead of getting bogged down in the daily grind, you can focus on strategy and decision-making.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 9: This is the real strategy, don't worry about some small details!

At the moment of attack, you are like a famous general in history, just give orders and wait for the generals under your command to play. The generals in the game are like the heroic warriors of history, each with their own unique talents and tactical insights, and they will charge into battle and kill the enemy at the slightest command.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 9: This is the real strategy, don't worry about some small details!

This design makes Three Kingdoms 9 closer to real history. In the long river of history, those great commanders, such as Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, etc., they did not have to do everything, but were good at using talents, so that every general could give full play to his strengths. It is this kind of wisdom and open-mindedness that enables them to achieve great things in troubled times.

In Three Kingdoms 9, you are the commander in chief. You need to strategize, see the opportunities, and develop a sound strategic plan. At the same time, you also need to be good at using people so that every general can reach their full potential under your command. Only in this way can you gain a foothold in the troubled times and achieve hegemony.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 9: This is the real strategy, don't worry about some small details!

When it comes to the Three Kingdoms series, its profound cultural heritage and the perfect combination of strategic gameplay have always been talked about by players. However, between the 9th and 11th generations, my personal feelings are starkly contrasting. The reason why I feel that Three Kingdoms 9 is better than Three Kingdoms 11 is mainly due to the significant difference in AI design between the two.

The AI of Three Kingdoms 11, although carefully built, is powerless in actual combat. This AI design lacks sufficient tactical literacy and strategic vision. Once the player has successfully fended off the first wave of the enemy's attack, the ensuing battle is like a "running account", and the computer-controlled enemy army seems to be in endless confusion and chaos. Instead of being the valiant warriors of the battlefield, they have become loyal enforcers of "refueling tactics", rushing into the player's defense line in waves, only to end up with a "death".

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 9: This is the real strategy, don't worry about some small details!

The AI design of Three Kingdoms 9 is more mature and reasonable. Not only are they able to adapt to the battlefield, but they can also adapt their strategy to the player's tactics. Even in the face of strong counterattacks from players, they are able to remain calm and constantly adjust their forces to gain an advantage on the battlefield. This AI design makes every battle full of unknowns and challenges, allowing players to enjoy the game while also feeling the depth and charm of strategy games.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 9: This is the real strategy, don't worry about some small details!

The battle system of Three Kingdoms 9 should be the most outstanding, and the formations appear randomly and are not chosen by yourself. And heads-up is also a system control, will not let the player control, so it increases a lot of difficulty, this system is to make everything random, will not let the player master everything!