
In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 of the congress section 3: forced power transmission

author:Temple of Literature Mountain Residence

Chapter 3, Section 3(3): Forced Transmission

(Executive summary: The county used the public security to force the power supply, but the two sides had a stalemate over the incident, and the after-effects lasted for several years.) )

  At this time, several public security officers suddenly walked into the conference room, all dressed very neatly. Headed by Yang Dongliang, the head of the county public security bureau, he solemnly told the young people: "Don't move anyone, we have to carry out official duties." ”

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 of the congress section 3: forced power transmission

Dujiangyan City built Fu Palace

  "What's the business?" Lu Jiashan said to several public security officers, "The Laozi Power Supply Bureau didn't report the case, what are you afraid of?" ”

  Yang Dongliang said calmly; "You cut off the power without authorization and obstructed the normal work of the county revolutionary committee; If you don't allow the representatives of the poor and middle peasants to watch the performances, you will be suspicious of sabotaging the revolution. I'm arresting you now! ”

  "Arrest me?" Lu Jiashan said, "I'm not afraid when I get to the Public Security Bureau!" ”

  "Going to the Public Security Bureau is nothing more than meeting the director." Yang Dongliang said, "I am Director Yang of the Mao County Public Security Bureau!" You are now going to the detention center, not the Public Security Bureau. ”

  "Just go, I don't believe it, you bite Lao Tzu!" Lu Jiashan said.

  "Cuffed!" Yang Dongliang said.

  Several public security officers rushed up to set up Lu Jiashan and put him in handcuffs all at once. "If you want to arrest us, you will arrest us together." The young people all coaxed.

  At this time, a slightly older middle-aged man from the power supply bureau in the conference room spoke out to persuade Lu Jiashan: "Send electricity?" Director Lu. ”

  Lu Jiashan's hands and feet trembled, his face turned white and he couldn't speak.

  "People who have nothing to do, Lu Jiashan, I'll detain you for 15 days first!" Because he was angry, Yang Dongliang, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and director of the county public security bureau, made an astonishing move. He suddenly unbuttoned his clothes, revealing a small No. 2 revolver that had never been visible around his waist, and he was still holding a police hat in his hand. Yang continued: "I'm not the right public security chief! Lao Tzu first put your doll in the county detention center. Tomorrow Lao Tzu will bet, you electric tiger tour the streets, the township, 30 communes (towns) to swim once! He apologized to the poor middle peasants and peasants in the county. ”

  The phone on the coffee table rang, "It's the dispatch duty phone of the General Administration, I, I, I...... To answer the phone. Lu Jiashan said in a rambling voice. He grabbed the phone with his handcuffed hands, and everyone present heard it say: "The provincial power supply bureau has issued a special order to immediately provide full power to the urban area of Mao County." ”

  "Yes! Be! Be! Lu Jiashan said a few yes, and then shook the phone again with both hands and said, "The provincial power supply bureau has a special instruction to immediately provide full power to the urban area of Mao County!" ”

  All the urban areas of Mao County are on fire, and the scenic park is on the stage of the theater; The melodious music sounded again, and the acrobatic performance resumed. The audience burst into a "Ahhh Oh! Oh! ......" voices then quieted down to watch the show.

  On the side of the power supply bureau, Zhong Zhengqing, Yang Dongliang and others, they left the conference room of the power supply bureau. One of them was handcuffed in his hands, and the county police officer spoke. He said to Lu Jiashan, who was released from the handcuffs: "Director Lu, your baby is lucky today!" Have you thought about it? There are acrobats on stage, poor middle peasants off stage, and you suddenly have a power outage! What if something happens? Fortunately, if something happens, I won't go back empty with my handcuffs today. ”

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 of the congress section 3: forced power transmission

Dujiangyan City Fulongguan night view

  Lu Jiashan stood there and didn't dare to say anything anymore, and several young people gathered around him.

  "I'll talk about it tomorrow!" Liu Rongchang finally said this to Lu Jiashan.

The next day, the congress of poor middle peasants was held as scheduled, and the meeting elected a new leading member of the poor middle peasant association of Mao County. The female leader named Sister Bao, who was the deputy county magistrate mentioned earlier, served as the chairman of the county poverty association. In the compound of the office where the county party committee and the county revolutionary committee are jointly located, an office has been set up for the county poverty association. A wooden board tag with the same wooden board as the county party committee and the county revolutionary committee was hung, and the book was written in red paint "Mao County Poor and Middle Peasant Association", and it was also equipped with special staff.

The task of the county, commune, brigade, and poor middle peasant associations at all levels is to supervise and assist the work of the party committees and branches at all levels, as well as the revolutionary committees and revolutionary leading groups. The focus is on the brigade and production teams, and the organizations of the poor associations should take action to supervise and assist the brigades and production teams in doing their work well.

The spirit of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's two speeches was also conveyed at the meeting.

First, he said to his fellow villagers in Guang'an, Sichuan, in Beijing, "As long as you all share 600 catties of grain equally, I will come back to see you." "Chinese have always had the concept of big fellow villagers and small old fellow villagers. If the Chinese in foreign countries are all fellow villagers, and the people in the same province in other provinces are fellow villagers, this is a big fellow countrymen. In addition, with the production team, brigade, commune, and county, this is a small villager, so Comrade Xiaoping is also a big villager of the people of Mao County. Since then, "600 catties of grain per person" has become the goal of Mao County for many years.

Second, as Comrade Xiaoping said, those who engage in factionalism can be mobilized. If you are transferred to another unit, you can continue to transfer it if you engage in factionalism. Xiaoping said that 365 days a year, transfer him 365 times to see if he still engages in factionalism? This remark was conveyed in the past few years of the county, especially in the last year's batch of forests and holes; The so-called deputies, that is, the deputies of the masses, who danced very well, did not dare to move. The whole situation in Mao County, including the organs of the county party committee and the county revolutionary committee, was much quieter for a while. In the following year, 1976, Deng was criticized for opposing the right, and Xiao Zou of the typing room of the county party committee of Mao County printed the text materials for the above speech. To say that Deng Xiaoping's speech is a cruel suppression of the masses and the suppression of the rebels who made great achievements in the Cultural Revolution .......

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 of the congress section 3: forced power transmission

Panorama of Dujiangyan Anlan Bridge

  On the afternoon of the second day, Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao returned to the compound from the venue, where two people in their 40s and 50s were already waiting. When they saw Cai and Xie, they immediately greeted them, and one of them wore glasses and said, "Secretary Cai! I am from the provincial power supply bureau, and my name is Wang Chenggang in charge of political work; He asked Li Deqiang to be in charge of production, and we had something to report to the two leaders. ”

  "You are the provincial power supply bureau?" Cai Zhenchuan stood in the courtyard dam and said, "Your sub-director is too lawless! You are in charge of the electricity of the country, and you will not give us electricity. We are in charge of the grain, and we can not sell it to you. ”

  "Do you still have a local party committee in your eyes? Do you still admit that you recognize the leadership of the county party committee and the prefectural party committee? Xie Wenyao said.

  "Come to the office and talk about it! Let's go to the office! The two people from the provincial power supply bureau accompanied the smiling faces and kept asking Cai Xie and the two to say. We are all members of the Communist Party, we are all a family, why don't you go to the office and say? The two said repeatedly.

  "I thought you weren't the leaders of the Communist Party." Cai Zhenchuan said.

  "Has your unit been seized by the rebels again?" Xie Wenyao said.

  "No, no." The two of them came or said, "Secretary Cai, Team Leader Xie, go to the conference room and say?" The two gathered on both sides of Cai's reconciliation, one after the other, went up to the second floor of the office, and entered the conference room of the county party committee office.

  After taking a seat, the person from the power supply bureau took the initiative to close the door and took out a letter of introduction from his bag. One of them was handed over to Cai Zhenchuan and said: "Our provincial power supply bureau came specially to compensate the county party committee of Mao County, what other opinions does the county party committee have?" Please Secretary Cai for instructions. ”

  Cai Zhenchuan accepted the letter of introduction handed over by the other party, glanced at it and put it on the coffee table.

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 of the congress section 3: forced power transmission

Dujiangyan is a river with clear water flowing eastward

   "That Director Lu, you should deal with it." Xie Wenyao said.

  "The General Administration has decided to transfer him to study for a period of time, and then he will be assigned a job again, and it is definitely not in Mao County." Li Deqiang of the power supply bureau said, "He is not a rebel. ”

  At this time, Wang Chenggang, who was wearing glasses, said again: "And the woman who arrested you, we also transferred her away." If you make trouble and adjust it again, as Comrade Xiaoping said, you can adjust it 365 times a year to see which one dares to make trouble?

   "The youth training team, we also decided to transfer back to the provincial city for training; The person in charge of the training team changed his career to become a team member, and another person in the bureau was assigned to lead the team to be responsible. ”

  "Do you have any other opinions from the county party committee and the prefectural party committee?" Li Deqiang said again.

  "Nope." Xie Wenyao and Cai Zhenchuan exchanged glances with each other.

  Xie went on to say: "The county party committee and the prefectural party committee are not only the first-level party committees, but also the first-level political power. We have the right to suppress those who cause trouble. ”

  "Yes, yes." Cai Zhenchuan added, "We are going to arrest people. ”

  "First of all, leadership." Both Wang Zhenggang and Li Deqiang said: "First of all, we should do a good job under the leadership of the county party committee and the prefectural party committee. ”

  "Look at your Director Lu's hanging appearance! Can I lead him? Cai Zhenchuan said.

  "It's been transferred, transferred to study." Li Deqiang said.

  "Yes, transferring him to study is the means, and transferring him away is the goal." Wang Zhenggang also added.

  "There are problems in the system, there are problems in the system." Xie Wenyao said, "Within the scope of a county, there are such one or two units that the county can't manage!" And if a few more? The work of the county party committee is even more difficult. ”

  "It can be managed, it can be managed, and the sub-bureau is also under the leadership of the county party committee." Wang and Li got up to say goodbye, and the hands of the four of them were clasped together.

  Over there in the scenic park theater, the next day's acrobatic performance. Hu Zhongshan first went out in person and sent 30 tickets to the power supply branch. It was like this for a long time before, no matter what kind of performance, you had to give tickets first, but this time it was Director Hu (secretary) who sent it personally. Xiao Zou once heard from his father of the county construction company that the main leaders of the county power supply branch sent firewood to their families by the company, and it was not interrupted all year round. As the father of the county construction company, the family burned firewood and squeezed out of the meager salary to buy it in the market.

  However, after this incident, the lights of the county party committee offices in Mao County suddenly became less bright for no apparent reason. Even the fluorescent lamp can't be burned, and Xiao Zou is the typist who feels the deepest typing at night. The desk lamp is not lit, and sometimes I work overtime at night, and I have to use a flashlight to illuminate it. Someone came up with the idea of a low-voltage light bulb, and Xiao Zou also used it. It's just that the voltage goes up and down, and this kind of bulb can easily break. The electricians from the county came to the county office to inspect and repair the factory, but they could not find the reason. This situation has continued for several years, and some people inside the power supply bureau said that they were deliberately angry with Uncle Cai and Secretary Xie!

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 of the congress section 3: forced power transmission

Dujiangyan has a certain scale

  The poor middle peasant association in Mao County did not last long, and when it existed, it wrote many bulletins and asked Xiao Zou to print them in the typing room. After those briefings were printed, Xiao Zou himself did not leave much impression. He knew that the communes, brigades, and production teams also had corresponding associations of poor and middle peasants. The county, commune, and brigade are the committees of the poor middle peasant associations, and the production teams are the poor middle peasant association groups. Chairman Mao Zedong died in September 1976, and in early 1977, a document was issued to abolish all poor and middle peasant associations. When the county poverty association moved the office, the county's female poverty association's chairman, Sister Bao, still held the wooden board tag of "Mao County's Poor Middle Peasant Association" and did not let go. Sister Bao cried and said: "Chairman Mao's bones are not cold, you will attack the poor middle peasants?" ……! ”

(Confucian Temple Mountain Residence)


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