
Continue the red blood and inherit the spirit of the railway soldiers

author:Railway soldier culture
Continue the red blood and inherit the spirit of the railway soldiers

Continue the red blood and inherit the spirit of the railway soldiers

-- Warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

  Today marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. On this occasion, I would like to pay high tribute to the great, glorious and correct Communist Party of China!

In the glorious course of the party, the annual "July 1st" is a special day, it is not only the birthday of the party, but also an important moment for every member of the Communist Party to remember history, never forget the original intention, and move forward bravely.

Continue the red blood and inherit the spirit of the railway soldiers

   From June 17 to 19, 2024, the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission was held in Yan'an, at which General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech and emphasized that "it is necessary to strengthen and improve the political work of our army in the new era to ensure that the troops are absolutely loyal, absolutely pure, and absolutely reliable." The spirit of this speech provides a fundamental basis for us to commemorate the "July 1st" and inherit the red blood. The red blood is the precious spiritual wealth formed by the people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China in the great practice of revolution, construction and reform, and is an important magic weapon for our party to continuously advance from victory to victory. Therefore, this year, we should be guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the Political Work Conference of the Military Commission, deeply study and inherit the red blood, especially the spirit of the railway soldiers, and integrate it into the great practice of the new era.

Continue the red blood and inherit the spirit of the railway soldiers

  The spirit of the railway soldiers, as an important part of the red blood, is a spiritual symbol of the great military exploits of the railway soldiers who "dug roads in the mountains and built bridges in the water" under extremely difficult conditions after the founding of New China. This spirit embodies the lofty quality of Communist Party members who are "not afraid of difficulties, have the courage to sacrifice, are willing to contribute, and dare to win", and is a valuable wealth that needs to be vigorously promoted and inherited in the new era.

  In the new era and new journey, we must deeply study the spirit of General Secretary Xi's speech, and transform the red blood and the spirit of the railway soldiers into a powerful driving force for the development of the cause. First, we must always adhere to the party's leadership and firmly strive for the political direction; Second, we must always adhere to the original intention, keep the mission in mind, and always maintain the sense of mission and the feelings of the family and country; Third, we must always adhere to the principle of retirement without fading, hard work, and continuous innovation; Fourth, we must always insist on integrating the red blood and the spirit of the railway soldiers into daily life and work, so as to achieve the unity of knowledge and action, the consistency of words and deeds, and practice the original intention and mission of Communist Party members with practical actions; Fifth, we must always carry forward the spirit of the railway soldiers, have the courage to take responsibility, dare to be the first, be good at doing good work, and constantly promote new victories in various undertakings.

Continue the red blood and inherit the spirit of the railway soldiers

  To commemorate the "1 July" is to always remember the party's history; To continue the red blood is to inherit the culture of the railway soldiers and carry forward the spirit of the railway soldiers; To listen to the party and follow the party is to deeply study the spirit of General Secretary Xi's speech and contribute to the great cause of the new era.

  "Recalling the eventful years of the past, the original intention is still hot; Now hand in hand to forge ahead, bravely stand at the forefront of the times". Let us join hands, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, resolutely "listen to the party, always follow the party, and forge ahead in the new era", and work together to realize Chinese-style modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

China Social and Cultural Development Foundation Railway Soldiers Cultural Public Welfare Fund

July 1, 2024

Continue the red blood and inherit the spirit of the railway soldiers