
In the days when I was working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 4 Tiankan disputes Section 1: Inspecting the countryside

author:Temple of Literature Mountain Residence

Chapter 3 4 Tiankan Disputes

(Brief introduction: As a result of Comrade Xiaoping's rectification, agricultural production in Mao County in 1975 was much better than in 1974.) But what is incongruous is that some communes have made a move to collect the fields that were delegated to the peasants in 1973 by the speech of Zheng Guangqing, secretary of the prefectural party committee, and say that they will cut the tail of capitalism! It was difficult for the secretary of the county party committee to come forward to oppose it, but the peasants rose up to resist, and the secretary of the commune had to be replaced by the county party committee. )


Chapter 3 4 (1): Inspecting the Countryside 334.................. 339

Chapter 3 4 (2): Between retraction and release 340 .................. 344


Chapter 3 4 Tiankan Dispute Section (1): Inspecting the Countryside

(Executive summary: Cai and Xie took the same car to inspect the rural areas of Mao County.) One of them is an inspector and the other is familiar. )

After finishing the county's poor and middle peasant association, Mao County entered the stage of double rush in 1975. Every year from mid-May to the end of June, rapeseed and wheat in the fields are harvested. Then the seedlings sown a month in advance, that is, between Qingming and Gu Yu, were planted in the field. This process of harvesting and grabbing seeds is called "double robbery", because it starts in May and is also called the Great War Red May.

In the days when I was working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 4 Tiankan disputes Section 1: Inspecting the countryside

The places where the leaders inspect now are far better than they were back then.

At this time of year, cadres of county-level organs go to the countryside to work for one or two days. Some cadres also have to be stationed in communes, brigades, and production teams for 1~2 months to assist local cadres to do a good job of "double robbery". In recent years, there has been a slight number of employment in the commune town of Mao County, and Guankou Town has been established separately; The two towns of Sanyang and Puyang are all located in the commune. At this time, in addition to Guankou Town in Mao County, there were 27 other communes, 20 in Pingba District, and 7 in Shanshan District. Every commune in Pingba District sends a double-robbery team every year. In mountainous areas, corn farmers do not plant the same time, and generally do not send work teams. Since it is often the cadres of the organs, they act as task forces to participate in directing production. In those years, some peasants joked, saying that those who farm are better than those who sit in the organs, but now the cadres of the organs are better at farming than the peasants!?

During the entire double robbery period, Cai Zhenchuan and Wen Yao sat on Master Gong's Beijing jeep at intervals of two or three days, and went to various communes to go around to understand and grasp the situation at any time. The focus of their work is on Pingba District, which accounts for 95 percent of the county's population. Mao County requisitions 100 million catties of public grain every year, of which 95 percent to 95 million catties are paid by the Pingba Commune, the brigade, and the production team. Each year in the seven mountain area communes, only a few hundred thousand to 100 million are handed over to the state warehouse, and the cumulative amount is only a few million catties. If it is calculated that the people in the head mountain area will pay more than 100 catties of grain to the state, and the people in the Pingba area will have to hand over 200 to 300 catties, and the mountain area can be omitted. The deep-seated reason is that in 1960, there was a lot of hunger in the mountainous area of Maoxian County, especially in Qingshan Commune. Nowadays, the people here are also very serious in their work, and the cadres and members are dedicated to production.

Cai Zhenchuan has been in Mao County for several years, and he thinks that it is easy to be the leader of Mao County. First of all, it depends on whether you can collect nearly 100 million catties of public grain in Pingba District? And then will your 300,000 peasants be able to make ends meet and have enough to eat? In the requisition of 100 million catties of public grain, first of all, 100,000 people in the towns of Mao County should supply 40 million catties of raw grain. secondly, the market supplies passers-by from the south to the north, and it costs 10 million catties; 10 million catties of grain were reserved, and 40 million catties were handed over to the state. The total grain output of Mao County is more than 200 million catties, the good annual output is 2.7 to 280 million catties, and the bad annual output is only 250 million to 260 million catties. After the requisition of 100 million catties of public grain, there are still 170 to 180 million catties in the rural areas in good years.

In the days when I was working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 4 Tiankan disputes Section 1: Inspecting the countryside

The night view of Dujiangyan City is infinitely beautiful

More than 10 million catties of grain are needed for repairs, bridges, road paving, and various meetings in the county. The public welfare undertakings of the commune and the brigade, and the maintenance of the Doulong Hair Canal cost more than 10 million catties. There are still about 150 million catties in the hands of farmers, and the average person is less than 500 catties of grain. But this is still raw grain, excluding the bran and wheat bran, there are only more than 300 catties. In this way, while the peasants eat their own grain, they also have to feed pigs, chickens, and poultry and livestock. The food ration for people in the city is 25 catties for adults, and 30~48 catties for workers, clerks, students, etc. Therefore, in those years, whether it was a city person or a rural person, the stomach was only enough to eat in the stage of food and clothing. If the year is not good, the total output will decline, and the county's grain output will only be 250 to 260 million catties, and the state will requisition a lot of grain, and the situation of the peasants will be worse.

On this day, Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao were on the same Beijing jeep of Master Gong. The car crossed the Qingcheng Bridge and went down the highway through Zhongxing, Minxing, and Sanyang Commune. Cai Zhenchuan asked Master Gong to go to Xudu Commune first, and then turn around and go to Sanyang Commune. Cai told Xie Wenyao that the responsibility of the secretary of the county party committee is to increase grain production. Every year, we strive for more in Pingba District, 2 to 30 million catties of grain - stabilize 270 million and strive for 280 million catties. Agricultural production in this place is like this, and if you grasp it well, the county will have a better life. If you don't grasp it well, if something goes wrong in any link, you will be sad if you lose 2 to 30 million catties. Last year, the county's output was reduced in 1974, and this year, in 1975, the peasants' life was more difficult. The county's 300,000 acres of paddy fields, the average yield per mu is 100 catties more, or 100 catties less, adding up to 30 million catties! This year, we will strive for 100 catties more per mu of land, and next year the peasants will have a better life.

Life is better in the mountainous areas, with less than 30,000 people in the seven mountain communes. The reported planting area is 100,000 mu, and the mountainous area is actually far more than that. Calculated according to 100,000 mu, the average yield per mu is 200 kg of corn seeds; The total output is 20 million catties, and the average person is 6 to 7 hundred catties. The requisition of public grain in the mountains is small, and the average per capita is more than 100 catties. Over the years, people in the mountain area have been turned upside down, and their bellies are full.

  Xie Wenyao said that he was in Wujin County, and it was not so complicated when he was a secretary. Wujin County is small with only 200,000 people. There are 50,000 people in Chengguan and 150,000 in rural areas, and all the ten communes are Pingba, which is relatively uniform. From the decentralization of the system in 1962 to the special year of 1966, the average per mu was more than 600 catties of rice and more than 300 catties of wheat, adding up to 1,000 catties. 150,000 acres of paddy fields is 150 million catties. handed over to the state for grain requisition of 20 million catties, the market supply of 10 million catties, and the people shared more than 500 catties of grain equally. During the special period, the annual output fell, only 120 million to 30 million catties, and the county was very nervous!

  Cai Zhenchuan said: "That's, that's it, you can't take tonic medicine and can't leak medicine, as long as it's a little less." The state cannot be less, and as soon as the output is reduced, there will be less on the peasants' side; It's not a lot in the first place, and a little less won't work! Therefore, rural people can fill a little bit of the land and land in the struggle for their own land. ”

  Xie Wenyao said: "It stands to reason that what Comrade Xiaoping said, the standard of 600 catties per person is not high, why can't it be reached?" I have been in Wujin County for more than 10 years, and I have only been really doing nothing for more than a year; From the second half of 1966 to 1967, the rebels seized power and we sided. In 1968, when the party's core group was established, we had the final say, and the rebels did not take power, so they kept making trouble. ”

  "I'll just listen to him; I don't say anything, they put me on the ball! Cai Zhenchuan said hatefully, "The leaders of the rebels in Mao County are basically not party members. ”

  "Wujin County is similar, and there are also party members who rebel, but generally speaking, there are fewer." Xie Wenyao said, "If it can't reach 600 catties per person, I think there is a system problem; The production team should be smaller, isn't it better to be smaller? If there is a yard, a cow, and a production team, it would be good like the Ganggang Mutual Aid Group. My younger brother Xie Wenhe is an associate professor at the College of Foreign Chinese in Sichuan, and he has some international news there. It is said that the United Nations put forward last year that the standard for a country's grain clearance is 400 kilograms and 800 kilograms of grain per person. ”

In the days when I was working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 4 Tiankan disputes Section 1: Inspecting the countryside

The prospect of Dujiangyan is cloudy and foggy

  "400 kilograms, 800 kilograms, I can't even think of it!" Cai Zhenchuan said, "But now the production team system does not dare to move!" Secretary Zheng of the prefectural party committee just sent Tian Kan to the household, and was sued by Zhong Zhengqing and Gao Zhixiang to the province. Gao is running along, and Zhong Zhengqing is the one who came up with the idea; They asked me to express my position, and I had to agree with them to go to the province to reflect. Your Wujin is less than 600 catties, and our county is 500 catties. ”

  Cai Zhenchuan then said: "The rural areas of Mao County are divided into three circles, and the more than 10 communes in Pingba in the core area are slightly better, with a per capita of 500 catties. The second ring road is the most problematic of the 10 communes along the mountain, and the average person is 300 to 400 catties, which has ripped off the average level of the county. The output of the 7 communes in the mountainous area of the Third Ring Road must be hidden, and the reported output has not been high, only 500 catties. In those years, it was mainly a three-year difficult period, and the peasants were scared of starvation in the mountainous areas of Mao County, and the output was underreported to you. ”

  Xie Wenyao said with a smile: "Honest people can't be clean, people in the mountain area are honest, and they will be elves." ”

  While the two were talking, they passed by the county's No. 2 Middle School, and Cai told Xie that this was one of the two high schools in Mao County. In the past, it was a temple called "Matsu Temple", which covered a wide area, and now there are more than 90 acres of area. The Maoxian Middle School in the city has a total area of more than 40 acres! The playground is only more than 20 acres. Now it is proposed above that the playground of the key middle school will be 40 acres! I can't do it, can I see if the old man can do it? Xie Wenyao hurriedly said, I can't do it either, I have to wait for the future leaders of Mao County to do .......

When the town of Xuduchang arrived, the jeep braked and stopped in front of the courtyard of the commune; Before getting off the bus, Xie Wenyao told Cai Zhenchuan that Xudu Township was the location of the ancient Qingcheng County site. The Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Northern Song Dynasty, and the Southern Song Dynasty existed for more than 500 years, and the Yuan Dynasty and the Song Dynasty were abolished due to population decline. In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, Wang Xiaobo and Li Shunjun rebelled against the rich and the poor, although the place of occurrence was in Qingshan, but it belonged to the Qingcheng County Administration. Therefore, it is also called Qingcheng County in the history books, and the tea farmers revolted in both rich and poor (993-995) for a total of 2 years. It's almost 1,000 years away. Cai Buran said that he has been rich and poor for 1,000 years, and it is still a bit of a problem to eat! XXX said that eating for hundreds of millions of people in China is a big problem.

Cai Xie and the others got out of the car and walked in. The first to catch up was Xudu Commune, Sister Du, who was guarding the office. She said that Secretary Peng and most of the commune cadres and comrades in the work team went down to the brigade and production team to supervise and inspect. Sister Du and a female comrade named Yang Suying of the county work team guarded the commune. Yang's lover, the political commissar of Unit 770, Ning, was originally from the Jinchuan base area, and Cai Zhenchuan was a small fellow villager in the same county. At this time, Yang Suying greeted her with a smile, she was in her 50s and very energetic.

When Yang ran through Jiangxi when he was 12 or 13 years old, he and his mother ran out with the Red Army on the Long March, and all the family members were killed. Listen to her own words: grandfather, grandmother, father, uncle, aunt, and brother, etc., the whole family of six was sacrificed in the revolution. If their mother and daughter don't run out, they will also be killed by the white bandit army, the white dog. Yang Suying and her mother, who had a long march of 25,000 miles, initially followed the Red Army's medical team and participated in the rescue of the wounded. When passing by Yingjing County, Sichuan, the mother and daughter couldn't walk. After the work of the troops, a local family took them in.

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, and the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated to form a united front. Yang Suying said goodbye to her mother and stepfather, went to Chongqing to find the office of the Eighth Route Army, rejoined the revolution and went to Yan'an. After marrying Political Commissar Ning, he has been following the People's Liberation Army to the north and south, and in 1955, Political Commissar Ning was awarded the rank of major general. In 1971, he was transferred to the 770 unit of the county garrison as the political commissar, and Yang was also transferred to the party committee of the county party committee. (Xiao Zou once heard someone in the agency say that Secretary Cai went out in Master Gong's car one time.) When Cai got off the bus and walked home at Pubai Bridge, Yang Suying, who was waiting there, got on the bus and went to Unit 770. )

  In the commune's office--reception room, Yang Suying told Cai Zhenchuan to reconcile Wenyao. This year's wheat production is a little better than last year's, but they also made mistakes in their work. Mainly in the prevention and control of yellow rust, the effect of sodium dirust is not obvious first, and then the effect of withdrawing is better. If you first use more than 6,000 acres of wheat in Huiinte, you can save tens of thousands of yuan in medicine money and hundreds of labor. If the rust is cured early, the yield of wheat can be increased by dozens of catties per mu; One mu of 30 catties of the whole commune is an increase in the yield of 200,000 catties of wheat.

  Seeing Yang Suying's serious calculation, Cai Zhenchuan said with a smile, "Didn't the technician of the Agricultural and Water Bureau say that you should use antibacterial?" I also sent a briefing! ”

  "The supply and marketing cooperatives sell pesticides, saying that sodium dirust specializes in treating yellow rust." Yang Suying said, "We can't figure out that we are being led by them, we can't use sodium dirust first, and then we use Withinte when the yellow rust is still long." ”

  "Ugh." Cai Zhenchuan sighed and said, "These people are preventing insects and treating diseases every year, and some of them still don't know. ”

  Xie Wenyao said: "I read it from the agricultural technology book, which says that yellow rust depends on the way of heaven, and there is less rust in the spring when it rains. When the climate is sunny, rust is more severe, and it is not every year. Wheat rust occurs once every few years, and some may not remember that much. ”

  Cai remembered that there was a production team that used the method of disposing of manure to treat rust. asked Yang Suying: "Has anyone used dung to treat yellow rust?" ”

  "Yes." Yang Suying said, "There are some effects if you treat early, but rust everywhere is treated late, and there is only medicine." Pull out the manure? So much labor there? There's so much to dial in there? There is also wheat that has been dung, and it is always not green, and the yield will be reduced and the harvest will be reduced. ”

  When Cai, Xie and Yang Suying were talking, Sister Du was just listening and laughing from the side, and it could be seen that she didn't understand much either.

  Cai and Xie left Xudu Commune and got into Master Gong's Beijing jeep. Cai said to the commentary: "What are you doing Mingtang? Are rural cadres and cadres less serious than government cadres? Growing lazy crops doesn't take your brains. ”

  Commentary: "I don't blame them, a brigade of one or two thousand people, and a production team of one or two hundred people." There are a lot of things to do in a day, and people have limited energy, how can they take care of it! ”

In the days when I was working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 4 Tiankan disputes Section 1: Inspecting the countryside

Night view of Dujiangyan City

This sentence also touched Cai Zhenchuan's nerves, and he remembered that he had been in Mao County for 4 to 5 years. Often, they are not at odds with the leaders of the rebels in the county, and the so-called representatives of the masses are not clear, and they have a lot of energy to pay attention to production? Now that he has appointed Wen Yao to come to Mao County to prepare to take over his class, is he getting older? However, Cai feels good about himself and is still full of energy for work. If it weren't for the constant noise of those people, Mao County would definitely not be what it is now. It is entirely possible for the county's grain production to break through the total output of 300 million catties, and Comrade Xiaoping's ideal of 600 catties per capita has long been realized! (Confucian Temple Mountain Residence)


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