
Chang'e-6 triumphed, the United States was dumbfounded! This is the great power gap!

author:Leadership Think Tank

On June 25, the mainland's Chang'e-6 returner accurately landed in the predetermined area of Siziwangqi in Inner Mongolia, achieving the world's first sample return from the far side of the moon, setting a new milestone in the history of mainland aerospace.

Judging from the live broadcast on the spot, the landing process of Chang'e-6 was extremely smooth, and the landing site positioning was accurate, which not only demonstrated the mainland's aerospace technology strength, but also attracted widespread attention from around the world. At present, the space agencies of France, Italy and many other countries have expressed strong interest in the precious lunar samples brought back by Chang'e-6.

More importantly, the complete success of the Chang'e-6 mission is not only a simple lunar exploration mission success, but also a demonstration of China's strength in the space field and a vivid practice of the space version of the "Belt and Road". There is no doubt that China is gradually establishing its own scientific and technological standards and discourse power in the international community through such major scientific and technological achievements, which is a strong proof of the rise of China's scientific and technological strength.

By contrast, America's performance in the aerospace sector pales in comparison. Not only did they expose their own decay, but their attitude towards internal security issues completely exposed their deep-seated corruption and depravity. It is not difficult to see from this that the predicament facing the United States is far more severe and shocking than we can imagine!

Chang'e-6 triumphed, the United States was dumbfounded! This is the great power gap!

First of all, in aviation, Boeing aircraft accidents in the United States are frequent, and although the causes of each accident are different, it is an indisputable fact that they are rude in terms of quality control.

What is even more shocking is that when Boeing insiders discovered the problem and exposed it, not only did they not get the response they deserved, but they were ruthlessly ordered to retire. Later, Barnett, who discovered the problem, directly reported it to the FAA with his real name, but it ushered in an even darker tragedy: he was "magically" shot 6 times in the back of the head, and was finally summarily judged to be "suicide". Such a tragedy did not only happen to Barnett, but another questioning quality inspector, Joshua Dean, also passed away under the strange name of "sudden illness". If all this is just a coincidence, then this explanation is obviously too far-fetched.

So what the truth is, I believe everyone knows it. Of course, it's no wonder that everyone is guessing deeply. According to Xinhua News Agency, on June 18, local time, Dave Calhoun, CEO of Boeing, attended the hearing held by the U.S. Senate for the first time on the safety of Boeing aircraft's frequent exposure. At the hearing, Calhoun admitted that Boeing had retaliated against the "whistleblowers" internally. If you think about it, Calhoun can say such things so openly in public, which is undoubtedly a threat and a hint: this is the fate of the whistleblower! And this blatant threat is clearly a violation of justice and conscience, which makes people shudder.

Of course, the corruption and depravity of the United States in aerospace is much more than that.

Judging from recent events, on June 21, NASA announced that Boeing's new manned spacecraft "Starliner" had to postpone its return to Earth again due to technical failures. On June 24, the U.S. website Space reported that two U.S. astronauts stationed on the International Space Station had to abandon their out-of-cabin maintenance plans due to a water leak in the cooling unit of the spacesuit......

From this, we can also see that the United States is not only prone to Boeing accidents, but also manned spacecraft and space stations.

Now that the Starliner thrusters have failed, they will get out of control once they return, and the lives of American astronauts will be in danger, so NASA has had to repeatedly postpone the return program. The incident not only called into question NASA's leadership, but also exposed Boeing's serious technical and management problems.

What's even more ironic is that the supplier of the thruster control valve that immediately threw the pot off this time was from India. According to reports, the cause of the failure was that the Indian supplier had replaced the control valve that was supposed to use titanium alloy with "space aluminum" material. It is a great irony of the seriousness of technology that this material, which is often used to make everyday objects such as doors and windows, is now used in American spacecraft. And this kind of absurd thing happened to the cutting-edge scientific and technological equipment parts in the United States, just like a child's play!

All of the above is a true portrayal of the strength of the United States in the aerospace field. Problems occur frequently and loopholes are abundant, but there is still no deep reflection on it. What's even more exaggerated is that although Boeing has continued to lose money in recent years, its CEO Calhoun's compensation has bucked the trend, reaching about $32.7 million in 2023, an increase of about 45% from 2022.

It can be seen that such a country has obviously decayed to the extreme.

In contrast, the rise of China's aerospace industry has undoubtedly brought new vitality and hope to the global aerospace field.

In addition, with the success of our lunar back sampling this time, there is another question that is expected to be revealed.

Recently, the French space agency unveiled the results of a shocking scientific study that deeply analyzed the data of lunar soil samples brought back from the moon by China and the United States, and the results were jaw-dropping: the similarity between the two is as low as less than 25%! This astonishing discovery not only caused an instant uproar in the scientific community, but could also have a profound impact on the future of lunar research and international space cooperation.

It stands to reason that even the composition of soils in different regions of the moon should be highly similar. However, it is also surprising that lunar soil samples from China and the United States show such a huge difference.

Thinking of the various doubts about the authenticity of the American manned lunar landing in recent years, people are now beginning to doubt the authenticity of the American lunar soil. Is this due to the fact that the geology of different parts of the moon is very different, or is the lunar soil sample provided by the United States fake? All of this is shrouded in a fog that needs to be further confirmed and answered.

At this moment, the 1935.3-gram sample just collected from the back of the moon in China will be the key to unravel this mystery, providing us with valuable and new clues and evidence, leading us to the truth step by step!

To sum up, the recent series of events has indeed raised public questions about the strength of the United States in the aerospace field, with frequent technical failures like a lingering nightmare, and management corruption is even more alarming. Isn't all this a harbinger of a great country's twilight? These questions are not only incredible, but also give rise to new thoughts and worries about the future international landscape. Against this backdrop, even some of America's traditional allies, such as Israel, may have to reconsider and adjust their strategic choices in response to possible changes in the international landscape.

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