
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!

author:Overlooking the North Star

Opening remarks

Time does not live, and there are traces of struggle. This year coincides with the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 10th anniversary of the implementation of the major national strategy for the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. The District Rong Media Center launched a special report on "The Story of Beichen in Light and Shadow", allowing the lens to record the times, witness the fiery practice, tell the story with light and shadow, and gather the strength to forge ahead.



Come to Beichen Jim Land in July

Jim Adventure World, located in Shuangkou Town, Beichen District, will be put into trial operation on July 1 this year, and everyone is welcome to check in and play to experience the fun of outdoor adventure, parent-child exploration, and nature exploration.

Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!
Welcome to Beichen Jim Adventure World!

The Jim Adventure World project is a successful case of Beichen District vigorously promoting the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism by revitalizing and utilizing idle rural assets. The project is located in Shuanghe Village, Shuangkou Town, covering an area of about 450 acres, with the overall positioning of creating a new format of sports + education + tourism, including family parent-child exploration and education, research and popular science exploration culture, fashion outdoor adventure challenge, outdoor leisure camping, Jim Ice and Snow World, a total of 5 major plates, 9 functional areas, and more than 30 amusement projects. Among them, Jim Water World has a 9,000-square-meter wave pool, which ranks in the forefront of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Warrior Portventura is the only ship-shaped comprehensive challenge tower feature project in the country, and the suspension rainbow slide is the longest in the country.

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