
Total boycott! South Korean media denounced Sun Xiongzheng for his outdated education methods, which led to an increase in the crime rate

author:The vision of the small gold sports world

South Korean football has not been peaceful during this time, although their group in the round of 18 is more favorable, but the negative news about the selection of the national team manager and the number one star Son Heung-min has caused turmoil in Korean football. Because of the infighting with the Korean Football Association, the top management of the South Korean national team strengthening committee submitted his resignation, and the question of the coach of the national team was once again at an impasse. Son Heung-min was unanimously condemned in South Korea because of the revelation of corporal punishment of young players at the youth school founded by his father. This is not only Sun Xiongzheng's problem, but also troubles Sun Xingmin.

Total boycott! South Korean media denounced Sun Xiongzheng for his outdated education methods, which led to an increase in the crime rate

Son Xingmin's father, Sun Xiongzheng, was reported by the parents of his own players, and then Sun Xiongzheng was investigated and charged by relevant parties. In terms of Sun Xiongzheng's position, everything he does is for the good of the child, whether it is beating or scolding, it is a way of education, not to abuse the other party. However, from the standpoint of the parents of young players, Sun Xiongzheng's youth training institution uses corporal punishment to educate young players, which is not only ineffective but also harms the players' bodies and minds. Therefore, there are differences between the two sides on their positions.

Total boycott! South Korean media denounced Sun Xiongzheng for his outdated education methods, which led to an increase in the crime rate

This time, the Korean media generally stood on the opposite side of Son Heung-sha, and they criticized Son Woong-jeong's education methods. It is undeniable that Son Xingsha's success is the embodiment of Son Woong's education, but the Korean media believes that this kind of education method of corporal punishment of players has long been outdated. In modern educational philosophy, corporal punishment is wrong at any time and under any circumstances, even if there is sufficient reason to do so. The Korean media cited the results of research in the South Korean education sector, showing that in the era when corporal punishment education was prevalent, the crime rate was higher than that in the era when corporal punishment was not used, and corporal punishment sometimes not only had no effect, but increased the rebellious feelings of the person being corporal punishment.

Total boycott! South Korean media denounced Sun Xiongzheng for his outdated education methods, which led to an increase in the crime rate

Sun Xiongzheng's original intention is not doubtful, he hopes to teach more Sun Xingmin, but his way is not entirely correct. Sun Xingmin's success does not come entirely from Sun Xiongzheng's education, his talent, his self-discipline is the main part of success, Sun Xiongzheng just gave the right guidance. However, not everyone has the talent and self-discipline of Sun Xingmin, and his education methods are not only useless for most people, but even have the opposite effect. According to the research of the Korean media, his education method may have indirectly increased the crime rate in South Korea.

Total boycott! South Korean media denounced Sun Xiongzheng for his outdated education methods, which led to an increase in the crime rate

There is no problem with the concept of strict teachers and high apprentices, but strict teachers do not mean corporal punishment, some people may be willing to let their children receive such education, but not everyone is willing, and when their children are really subjected to corporal punishment, these parents may not really accept it. Sun Xiongzheng seems to need to change his education method appropriately. Nor is Son Heung-min's example universally applicable.

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