
Dong Mingzhu's shareholders' meeting "fired", who is the real king of Xiaomi Gree? Netizens are arguing!

author:Old Don said history

Friends, have you heard?

On June 28th, at the annual general meeting of shareholders of Gree Electric Appliances, our "Iron Lady" Dong Mingzhu was really unambiguous, and directly named Xiaomi, saying that they claimed to be the first on the Internet, but in fact, they all relied on products made by others!

As soon as these words came out, netizens blew up and said: "Oh mom, the smell of gunpowder is too strong!" ”

Dong Mingzhu's shareholders' meeting "fired", who is the real king of Xiaomi Gree? Netizens are arguing!

Let's take a look at how this thing fermented.

Dong Mingzhu was quite serious at the meeting, she said: "Xiaomi, you said that you are the first, where is the technology?" Who is the first, consumers are like mirrors in their hearts! ”

As soon as these words came out, the video immediately rushed to the hot search, and netizens were talking about it, some supported Dong Mingzhu, saying that this was the truth, and some felt that she was a bit too much.

Dong Mingzhu's shareholders' meeting "fired", who is the real king of Xiaomi Gree? Netizens are arguing!
Dong Mingzhu's shareholders' meeting "fired", who is the real king of Xiaomi Gree? Netizens are arguing!

Some netizens mentioned Xiaomi's core figure, Lei Jun, and said: "Xiaomi has Lei Jun, what about Gree?" "Hey, this question can pull Wang Ziru in.

Someone said: "The core of Gree is Wang Ziru!" "But, you see, at the 2023 annual general meeting of shareholders of Gree Electric, Wang Ziru didn't even see a shadow.

There was no one in the leadership seat, and it was not found in the audience, which made netizens wonder: "Where did Wang Ziru go?" Isn't that his home turf? ”

Dong Mingzhu's shareholders' meeting "fired", who is the real king of Xiaomi Gree? Netizens are arguing!

Speaking of which, Wang Ziru also said in an interview before: "I feel like a happy thing every day when I watch President Dong hold a meeting. ”

Oh, that's right, it's really not a word about love, every word is love! But why didn't he come to this meeting?

Netizens speculated all kinds of things, and some said: "Was it sent to do something big?" ”

Some said: "Are you afraid of Dong Mingzhu's 'artillery fire'?" "Haha, that's laughable.

Dong Mingzhu's shareholders' meeting "fired", who is the real king of Xiaomi Gree? Netizens are arguing!
Dong Mingzhu's shareholders' meeting "fired", who is the real king of Xiaomi Gree? Netizens are arguing!

Let's talk about Dong Mingzhu, she also mentioned the issue of retirement at the meeting.

"I might be retiring next year, but I can't leave a mess for the people behind me," she said. "Oh, that's really emotional.

Born in 1954, she is 70 years old this year, and it is indeed time to enjoy life.

However, netizens are still worried: "Dong Mingzhu has retired, can Gree still have today's scenery?" ”

Dong Mingzhu's shareholders' meeting "fired", who is the real king of Xiaomi Gree? Netizens are arguing!

However, Dong Mingzhu also gave everyone a reassurance, she said: "I will strive to give everyone dividends every year, at least I won't let you cry!" ”

Dong Mingzhu's shareholders' meeting "fired", who is the real king of Xiaomi Gree? Netizens are arguing!

Oh, that's really heartwarming. It seems that even if Dong Mingzhu retires, he will still care about Gree.

Speaking of Wang Ziru, he is really hot. After Dong Mingzhu's speech rushed to the hot search, netizens went to leave messages under his video.

Some people expressed their gratitude, saying that every time they watched the video of him and Lao Luo PK, their irritability was relieved;

Some people ask him which department of Gree is the most dangerous;

There are also people who urge him to update the video, saying that they like him to speak seriously. Oh, that's laughable!

Dong Mingzhu's shareholders' meeting "fired", who is the real king of Xiaomi Gree? Netizens are arguing!

Netizens hot discussion:

Netizen A (Gree employee): "Mr. Dong is right! We Gree rely on strength to speak, unlike some companies, which rely on marketing! ”

Netizen B (Xiaomi user): "Xiaomi is also good, I use it very well." Dong Mingzhu's words are a bit excessive. ”

Netizen C (neutral): "Competition between companies is normal, but there is no need to criticize each other publicly. This makes the pattern too small. ”

Ding netizen (Wang Ziru fan): "Wang Ziru, you are Gree's 'treasure boy'!" Come out and update the video! We all miss you! ”

Dong Mingzhu's shareholders' meeting "fired", who is the real king of Xiaomi Gree? Netizens are arguing!
Dong Mingzhu's shareholders' meeting "fired", who is the real king of Xiaomi Gree? Netizens are arguing!


What do you think, friends? I think it's normal for companies to compete with each other, but the most important thing is to rely on strength.

Consumers' eyes are bright, who is good and who is bad, their hearts are like mirrors. Therefore, whether it is Gree or Xiaomi, we should focus on improving product quality and service, so as to win the hearts of consumers.

Finally, I also want to ask everyone, do you think Dong Mingzhu's words are reasonable, or are they a bit excessive?

Come and share your thoughts in the comment section!


The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The audience should look at this incident rationally, and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law.

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