
The high-tech industry company successfully carried out the comprehensive emergency drill for fire safety accidents in 2024

author:Upstream News

In order to implement the relevant deployment requirements of the 23rd National "Safety Production Month" activities and do a good job in all kinds of fire prevention inspections and inspections, recently, the high-tech industry company, together with Gaoyuan Property and R&F Property, carried out on-site fire drills with the theme of "everyone stresses safety and everyone will be able to respond to emergencies" in Jinfeng Software Park.

The high-tech industry company successfully carried out the comprehensive emergency drill for fire safety accidents in 2024

At the event site, the commander-in-chief of the emergency drill emphasized that enterprises should strictly follow the relevant regulations, implement fire safety responsibilities, regularly inspect, clean and replace all kinds of fire-fighting equipment and facilities to ensure that they can be pulled out and rushed at critical moments. The instructors explained to the participants the use of fire extinguishing equipment, maintenance methods, fire prevention measures and other fire safety knowledge.

The high-tech industry company successfully carried out the comprehensive emergency drill for fire safety accidents in 2024

Subsequently, we organized everyone to carry out a physical operation simulation drill outdoors, making full use of the skills learned in fire training, correctly judging and pre-controlling the danger, and taking effective measures to fight the fire in an emergency and report to the rescue under the premise of ensuring their own safety, so as to extinguish the fire in the early stage of the fire.

The high-tech industry company successfully carried out the comprehensive emergency drill for fire safety accidents in 2024

The participants of this event said that "I have learned and mastered the use of fire extinguishing equipment and evacuation methods in the event of a fire, so that I can not panic when danger comes, so that the fire protection knowledge I have learned will come in handy."

The activity of "Safety Production Month" not only enhances the emergency response ability of the company's employees, property and other employees, ensures the safety of life and property of service enterprises and people in the jurisdiction, and further improves the ability of fire emergency response and emergency rescue, but also plays an important role in promoting the implementation of fire safety responsibilities in accordance with the law, doing a good job in fire management and ensuring fire safety.

In the next step, the high-tech industry company will continue to adhere to its responsibilities, pay attention to safety publicity and practice, build a strong safety line of defense, and help enterprises and citizens to achieve "everyone stresses safety and everyone will respond to emergencies".

Upstream news reporter Wang Yufeng correspondent Zhang Jiaqi

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