
Making dumplings in summer, this filling is the first choice, tender and refreshing, extremely nutritious, and one bite is really satisfying

author:Goose delicacies

In the summer, I basically don't have to buy vegetables, and my mother-in-law's vegetable garden can be self-sufficient. What you grow and eat, what you eat are some seasonal ingredients, and you can't finish eating a lot of beans recently, so there are beans on the table almost every day.

Beans are not only tender and refreshing, but also highly nutritious, it is rich in protein, vitamin C, dietary fiber, and has the functions of strengthening the spleen and stomach, moistening the intestines and detoxifying. In addition, beans are also a high-potassium and high-calcium food, which helps to enhance immunity and bone health, and can also replenish potassium lost due to sweating, helping to relieve fatigue and increase appetite, especially suitable for summer consumption.

Making dumplings in summer, this filling is the first choice, tender and refreshing, extremely nutritious, and one bite is really satisfying

Usually, beans are mostly used for stir-frying, cold dressing or pickled capers, today, for you to bring a different way to eat - bean stuffed dumplings, according to my method to adjust the filling, delicious and appetizing, refreshing and not greasy, one bite is too fragrant, adults and children love to eat!

Recommended food: carob dumplings

Ingredients: beans, carrots, dried fragrant, minced pork, green onions, minced ginger, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, pepper, chicken essence, sesame oil, 300g flour, 180ml warm water


The first step is to make noodles

When we make dumplings, the noodles should be slightly softer, so that the dumplings will taste better. 300 grams of flour, add 2 grams of salt, increase the gluten of flour, and then slowly add a small amount of 180 ml of water many times, stir into a dough without dry flour, knead into a slightly soft and smooth dough, cover with plastic wrap, and set aside to set aside.

Making dumplings in summer, this filling is the first choice, tender and refreshing, extremely nutritious, and one bite is really satisfying

The second step is to prepare the ingredients

Prepare a handful of beans, pinch the heads and tails, clean them, and cut them into minced beans. 2 slices of dried fragrant and cut into small cubes. 1/2 carrot, minced. Prepare a little green onion and ginger, finely chop and set aside.

Making dumplings in summer, this filling is the first choice, tender and refreshing, extremely nutritious, and one bite is really satisfying

The third step is to fry the filling

Add a little cooking oil to the pot, put a ball of minced pork, stir-fry the oil over low heat, fry until the minced meat changes color, add minced green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant. Add a little dark soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, and give the minced meat a little color.

Next, add the beans, carrots, and dried fragrant, stir-fry evenly, fry until the beans change color and break off, add salt, pepper, chicken essence, light soy sauce, sesame oil, stir well, and the filling is adjusted.

Making dumplings in summer, this filling is the first choice, tender and refreshing, extremely nutritious, and one bite is really satisfying

The fourth step is to roll out the skin and make dumplings

Sprinkle a thin layer of dry flour on the cutting board, which can prevent the dough from sticking to the cutting board, take the awakened dough, do not knead, directly knead it into long strips, and cut it into a dough of the same size. Press the dough flattened, and then use a rolling pin to roll it into a dumpling wrapper.

Put the filling in the middle of the dumpling wrapper and wrap it into dumplings. When placing the dumplings, stick a little dry flour to the bottom of the dumplings and leave a little space between the two to prevent the dumplings from sticking together.

Making dumplings in summer, this filling is the first choice, tender and refreshing, extremely nutritious, and one bite is really satisfying

The fifth step is to cook the dumplings

Boil half a pot of water in advance, add a little salt to the water and stir well, so that the dumplings are not easy to break the skin. Put in the dumplings and push them with a spatula to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Because the dumpling filling is fried, it is basically cooked, so after the dumplings float, you can order cold water for 1 time, as long as the skin is cooked, the dumplings will be cooked.

Making dumplings in summer, this filling is the first choice, tender and refreshing, extremely nutritious, and one bite is really satisfying

The dumplings fried in this way are particularly fragrant and more delicious than the dumplings with raw meat filling. All of them are delicious and appetizing, fresh and refreshing, one bite at a time, so delicious that you can't stop. Dip it in chili oil, or garlic paste, the taste is even more amazing, and you still want to eat it!

Making dumplings in summer, this filling is the first choice, tender and refreshing, extremely nutritious, and one bite is really satisfying

If you like to eat dumplings, just like, collect, and forward it, so as not to find it when you want to see it, and there will be more exciting content to share tomorrow, that's all for today, thanks for reading, bye-bye!

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