
Novel "Jackie Chan" 57 - Mom narrates: My son joined the student troupe

author:Beijing Laoji
Novel "Jackie Chan" 57 - Mom narrates: My son joined the student troupe

It's been more than ten months since Komatsu returned to college, but overall the situation is fine. He still lives at the school, goes home once a week, leaves a change of clothes, and takes away the next week's living expenses.

The current method of paying living expenses on a weekly basis is a major financial reform plan proposed by Komatsu's father, which is aimed at preventing Komatsu from having too much pocket money in his hands and preventing him from falling into the trap of an Internet café again. I also agree with Komatsu's father's reform idea, instead of chattering about his son's big truths, it is better to cut off his source of Internet funding, which is simpler and more effective. In fact, I am more concerned that this will reduce the probability of conflicts between father and son over the issue of money.

After Komatsu re-enrolled, his mental state has changed positively, he has come out of online games, he seems much more relaxed, and he can actively participate in various activities of the school, such as basketball team, drama troupe, guitar interest group, etc., every time he comes back, he shows off his achievements to us: he won a basketball game against a university team, his poems were published in the school magazine, and his classmates in the drama troupe praised him for his temperament, etc. We are all very happy to see this positive change in our son.

Recently, I noticed a welcome new development for my son: he seems to have taken an interest in theater and is quietly writing a play script.

Komatsu downplayed online games and turned his interest to healthy and uplifting literary writing, and of course I was very happy, and I quickly told Komatsu and his father the good news.

When Komatsu's father heard the news, he was a little skeptical and said, "Really? I was a little surprised, Komatsu had always disliked writing in the past, and his essay grades had always been terrible. When he was in high school, in order to cultivate his interest in literature, I bought him a lot of literary masterpieces, and also formulated a preferential policy for him: as long as he is willing to write something, no matter how good or bad he writes, I will give a reward of 20 yuan for each article. Which nerve did you suddenly remember to write a script now? ”

Listening to Komatsu's father say this, I also feel that this matter is indeed not so simple.

Taking advantage of Komatsu's return home on the weekend, I took the initiative to chat with Komatsu and asked him why he was suddenly keen to write scripts. Starting from how to eat at school, we finally turned to the topic of art.

I asked, "How is your student drama troupe?" ”

"It's okay, the main problem now is that there is no script suitable for our students, and we can't always compete with a "Thunderstorm", so I recently planned to write a script by myself to reflect the emotional life of our post-80s college students.

"Who do you mean by 'they'? Is it your tutor? ”

"No, our troupe doesn't have tutors at all, and we students do it all by ourselves, from playwright to director. When I say 'they', I mainly mean our artistic director Xu Miao and the current screenwriter Bao Wei, who are two grades higher than me, and they always look down on me, and when I say I'm going to write a five-act play, they all say I'm bragging. ”

"What major is this Xu Miao studying?"

"She's from the art department."

"Pretty looks, huh?"

"Of course, the girls in the art department are all admitted after interviews, and she is the most temperamental in the art department, how else would she be the art director......, hey, Mom, what do you mean by asking this?"

I pretended to be nonchalant and said, "What can I mean, nonsense." ”

"Report work" to Komatsu's father before going to bed at night.

I learned from the tone of the traitor who stole the mines in the movie "Mine Warfare" and said: "Report to Taijun, I found out the secret that my son was suddenly going to write a script." ”

Komatsu's father stretched out his hand to stop me: "Don't say it yet, I guess it's for pickling girls, right?" ”

The secret I worked so hard to prove, Komatsu and his father guessed it at once, it was really disappointing, I complained: "What pickle girl? How can such a vulgar word come out of the mouth of you, a financial executive? ”

Komatsu's father said with a hippie smile: "Keep pace with the times, there is this word in society, why can't we say it?" You just say I guessed right, right? ”

I said, "Maybe it's not time to get a girlfriend yet, but Komatsu himself confessed that he wrote the script so that the girl would impress him and get people's attention." ”

"Which girl?"

"The art department of their school, two years older than Komatsu, is the artistic director of their student troupe, and I heard Komatsu say that he looks very beautiful."

Komatsu's father jokingly said: "You have a lot of secrets to spy on today, and the country didn't recruit you to be a spy, so I am so wronged by you." ”

I smirked, "It's nothing, it's just a little trick." ”

Komatsu's father asked, "Does that girl have a crush on our son?" ”

"I don't know."

Komatsu's father said in a commanding tone, "Let you visit again tomorrow!" ”

I answered, "Whew." ”

Komatsu's father smiled: "Weren't you a traitor who stole landmines just now?" Why did you change to a eunuch again? ”

I twisted his ears and retorted, "What are you talking about, you are the eunuch!" ”

The next day, before I could talk to Komatsu, he came to us.

"Mom and Dad, I'm going to discuss something with you, is it time for our computer to be upgraded?"

I asked, "Why?" I bought that computer for a few years, and I used it well, so why upgrade it? ”

"I'm going to start writing, and I need to look up some information on the Internet a lot. Our computer is too slow, which affects my writing progress. ”

Komatsu's father said a little displeased: "When I was a soldier, I also wrote a script, find a manuscript paper and a pen, find a place where no one is there and write it myself, on that condition, your father wrote a drama called "One Knife and Two Breaks", and also won an award in the grassroots art show of the military region. You haven't done anything yet, why are you putting such a big shelf first? ”

Komatsu's request was not approved by his father, and he was unhappy, so I hurriedly stepped forward to do the coordination work. I said to Komatsu's father, "You, don't keep mentioning your old Huang Lixing, what era did you write the script?" What age is it? Now is the computer age, and other professional writers use computers to write, and my son can upgrade if he wants to. I patted Komatsu on the shoulder and encouraged: "Son, it's a good thing to write a script, mom supports you, what else do you need to tell mom." ”

With my support, Komatsu excitedly opened a shopping list on the spot:

One is that the computer at home is too slow, which affects writing and needs to be upgraded;

the second is to buy a number of representative works of famous drama masters for viewing and reference;

the third is to purchase several classic textbooks on script creation by world-famous playwrights;

Fourth, he is allowed to watch a professional drama performance every month......

After reading Komatsu's list, Komatsu's father's face darkened at that time. I didn't let him have a seizure, so I said to him earnestly: "My son likes writing so easily, you just let him toss, I think as long as you don't go to the Internet café, we should support my son in whatever he does, spend some money, you are a successful person in the financial industry, so you can make money, do you still care about this money?" Give our son back to Bole, will it be? ”

My words still had some influence on Komatsu's father, and he snorted in his nose and agreed.

That day, when Komatsu was not at home, Komatsu's father began to complain to me: "I think Komatsu is just going crazy, and it is easy to go back to college, so I should focus on studying." Although foreign language is not the main subject now, he still can't get a bachelor's degree without a fourth-level certificate when he graduates. Time is so tight, what kind of script to write? Besides, does he know how to write a script? Do you know what conflict is? Do you know what the typical characteristics of a typical person are? I think he just wants to be in the limelight in front of his female classmates, not to mention that he can't write it, but if he writes it, what's the use? Isn't it necessary to be demoted if you fail the exam? ”

Before he finished speaking, I immediately fought back-for-tat: "I don't like to hear you say that, when the child has no hobbies, you suspect that others have no hobbies, and now that the child has hobbies, you suspect that others are not doing their jobs, why is it so difficult to be your son?" If your child hasn't written yet, how do you know you can't write it? I just look at my son, and the scripts he writes are guaranteed to be better than those broken scripts you wrote back then! Besides, even if you can't write it, at least you're doing the right thing, better than playing games on the Internet all day, right? It's better than learning to smoke and drink, right? It's better than fighting and causing trouble, right? ”

When Komatsu's father saw my righteous words, he immediately raised his hand to surrender: "Madame is right, so right!" It's a good thing that my son likes to write, so let him write if he wants to. ”

I was just about to be complacent, but he chased after him again: "When he can't write in a few days, he won't toss." ”

Hmph, this guy always looks at his son with colored glasses, and he has no concept of dialectical development at all. It doesn't matter if he doesn't support it, I support it, anyway, I have the financial power in my hands.

At that time, we didn't expect that Komatsu's script had not yet been written, and he would get into trouble.

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