
Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

author:World of Tanks
Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!
Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

Hello commanders!

Are you still worried that you won't be able to do damage with a black gun in a whole game of tank destroyers, or that you can only barely hit one ring when operating a tank destroyer? Don't worry! Today, we will take the V-series level 10 silver coin tank destroyer STRV 103B as an example to bring you three stages of gameplay of sniper tank destroyers from basic to advanced to god, helping you quickly understand the gameplay and improvement ideas of sniper tank destroyers from low to high! No nonsense, get straight to it!

Stage 1: Squatting on the Black Gun

As the name suggests, this stage is to squat at one or several (usually one, usually no more than two) fixed points on each map. This is the black gun method that most novice players will choose, and sometimes even squatting in one spot for the whole game is motionless, of course, this is also the most basic gameplay of tank destroyers.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Fixed position black gun to support teammates

The overall gameplay idea of this stage is to preliminarily memorize several different black gun points on different maps, and then directly open to that point after the start of the game, without changing positions, and have been waiting for the enemy to take the bait at this black gun position.

For example, the lake is competing for the A4 and K4 points on the map, the A5 and K5 points on the coast battle map, and so on. Some players will not choose to change positions for the whole round, no matter how the situation changes.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Compete for the black gun spot by the lake

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Coastal battle for the black gun position

As the most basic black gun gameplay, the advantage of fixed-point black guns is that they save worry and effort, and they can directly set up black guns in place. In the case of a special game, you can also get a good profit when you encounter the main offensive line of the opposite side. However, the disadvantage is that it can only take care of a certain area, and the coverage of the battle situation is too small, and if the enemy hides behind cover or the enemy does not come to this line, he may not get any output in a single round. This kind of black gun method is too dependent on the sky, and most of the time in actual combat it can't hit any output.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Confused

So how do you get out of this stage and get more damage per round?

This leads to the second stage--- which changes the position of one's black gun depending on the situation of the battle and the position of the enemy tank.

Stage 2: Change the position of your black gun according to the changes in the battle situation

This stage is where most players transition from the first stage. Because if you want to change the position of your black gun according to the battle situation, you must be familiar with most of the positions on the map that can support your teammates. Flexibly change the position of your black gun according to the change of the battle situation and the movement of enemy tanks.

The overall idea of tank destroyers at this stage can be subdivided into opening selection, midgame selection, and endgame selection.

Okay, so let's start with the opening.

Pay attention to the minimap below, at this time, the teammate's EBR105 eye car has grabbed the front point, at this time, the teammate's eye position can light up the enemy's 8-line crossing E8 point tank, then at this time, compared to squatting in the base J4 black gun, if we choose to carry out black gun support at the far point of this line, we can receive the enemy's tank toll, so as to get a large number of marked injuries.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ The form of the minimap at this time

Okay, as soon as the idea came out, follow your teammates directly to the river to the black gun position where you can receive the toll of the enemy tank, and prepare to wait for the enemy tank. If the enemy tank doesn't have a pass, you can move forward with your teammates and look for new opportunities to output on the minimap.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ The black gun point selected at this time

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Reasonable location selection directly obtains a lot of benefits

When the enemy in front of the 8th line is eliminated, it's basically time for the middle endgame. In fact, this is also the most essential difference between the second type of play and the first type of play, and the second type of play needs to be transferred in the form of a minimap to capture output opportunities. And the first type of play is to continue to wait in this position. It can be said that the first type of play is to passively wait for the enemy, while the second type of play is to take the initiative to seize opportunities, but the essence of both types of methods is black guns.

At this time, we look at the minimap and find that there are still some enemies in the enemy's bottom line that have been beaten into big cripples, and the bright enemies are running towards the enemy base. Our E50M has almost rushed to the face of enemy tanks. There is a UDES 16 in the middle of the road, so we have to think about where to fight to get more profits, which determines our next choice.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ The situation on the minimap at this time

According to the small map, we are behind the large army at this time, and the enemy guessing of the elimination point has run to the middle lane or transferred to another place, and at the same time, the middle lane of the map has no vision of its own side, and it can be guessed that there are more than two enemies in the middle lane, and the 8th line is attacking forward, at this time, if there is an enemy in the middle lane church, then it will definitely be exposed to fight high and low tanks attacking their own. At this time, there are already many teammates in front, and the enemy in front is basically running away, if we follow a piece to eat the enemy in front of us at this time, then it is very likely that we have just arrived at the position, and the enemy in front of us will be eaten by our teammates. And there is a high probability that the enemy will be exposed in the middle lane to shoot attacking teammates, so there is a high probability that you will get an output opportunity when you go to the middle lane at this time.

As soon as the idea comes out, go straight to the position where you can eat the enemy tank in the middle (which is why the second type of play is an advanced version of the first type of play, because you must be familiar with the map and know which point you need to avoid a certain risk and attack the enemy you want to attack).

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Go to the location of the black gun

When we get to the position, sure enough, the enemy tank is shooting at the attacking own tank, so we can take advantage of their unpreparedness to shoot them.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Output of the proceeds

Okay, at this time, after the enemy in the middle lane in front of us has been disposed of and there is no enemy in the middle lane that can be directly output, we continue to observe the minimap, and through observing the minimap, we know that now our 1st line has been opened by the opposite side, and the fast enemy has rushed to our base at this time. And the 8th line has two enemies in the stuck position, stuck a lot of teammates. The choice now is to either eat the enemy on the 8th line or manage the enemy on the 1st line. Then obviously, there are many enemies in the 1st line, and there is a high probability that they will directly rush out of cover to attack our base, so if you choose the enemy in the 1st line, you can get higher benefits. The enemy on the 8th line can jam so many teammates, guessing that it may be stuck in the crossfire of key terrain, and it is easy to stare at it and not be able to break the game.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ The situation on the minimap at this time

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Set off to the black gun location according to the idea

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ The income obtained from this position

When the enemy attacking in the first line has been eliminated by us, look at the minimap at this time and analyze the current form. At this time, there is a P65 in the middle of the elimination and two tank destroyers in the enemy base. The teammates on the 0th line are already about to attack the enemy base, so at this time we also have multiple choices, one is to take care of the P65 of the elimination point, the other is to take care of the two tank destroyers of the enemy base, and the other is to go on the middle lane and around the 1st line, we are tank destroyers without turrets, and it is easy to be close to the enemy if you are alone. So the latter two will not be considered for now.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ The battle situation at this time

Obviously, we are a tank destroyer with no vision and no turret, and we rely more on our teammates, which is difficult to do if we are close to the enemy P65. On the contrary, our teammates in the 0th line have rushed to the vicinity of the enemy base, which can provide us with vision and we will support us. Therefore, it is better to choose the enemy of the enemy base.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ As soon as the idea comes out, go directly to the position

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Earnings obtained

In fact, at this stage, most of the players who have really reached this stage can basically play the second ring of the tank destroyer on their own. But at this stage, you may occasionally be able to hit the standard injury, but it is only 3 high standard injuries in 10 rounds, and most of the remaining standard injuries obtained in each game are not enough to meet the standard of the three rings, so how to break through the bottleneck to reach the standard of the three rings? This brings us to the third phase of gameplay.

The third stage: black gun support + position change + on-field role change

The third stage of gameplay is actually to add a role change gameplay on the field on the basis of black gun support and position change support. The so-called role change on the field is actually to change one's position according to the conditions of room division and the form of the field at this time. For example, at this time, you need vision on the field, and if the conditions are right, you can turn into an eye car and play as an eye car. If we need black gun support, then we can play as a tank destroyer. If we need to be supported on the field at this time, then we can play as the character of Zhongtan. If the heavy Tan line is about to collapse, then we can also go up to the 1.5 line and then point to the top slightly.

Let's talk about the first one first, and decide the current role according to the room division.

The map below is the Silent Coast. Let's take a look at the following room distribution first, we are STRV1030B and enter an 8-level room. There is no artillery, the enemy squad leader is the Chadilon 25T, and there are no strong selling cars like the Super Conqueror and 60TP. The enemy heavy tanks in this room allow us to easily penetrate their front with their penetration.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ The division of rooms at this time

The characteristics of the STRV103B are that after opening the siege mode, the accuracy is high, the rate of fire is fast, the penetration depth is also high, and the depression angle is good, due to the frontal inclination angle and the fence, our front is also armored, and it can be immune to shells below 120mm caliber in the case of pressure depression angle.

So the above points, in this case of subdivision, we can go to C1 and play ourselves as a seller. The enemy's heavy tank can't threaten us at all, and the enemy's cricket 15 is likely to be in the rear point of the black gun, the enemy's T110E3 does not have the maneuver on the C1 at all, even if the T110 E3 comes, we can grind it into bloody skin halfway.

The only ones that can threaten us are the Chatillon 25T and TVP50. If these two cars are pulled over directly, they can directly eat us. So another requirement for us to grab C1 is for our team-mates to follow us. If you find that you don't have a teammate with you halfway through, you can turn into a tank destroyer on the spot for black gun support.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ On the way to C1

On the way to C1, we found a lot of team-mates behind us, and we could have come up and consolidate our position after we had taken a position. Then we can directly give up the idea of being a tank destroyer at this time, and directly use the maneuver to grab the C1, and play as a sell-out.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ The map is in place at this time

As shown in the picture below, our enemy Chadilon 25T also came with a few younger brothers, but there were many teammates behind us, and it didn't dare to take a big risk to eat us. And the caliber of its guns was completely insufficient to penetrate the front of the STRV103B fighting compartment, which was full of depression angles.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Chadilon 25T is here! Gone again

And other small tanks of the enemy pose no threat to us at all. Chop melons and vegetables directly.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ It can't penetrate the front of our fighting compartment at all

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Chop melons and vegetables

In a few minutes, our standard wound was 5000, and we didn't lose a drop of blood to get the Damage Hand Medal. If we start the game as a black gun tank destroyer at the base or a traditional black gun point, then it is likely that we will not get so much profit now. This is where the role reversal according to the conditions of the room is used.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Earnings obtained

Let's move on to the second one, which is to switch roles based on the current situation on the field.

The map below comes to Prokhorovka, where your eye car on the 1st line is killed by the enemy, and the enemy's eye car on the 1st line is still alive. We have a large number of tank destroyers around us, and we need an eye car to open up the view to our side and protect the 1st line from being pierced by the enemy's eye car. And one of the great features of our STRV103B is that the concealment is particularly high. Then we can use this high concealment feature to act as an eye car at this time, and enter the defensive eye position as an eye.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ The situation at this time

Then we can go into the defensive eye position at this point to do the eye. Enemy light tanks are likely to advance after their own light tanks are defeated. And a lot of the grass on the 1st line is empty. We can wait for the enemy's eye to come out of the grass and then show the flaws and be lit up by us.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Successfully point out the enemy light tank in the 1st line

When the enemy eye car is killed, we can be a little more aggressive, open the field of vision, and do the work of the weak eye car. Raise our mark by assisting.

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Push forward

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!
Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

▲ Earnings obtained


The above are the 4 materials and 3 ways to play the sniper tank destroyer (using the V series tank destroyer STRV103B as an example). These three styles of play correspond to the three stages of the player's level. In fact, in essence, it is still the control of the sub-room model and the change of the battle situation. In actual combat, you must pay more attention to the minimap and know where you are needed, so as to have a chance to seize more output opportunities!

I believe that after reading this article, you will have some gains. It is not easy to create hardcore content codewords, if there is a solution to your problem, please support us! In the future, we will update more original hardcore teaching content, so stay tuned!

Squatting, supporting, changing roles: tank destroyers are not just "black guns"!

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