
CCTV attention! Guangming Science City Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Two-way Running"

author:Shenzhen is bright
CCTV attention! Guangming Science City Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Two-way Running"

June 27th


The "Economic Information Network" column was broadcast

Reported on the one located in Guangming Science City

Shenzhen Engineering Biological Industry Innovation Center

"Upstairs and downstairs innovation and entrepreneurship complex model"

Help realize the two-way rush of innovation and entrepreneurship

In the Shenzhen Engineering Biological Industry Innovation Center, there are research institutions upstairs and science and technology enterprises downstairs. In this building, there are not only researchers who wear white coats to engage in basic research, but also many entrepreneurs who wear shirts and suits to turn research into products. These neighbors, who look up and don't look down, have successfully realized the two-way rush of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Brothers and sisters as "neighbors"

Innovation and entrepreneurship go both ways

CCTV attention! Guangming Science City Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Two-way Running"

Yi Xiao is a researcher at the Institute of Synthetic Biology at the Shenzhen Advanced Institute, and his lab is located in the Shenzhen Engineering Bioindustry Innovation Center building. And here, Yang Zongying, the founder of a biotechnology company, and Yi Xiao are not only neighbors, but also brothers at Sun Yat-sen University. After graduating from the doctorate, one of them chose to immerse himself in scientific research, and the other chose to start a business.

CCTV attention! Guangming Science City Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Two-way Running"

The two brothers, who had never looked up and looked down, were more closely linked together because of Yi Xiao's research on targeted artificial DNA replicas. This study enables the rapid targeting of a large number of mutations within living cells to any specified DNA sequence without affecting the rest of the genome.

This is expected to solve a problem that has plagued Yang Zongying for a long time, "The main reason why this ultra-long DNA sequence is not widely used is that it is too expensive, and Yi Xiao's TADR system may solve this problem", Yi Xiao's research results are likely to help Yang Zongying solve the pain points of his company.

Yang Zongying's initiative allowed Yi Xiao to find an unexpected application direction, "When I was doing this 1.0 version, I didn't expect that my directed evolution technology could also be applied to the synthesis of long fragments of DNA, which provided me with a very big new direction. Yi Xiao said frankly.

CCTV attention! Guangming Science City Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Two-way Running"

And the two brothers were able to be in one building

Collide with the spark of science and technology

Mainly thanks to Shenzhen, which is the first in China

Upstairs and downstairs innovation and entrepreneurship complex model

Upstairs innovates and downstairs starts a business

Create a new channel for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

CCTV attention! Guangming Science City Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Two-way Running"

What role does this model play in bringing scientific research from the lab to practical applications? Behind the creation of this mechanism, what other efforts has Shenzhen made?

Shenzhen Engineering Biological Industry Innovation Center has 8 floors:

  • On the 6~8th floor, scientific researchers carry out original innovation activities, solve basic scientific problems, support industries, and carry out core technology research.
  • The 2~5 floors downstairs construct an industrial incubation space to provide a shared experimental platform and think tank support for start-ups in the field of synthetic biology.
CCTV attention! Guangming Science City Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Two-way Running"

Luo Wei, General Manager of the National Biomanufacturing Industry Innovation Center and Director of the Industrial Innovation and Transformation Center of the Shenzhen Institute of Synthetic Biology

From the scientific research side 0~1, Shenzhen Advanced Institute has laid out a large synthetic biology facility and a synthetic biology innovation research institute; From 1~10, the National Biomanufacturing Industry Innovation Center will be established to help the industry transform, and we will build this "10~100~1000" industrial cluster in the future.


The Innovation Center has built bridges

Empowering start-ups

Crossing a difficult start to the growth process

Accelerate the gathering of talents and capital

The cluster effect of synthetic biology industry is beginning to appear

CCTV attention! Guangming Science City Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Two-way Running"

It is necessary to build an innovative ecological chain

In addition to bringing together high-end professionals

It is also important to expand the foundation of basic talents

To this end, Shenzhen has also actively promoted the construction of colleges and universities

In May of this year

After nearly six years of preparation

The Ministry of Education officially approved the establishment of Shenzhen University of Technology

This year, the first batch of undergraduate graduates will be recruited in Guangdong Province

CCTV attention! Guangming Science City Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Two-way Running"

On June 23, Shenzhen University of Technology held an open day event, where thousands of parents and students came to visit the university to learn about this new type of research university, and what attracted them to this place was the new school-running model and curriculum of Shenzhen University of Technology.

CCTV attention! Guangming Science City Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Two-way Running"

Fan Jianping, Director of the Preparatory Office of Shenzhen University of Technology

The innovation of Shenzhen Institute of Technology is mainly focused on cutting-edge disciplines and interdisciplinary fields. At present, we are building a six-in-one system that includes the established college, the national platform, the industrialization platform, the incubator within the college, and the industrial park and fund. Under this system, it is easier for our research results to be implemented.

High-level research universities are an important part of the country's strategic scientific and technological forces. In terms of innovative industrial ecology, the implementation of research universities can not only rely on scientific research platforms to produce major scientific research results, but also provide a rich and professional talent reserve team for strategic emerging industries and future industries.

CCTV attention! Guangming Science City Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Two-way Running"

Content source: CCTV News Shenzhen Advanced Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Editor: Mak Yongyu

Reviewer: Jin Feng, Chen Yuanyuan, Xie Yanli

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