
Over 300 Benefits! Guangming's first talent car group buying activity was very popular

author:Shenzhen is bright
Over 300 Benefits! Guangming's first talent car group buying activity was very popular
Over 300 Benefits! Guangming's first talent car group buying activity was very popular

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Over 300 Benefits! Guangming's first talent car group buying activity was very popular
  • Bao'an Daily
  • Guangming's first talent car group buying activity was very popular
  • More than 300 promotional offers polish the "only to enjoy the light" signboard

Edition: B09

Recently, under the careful organization of Guangming District Investment Control Group, the first talent car group purchase activity in Guangming District was opened in Guangming International Automobile City. This event not only met the needs of high-level talents in the district to purchase cars, but also promoted the integration of production and talent, injected new vitality into the automobile consumer market in Guangming District, and further polished the gold-lettered signboard of "Talent Enjoy Brightness".

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Over 300 Benefits! Guangming's first talent car group buying activity was very popular
  • Southern Metropolis Daily
  • Guangming District Institute of Educational Sciences creates a "bright model" for party building to lead the high-quality development of teaching and scientific research
  • The integration of party building and teaching and scientific research has promoted multi-point flowering

Edition: NA03

How to take the party building work as the starting point to promote the all-round development of various business work? Guangming District Institute of Educational Sciences adheres to the core of improving the quality of education and teaching, the foundation of strengthening the construction of teachers, and the goal of building a regional first-class education and science institute commensurate with the world-class science city.

Over 300 Benefits! Guangming's first talent car group buying activity was very popular

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  • Crystal Newspaper
  • The first parent-child career garden party in Guangming District ended happily

Edition: A06

On June 29th, the first parent-child career garden party for primary and secondary schools in Guangming District, sponsored by Guangming District Institute of Educational Sciences and co-organized by Xiuyuan Primary School, was successfully concluded in an atmosphere of joy and knowledge.

Over 300 Benefits! Guangming's first talent car group buying activity was very popular

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  • From the light to the world
  • Promote the construction of Science City with "transportation first" and build a comprehensive transportation system of "internal communication and external connection".

Edition: A07

On June 26, Guangming City Terminal, a five-star hotel lobby-style waiting hall located in the core business district of Guangming Wanda Plaza, was officially put into operation.

Over 300 Benefits! Guangming's first talent car group buying activity was very popular

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Over 300 Benefits! Guangming's first talent car group buying activity was very popular
  • Bao'an Daily
  • Shock! The super project Shenzhong Passage was officially opened to traffic

Edition: B02

On June 30, the world-renowned super project, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, was officially opened for trial operation. This is the world's first cross-sea cluster project integrating "bridges, islands, tunnels and underwater interconnection", with a total length of about 24 kilometers, and the driving time from Shenzhen to Zhongshan will be shortened from about 2 hours to 30 minutes.

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  • German entrepreneurs organized a delegation to visit Guangming Science City
  • Carry out project docking and cooperation and exchanges with Guangming Enterprises, and praise the results of the planning and construction of Science City

Edition: B03

From June 28th to 29th, Guangming District, together with the China International Association for the Promotion of Multinational Corporations and the German Federal Federation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, jointly held the "2024 German Federal Entrepreneurs Shenzhen Guangming Tour". A total of 18 German companies and institutions from the fields of software information services, high-end medical devices, new energy, and business services visited the planning and construction, industrial development, and business environment of Guangming Science City, and carried out project docking and cooperation and exchanges with leading enterprises in Guangming District.

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  • The district government party group (enlarged) meeting emphasized
  • Give full play to the resource advantages of Science City and accelerate the development of new quality productive forces

Edition: B03

On June 28, the district government party group (enlarged) meeting was held to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 14th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the fifth meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and drought control, and study the implementation of the opinions of the district government system.

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  • Strengthen cultural exchanges of the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and enhance the influence of Chinese culture
  • The Cultural Exchange Department of the China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese went to Guangming to investigate the Guangqiao-Yunhui Integrated Development Corridor

Edition: B04

The Cultural Exchange Department of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese went to Guangming to investigate the Guangqiao-Yunji Integrated Development Corridor, and held a symposium on the innovation and development of the cultural work of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese in the new era in Guangming District. On the morning of the same day, the research team visited Guangming Group, Hongqiao Park, Jikou Ancient Village and other places to learn about the "overseas Chinese points" related to the Guangqiao Yunji Integrated Development Corridor. In the afternoon, the research team came to Guangming Overseas Chinese Academy, listened to the introduction of Guangming overseas Chinese culture and history through exhibit explanations and digital images, and learned more about the inheritance and development of overseas Chinese culture.

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  • Guangming District will carry out the 2024 "6·30" on-site donation activity
  • Raise love funds to help rural revitalization

Edition: B05

June 30 of each year is the "Guangdong Poverty Alleviation Day" (referred to as "June 30"). On the afternoon of June 28, Guangming District launched the 2024 "6.30" on-site donation activity to help rural revitalization. Since 2019, the Guangming District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology took the lead in organizing the "6.30" activity, and all walks of life in Guangming District have actively participated, and a large number of caring enterprises, caring organizations and individuals with a strong sense of social responsibility and willingness to contribute have emerged.

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  • Six high-level Chinese medicine teams settled in Shenzhen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Guangming District promotes the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine in an all-round way, so that residents can enjoy high-quality traditional Chinese medicine services at their doorstep

Edition: B06

On June 28, Shenzhen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine held the unveiling ceremony and apprenticeship ceremony of the "Three Projects" to introduce high-level medical teams of traditional Chinese medicine in Guangming Campus, and the introduction of high-level medical teams of traditional Chinese medicine made the hospital's traditional Chinese medicine service capacity reach a new level. The unveiling ceremony marks the official settlement of six high-level Chinese medicine teams in Shenzhen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which brings new development opportunities for the discipline construction of the hospital.

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Over 300 Benefits! Guangming's first talent car group buying activity was very popular

Friends, see you tomorrow~

Content source: Southern Metropolis Daily, Jingbao, Bao'an Daily, Bright Media

Editor: Kwan Ka Fai

Reviewer: Jin Feng, Chen Yuanyuan, Xie Yanli

If you need to reprint, please indicate the above content


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