
Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son won the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of the actress group in the circle

author:Spoiler Hong Kong drama

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TVB TV emperor Chen Shancong has been quite popular in recent years, and he has won the protagonist with good popularity in many dramas, in addition to the blessing of the script, his own strength is also undoubted.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son won the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of the actress group in the circle

Chen Shancong, who is outside the play, is now a father, and he naturally has a sense of maturity and responsibility, especially for this son who has just turned four.

It is reported that he and his wife outside the circle do not plan to continue to have a second child, but want to devote themselves to cultivating their son, hoping that the little guy can become an excellent member of society in the future.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son won the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of the actress group in the circle

Recently, Chen Shancong shared the yellow and green belt certificate obtained by his son to learn taekwondo on social platforms, Chen Shancong as a father is of course very happy, the little guy was wearing a taekwondo robe that day, he looked a lot taller, he took a photo with his father with the certificate in his hand, and there was a man next to him, he was very likely to be his teacher.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son won the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of the actress group in the circle

is so good at a young age, no wonder netizens give it a thumbs up, it seems that Chen Shancong and his wife have also spent a lot of effort on their son in private, and enrolled him in a number of interest classes, hoping that the little guy can find his interests from it.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son won the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of the actress group in the circle

While taking photos, Chen Shancong did not forget to encourage his son, hoping that he could continue to work hard, because in his opinion, the life of the big man needs to work hard step by step, and no one's success is to sit back and enjoy it, at the same time, Chen Shancong also hopes that his son can live happily, perhaps this is every parent's deepest hope for their children.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son won the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of the actress group in the circle

Viewers who pay attention to Chen Shancong must know that since the birth of his son, he has become more and more down-to-earth, no matter how hard and tired the work is, he will not complain, but just complete it conscientiously, because he has only one idea in his heart, that is, he hopes to give his wife and children a better life.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son won the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of the actress group in the circle

In Chen Shancong's words, he now does not refuse the job arranged by the company, seeing that his son is getting older and older, and his tuition has become one of the huge expenses of the family, so whether it is for his son or for this family, Chen Shancong is willing to work hard.

Since the little guy was born, he has also become the group pet of people in the circle, Hu Dingxin, Yao Ziling, Li Shihuan and other actresses have taken great care of him, and often interacted with him in private, of course, this is also inseparable from Chen Shancong's good popularity.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son won the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of the actress group in the circle

Maybe it's because of the lot of contact with people in the circle, now Chen Shancong's wife has also integrated into the entertainment industry, she often appears in the gatherings of major artists, and on Lin Xiawei's birthday, she also attended the yacht party held by the other party with her husband, and the dress is also very eye-catching.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son won the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of the actress group in the circle

Recently, the new drama "Anti-Black Hero" starring Chen Shancong is on the air, he is the absolute male protagonist in the play, the role is quite heavy, and there is more than one emotional line, the heroine in the play Zhu Chenli is his ex-girlfriend, and a Xiaohua who can be his daughter in reality plays Chen Shancong's current girlfriend, this combination is also quite eye-catching.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son won the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of the actress group in the circle

What's even more rare is that the year-old love in the play is still very sweet, and there are pink bubbles everywhere during the two getting along, and many viewers are also quite satisfied with the new CP in the play.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son won the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of the actress group in the circle

But in fact, aside from the emotional line, some netizens think that Chen Shancong's role is not as brilliant as the roles of the other two actors, Yuan Weihao and Zhang Zhenlang, so to a certain extent, he, the leading actor, seems to have been robbed of the limelight, but the editor believes that actors need to achieve each other, and a wonderful work is not supported by one actor alone, isn't it?

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