
Dantu District has carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

author:Dantu release

June this year is the 23rd National "Safety Production Month", with the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Knows How to Respond to Emergencies - Smooth Life Channel". In the past few days, the District Emergency Management Bureau has carefully deployed and actively carried out safety education activities in various forms and close to the masses, further enhancing the safety awareness of the people in the district, and escorting the high-quality economic and social development of the whole region.

Dantu District has carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

In the "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" activity held in Dantu District held in Xinfeng Town, the District Emergency Management Bureau, the Transportation Bureau, the Market Supervision Bureau and other units and some enterprises jointly participated, and set up more than 20 safety publicity and consultation desks respectively, through the display of safety production publicity display boards, the distribution of safety production publicity materials, etc., to the past masses and local enterprise representatives to focus on publicizing the safety knowledge of enterprise production safety, road traffic safety, food safety, etc., disseminate safety concepts, and help safe production.

The activity also set up interesting activities such as knowledge quizzes with prizes, current learning and exams, and you ask me answers, which effectively improved the effectiveness of the publicity activities. More than 10,000 copies of publicity materials were distributed at the event site, and more than 500 consultations were accepted, which enhanced the awareness of safety production among local people and enterprises.

Dantu District has carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

Yin Xiangping, deputy director of the Xinfeng Town Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, said that he would take this event as an opportunity to organize a series of activities such as safety knowledge publicity, post risk training, and emergency drills in the next step, so as to create a social atmosphere in which everyone talks about safety and everyone will respond to emergencies, firmly establish red line awareness and bottom-line thinking, strengthen the awareness of safety responsibility, tighten and consolidate the main responsibility of the enterprise, and create a good security guarantee for the high-quality development of Xinfeng's economy and society.

Dantu District has carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

Enterprises are the main body of safety production management. In order to further improve the safety management level of enterprises in the region, and improve the safety production awareness and adaptability of employees in enterprises in the jurisdiction. During the "Safety Production Month", the staff of the District Emergency Management Bureau went deep into the front line of the enterprise to carry out safety production publicity and education, and at the same time jointly held emergency drills with Jianlibao (Zhenjiang) Beverage Co., Ltd. to conduct a practical survey and strengthen the safety prevention ability of the company's employees.

Ge Feng, director of the production workshop of Jianlibao (Zhenjiang) Beverage Co., Ltd., said that the district emergency management bureau has conducted safety training with the company's management to further enhance the safety awareness of managers. For the upcoming safety month fire drills, the company plans to provide in-depth guidance to grassroots employees to ensure that they master basic escape skills. The training of these foundational skills will enable our employees to be more comfortable and effective in responding to emergencies.

In addition, during the safety production month, the District Emergency Management Bureau also carried out a series of activities such as safety publicity into schools, communities, and rural areas to popularize the common sense of daily safety life and enhance the public's awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation and emergency avoidance. Next, the District Emergency Management Bureau will pay close attention to risks and hidden dangers, comprehensively investigate and govern, continue to carry out safety production publicity and education activities, truly make safety the ideological consensus and action guidelines of the whole society, comprehensively enhance the safety awareness of the whole society, and effectively escort the high-quality development of the whole region with high-level safety production.

Jiang Yuan, director of the Propaganda and Education Center of the District Emergency Management Bureau, said that he will continue to deepen the promotion of the "five advances" in safety publicity, carry out on-site centralized publicity, warning video education, TV special programs, official WeChat push and other all-media, multi-level and precise publicity and education activities, and effectively open up the last kilometer of safety production propaganda and create a safe and stable environment for the high-quality economic and social development of the whole region.

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