
The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District

author:Chenggong release


Workers' Daily, People's Daily Online, China Business Daily, etc

Official media platforms have publicized and reported

Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions

Trade union post work experience practices

Let's take a look!

Workers' Daily

The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District

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People's Daily Online

The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District

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China Business Daily

The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District

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Cloud News

The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District

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Yunling employees

The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District

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Innovate the "8+1+N" working mode

The Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions has made the role of the trade union post station "strong".

When it's hot, please come and blow cool; If you are thirsty, please come and drink water; If you're tired, please come and rest. In the Chenggong District Trade Union Station, such a warm scene is always repeated. Since the launch of the 100-day centralized action of the trade union post station to serve workers in the new employment form, the Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions has innovatively launched the "8+1+N" work model, with the eight-character formula as the overall plan, with the goal of building a brand, and through the "N+X" service means, the role of the trade union post station has been "strengthened", and the "100-day centralized action" has been further helped to take effect.

The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District
The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District

Co-ordinate the eight-character formula of "leading, building, warming, benefiting, gathering, listening, sparse, and helping".

The Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions attaches great importance to the construction of outdoor worker sites, incorporates the construction of outdoor sites into the overall work of the trade union and promotes the deployment and promotion, formulates the "Chenggong District Trade Union Outdoor Worker Service Site (Trade Union Station) Work Implementation Plan", and sets up a special team for the investigation of the trade union outdoor worker service site (trade union station) with the main leader of the unit as the team leader and the trade union social worker as the member. In order to provide a strong organizational guarantee for promoting the construction of the site, the mapping team is coordinated in accordance with the eight-character formula of "leading, building, warming, benefiting, gathering, listening, sparse, and helping" of "thought leadership, meritorious service, warm people's hearts, inclusive employees, gathering wisdom, listening to voices, channeling emotions, and helping the poor", according to the division of streets, communities, business districts, and industrial parks, in-depth investigation of the jurisdiction, the implementation of grid management, the establishment of service stations in selected locations by groups and shards, and the full integration of streets, communities, human resources and social security and other resources to build and build together. Promote the construction of service stations step by step.

The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District
The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District

Create the brand goal of "all hearts are presented, and the flower capital is shared".

According to the gathering characteristics of outdoor workers, the Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions has successively carried out research and mapping on the site selection of outdoor labor service stations in key business districts such as Wuyue Plaza, Huaqianfang, and Shilin Street through on-site inspections and on-site exchanges, inspected the progress of site construction, and gave specific guidance on site hardware building, facility configuration, image design, and function play. The community trade unions are required to closely follow the purpose of the site to serve outdoor workers, strictly follow the "six haves" standard, according to the requirements of "one station, one plan, one station and one characteristic", with the goal of building the brand of "all hearts are presented, tribute to enjoy the flower capital", highlight the characteristics of the "à la carte" service workers of the Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions, and make every effort to build a high-quality trade union outdoor worker service site, truly do good things well, do practical things, and ensure that every outdoor worker service site really plays a role.

The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District
The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District

Up to now, the Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions has spent more than 917,500 yuan at the same level, and 27 trade union stations have been built in the district, including: 3 of the most beautiful trade union stations in the country, 1 of the most beautiful trade union stations in Yunnan Province, 2 five-star trade union stations, 7 four-star trade union stations, 6 three-star trade union stations, and 8 two-star trade union stations; Trade union stations above four-star level account for 48% of the overall proportion, and the "100-day concentrated action" is fully promoted from point to point.

Innovate "N+X" service means

The station should not only meet the basic needs, but also innovate the service content and improve the service quality. In response to the diverse needs of the new employment form of workers, the Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions has carried out a series of colorful post station activities at important nodes such as the "March 8" Women's Day and the Dragon Boat Festival. For example, in March, a special session on Women's Day was held, inviting more than 300 female employees to conduct expert free clinics and experience cake making; In April, a special session for new employment workers and flower industry workers was launched, and more than 80 employees were invited to experience DIY Western-style cake making. In May, the union establishment ceremony for new employment workers was held, and more than 100 new employment workers joined the union on site. In June, Longxiang Community, Chaoyun Community, Yuhe Community and other trade union stations simultaneously carried out the Dragon Boat Festival theme activities of the trade union post station, inviting more than 800 employees to spend the Dragon Boat Festival together.

The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District
The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District

In addition, the Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions has also combined the differentiation of the service functions of the trade union post station in the district, and launched a variety of service functions such as "propaganda station", "rest transfer station" and "love relay station" according to local conditions, firmly grasping the most concerning, realistic and most needs to solve the problems that outdoor workers are most concerned about, and providing more intimate services that can be felt and known, and can be reached.

The media looks at Chenggong | Workers' Daily, People's Daily and other media publicized and reported the work experience of the trade union post station in Chenggong District

In the next step, the Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions will take the "100-day concentrated action" as an opportunity to use big data and cloud computing to understand and grasp the needs of outdoor workers, do a good job in accurate services, and give full play to the advantages of small sites, organize and mobilize outdoor workers to join the trade union organization, consolidate this "people's project" to serve the masses of workers, keep pace with the times, give new content and inject new vitality into the post station, always build and always maintain vitality, and promote the construction of the trade union post station with wider coverage, more complete functions and better services.


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