
Help HR "liberate" work! Get this recruitment secret weapon: Form Master Recruitment Management System

author:Form Master

It's graduation season, HR is starting to get busy, and my cousin also sees many users in the background using forms to post jobs and collect resume information. However, communicating with HR found that everyone encountered many problems when recruiting:

1. The recruitment task is urgent, and the recruitment is required to arrive immediately

2. The recruitment needs of the employing department are unclear, and the recruited people are always disdainful

3. There are many recruitment channels, but it is difficult to see the comparison effect

4. After the interview, the employing department does not give feedback for a long time, resulting in a disjointed follow-up progress


Obviously, I have spent a lot of effort to do a good job in recruitment, but the implementation is still a traditional management model, and the information in the entire recruitment process is not transparent and the management is not standardized, resulting in low efficiency and poor experience.

In order to help you solve the above problems and help enterprises upgrade their recruitment work intelligently, the "Recruitment Management Application" system of Form Master was officially launched. One-click installation, instant ownership.

01 5 Highlights of the application

1. Formulate a recruitment plan and do a good job in talent reserve

Make a recruitment plan in advance, and each employing department reports the recruitment needs, explaining the recruitment position, the number of recruits, the qualifications, the degree of urgency and other information. After setting permissions, the heads of each department can fill in data and view reports.

Help HR "liberate" work! Get this recruitment secret weapon: Form Master Recruitment Management System

Recruitment plan

The background automatically summarizes the number of recruits in various departments, and HR arranges the recruitment work reasonably according to the recruitment plan, which can flexibly respond to emergency recruitment, and secondly, do a good job in talent reserve and prepare for the future development of the enterprise.

2. Multi-channel aggregation, resume management saves time and worry

Automatically summarize the resumes collected from multiple channels such as social recruitment, campus recruitment, and internal referral into a data background, so that HR does not need to download and sort out resumes one by one, completely liberating HR from mechanical work and greatly improving work efficiency.

Help HR "liberate" work! Get this recruitment secret weapon: Form Master Recruitment Management System

Jobs are automatically matched

After selecting the department to be applied for, it will automatically match the positions that the department can apply for, and when a position is full, it will be automatically removed from the shelves, realizing the automatic update of the recruitment position.

3. Automatic screening of resumes and labeling management

HR can customize and configure screening rules, and the system automatically screens resumes, so that resumes with a high degree of matching can quickly enter the preliminary examination process and improve recruitment efficiency.

Help HR "liberate" work! Get this recruitment secret weapon: Form Master Recruitment Management System

Automatic screening of resumes

The resume can be intelligently marked or custom label archived, and the resume can be controlled according to the department to which the resume belongs, so as to realize the resource management of the enterprise resume.

4. Automatic flow of recruitment

The formmaster recruitment management application system supports setting trigger conditions to realize the automatic sending of information between HR, the head of the employing department, and the candidate, or the automatic flow of the recruitment process. Help HR automatically handle the repetitive and tedious work in each recruitment process, making recruitment more efficient.

Help HR "liberate" work! Get this recruitment secret weapon: Form Master Recruitment Management System

Automatically trigger reminders

The approval process can also be set up according to the needs to achieve the whole process of the recruitment process and resume processing track, and help HR promote the recruitment work.

5. Unified management of internal and external portals

It provides rich component functions and permission control, and can build internal and external management portals according to different identities such as internal users and external applicants, so as to meet the use of various business scenarios and achieve internal and external collaboration.

01Internal Business Center

Each business module is centralized in one platform, which is intuitively displayed and simplifies the operation of managers. At the same time, it supports multi-dimensional data analysis of recruitment positions, recruitment links, candidate quality, etc., and the dashboard data is presented in linkage to provide support for business decision-making.

Help HR "liberate" work! Get this recruitment secret weapon: Form Master Recruitment Management System

Desktop experience

02External user center

Set up a personal access center for candidates, and log in to the account on the mobile phone to carry out resume delivery, self-service inquiry of application records and delivery results.

Help HR "liberate" work! Get this recruitment secret weapon: Form Master Recruitment Management System

Mobile experience

02One-click application for safe use

Recruitment is never easy, and it takes a lot of effort. Replace manual work with the form master recruitment management application system, free HR from mechanical repetitive work, and make recruitment more time-saving and efficient~

Help HR "liberate" work! Get this recruitment secret weapon: Form Master Recruitment Management System

Log in to the form master, select the recruitment management application, you can apply for the experience with one click, and if you have any questions or custom needs during use, you can contact online customer service and teach you by hand~

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