
Summer Vacation Plays to Light Up the Summer Night Economy Jianye Film Town Summer Activities Kicked Off

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With the advent of summer, the national tourism market ushered in the peak of travel and the peak consumption season. Focusing on consumption hotspots such as summer vacation, parent-child, and nighttime, the cultural tourism market in various places has continued to make efforts to launch a variety of characteristic cultural tourism activities and measures to benefit the people. Recently, Jianye Movie Town, located in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, has launched summer activities such as electronic music carnival, water splashing and livehouse, using a series of new consumption scenarios to meet the strong summer travel needs of tourists.

Summer Vacation Plays to Light Up the Summer Night Economy Jianye Film Town Summer Activities Kicked Off

The more exciting the night, the more popular the summer night tour climbs

In the scorching heat of summer, night tours have become a popular choice for tourists. In view of the summer cultural tourism characteristics such as night tours, Jianye Film Town launched the "Twilight Carnival 7 Hours" night event on June 28. On June 30, the "Twilight Carnival" ushered in the first wave of enthusiasm. That night, the "2024 NEXTSINGER National Campus Music Competition" jointly organized by Jianye Movie Town and Sprite was held at the World Center for the Performing Arts Square, and Yuan Yawei, Liu Yu, Zhang Yanqi and many other singers took turns to sing. The wonderful singing and interactive sessions attracted bursts of cheers from the audience.

Summer Vacation Plays to Light Up the Summer Night Economy Jianye Film Town Summer Activities Kicked Off

It is understood that the "Twilight Carnival 7 Hours" will last until August 31, bringing tourists a summer holiday surprise. In addition to the "Star Livehouse", every weekend of the summer, there will be a different band singer to ignite the summer passion with music. In addition, when night falls, the lights come on, and the ace night tour "All the Way to Play" repertoire will use four acts throughout the park to let visitors enter the nightlife of old Zhengzhou and taste the thick culture of the Central Plains in immersive interaction.

Summer Vacation Plays to Light Up the Summer Night Economy Jianye Film Town Summer Activities Kicked Off

Covering all ages, multiple scenarios open up new ways to play

In the face of the diversified needs of different age groups, Jianye Movie Town has opened up new scenes of play, launched NPC interactive markets, national style parades, urban cultural dramas and other content, and upgraded specific areas such as "playgrounds in the valley", bringing rich family fun experience to parent-child families of all ages.

In the antique Tai Chi neighborhood, the high-value NPC market has been upgraded, and visitors can immerse themselves in role-playing, experience exciting traditional gameplay such as juju and pot throwing, and trigger interactive plots with NPCs. In the long street of thousands of lanterns, the actors drove the public opinion on the float and wore Hanfu costumes, and the tourists will feel the beauty of traditional culture in the parade of "tradition + national tide". In the World Center for the Performing Arts Square, families with children can watch the historical drama "Crossing Dehua Street" in the cool theater, and experience the past and present life of Dehua Street in the touching plot.

Summer Vacation Plays to Light Up the Summer Night Economy Jianye Film Town Summer Activities Kicked Off
Summer Vacation Plays to Light Up the Summer Night Economy Jianye Film Town Summer Activities Kicked Off

Enjoy the cool summer service

In the face of high summer temperatures, in addition to summer night tours, indoor repertoire and other summer content, Jianye Film Town has opened up a "water-friendly play" to allow tourists to face the coolness of summer. In the Grand Theater Square, the splashing water battle drove away the summer heat, and tourists released their stress and felt happy in the water. At the same time, the fog forest system and the installation of tent fans in the queuing area will provide a comfortable and cool experience for summer tourists.

Summer Vacation Plays to Light Up the Summer Night Economy Jianye Film Town Summer Activities Kicked Off

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