
Deep Blue Automobile was awarded the National Science and Technology Progress Award and became the only brand in the mainstream range extension track

author:Hebei car network h

On June 24, the 2023 National Highest Science and Technology Award was announced in Beijing, and Deep Blue Automobile and CATL were awarded the "National Science and Technology Progress Award", and the winning topic was "Key Technologies for Power Battery R&D and Manufacturing for Large-scale Industrialization". This is also the second time that Changan Group has won the National Science and Technology Progress Award after Changan Automobile won the National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2015. This award not only makes Deep Blue Automobile the only car brand in the industry's mainstream range extension track to win this award, but also marks an important achievement of Shangri-La's strategy and an important milestone in the field of new energy vehicle power batteries in China.

Deep Blue Automobile was awarded the National Science and Technology Progress Award and became the only brand in the mainstream range extension track

01 Endorsed by national awards, Deep Blue Automobile became the only award-winning brand in the mainstream range extension track

Founded in 1984, the "National Science and Technology Progress Award" is one of the five major awards of the National Science and Technology Award established by the State Council, which is mainly awarded to projects that have made creative contributions in the process of technological research, technology development, technological innovation, promotion and application of advanced scientific and technological achievements, promotion of high-tech industrialization, and completion of major scientific and technological projects and plans.

In view of the very strict conditions for awarding the National Science and Technology Progress Award, only two new energy vehicle companies, Deep Blue Automobile and BYD, stood out in the field of electric vehicles, and Deep Blue Automobile also became the only brand in the mainstream range extension track to receive this award, and Deep Blue Super Range Extension has been certified by the national authority. This is not only a high recognition of Shenlan Automobile's R&D and innovation in the core technology of new energy vehicles, but also a full affirmation of its outstanding contributions to promoting industrial development and scientific and technological progress.

Deng Chenghao, CEO of Shenlan Automobile, said that in the project of "Key Technologies for R&D and Manufacturing of Power Batteries for Large-scale Industrialization", Shenlan Automobile actively participated in and led the research and development of battery cell technology, and undertook the important work of passenger car application technology development, performance verification and promotion and application of high-specific energy and high-safety power batteries through the parallel promotion of R&D and production. At the same time, by presiding over the research and development of the vehicle platform and series of models for the on-board application of power batteries in this project, the large-scale application of the project results in the field of passenger cars has been implemented, which has played an exemplary role in the application innovation and industrial upgrading of the new energy vehicle industry.

It can be said that this award once again confirms that Deep Blue Automobile is firmly accelerating the large-scale development of China's new energy vehicle industry with "technological innovation", promoting China to move from a "big automobile country" to a "strong automobile country", and showing the extraordinary charm of China's new energy vehicles to the world with hard-core technology.

02 Deep Blue Auto casts the highest standard in the field of range extension with "top battery technology".

With the world's top power battery R&D technology and intelligent manufacturing level of battery cells and batteries, Shenlan Automobile has created Shenlan Super Range Extension and cast the highest standard in the field of range extension.

Super quality control. In terms of cell safety, the limit has been controlled, and its PPB-level defect rate is 1,000 times ahead of the industry average. In the production process, more than 6,800 quality control points have been set up, more than 10,000 data have been traced, and the length of the pole piece at the 10,000-meter level and the precision control at the sub-micron level have been realized. Multi-gradient foreign body control technology, the control rate is more than 99.9%, and with the digital twin detection technology, it can detect 100% of mechanical damage; In terms of intelligence, the whole process is automatically managed, with an automation rate of more than 95%, which fully demonstrates the super-intelligent manufacturing strength.

Deep Blue Automobile was awarded the National Science and Technology Progress Award and became the only brand in the mainstream range extension track

Super safe. The high-stability standard cell design is adopted, with a cycle life of > 5000cls, leading the industry average, and achieving 600,000 kilometers of imperceptible attenuation. The multi-dimensional system safety design based on intrinsic safety, passive safety and active safety effectively avoids thermal runaway. Up to now, Deep Blue Super Range Extension still holds a record of 200,000 units with zero fire and 70 billion kilometers with zero overheating.

Ultra-fast recharge. Thanks to the application of ion channel technology, the energy replenishment speed of Deep Blue Super Range Extension has been greatly improved. And in the future, Deep Blue Super Range Extension will achieve 4C peak charging rate in the field of extended range, 30~80% charging time only takes 15 minutes, Deep Blue S07 will be the first to be equipped with this advanced technology, bringing consumers a better driving experience and unlimited expectations.

Deep Blue Automobile was awarded the National Science and Technology Progress Award and became the only brand in the mainstream range extension track

In addition to the leading battery technology, the Force Superset electric drive contained in Deep Blue Super Range Extender has an efficiency of 92.59% under the working conditions of the electric drive assembly, leading the world, allowing users to drive farther and use more economically. The Force Intelligent Range Extender is equipped with a new Blue Whale engine and a special generator and drive motor system for range extender, which can achieve the industry's top oil-to-electricity conversion efficiency of 3.63 kWh for 1L oil power generation, and truly generate more electricity with less oil.

Deep Blue Automobile was awarded the National Science and Technology Progress Award and became the only brand in the mainstream range extension track

At the same time, the Force Superset Electric Drive deeply integrates more than 10 components and functions of the electric drive system, which greatly reduces the weight and volume of the electric drive system and the electronic control system, and the total success rate density of the electric drive is as high as 2.53kW/kg, so that the "small body" can burst out with great energy. The special generator equipped with Deep Blue Force Intelligent Range Extension has an ultra-high peak power of 100kW and a continuous output power of 70kW, which can ensure continuous power output even in the feeding state. It can be said that the Deep Blue Super Range Extension, which is composed of the Force Superset Electric Drive, the Force Intelligent Range Extension and the power battery that integrates the world's top technology, further defines the highest standard in the field of Range Extension.

In today's era of rapid development, science and technology have undoubtedly become the key variables driving the leap in productivity. Scientific and technological innovation, as the core driving force of new quality productivity, has continuously given birth to the emergence of emerging technologies and industries, and has become the hard-core confidence for the comprehensive national strength competition of all countries in the world. China's new energy vehicle brands, represented by Deep Blue Automobile, have always adhered to the path of innovation, are committed to creating a more attractive car travel experience for global users, accelerating the large-scale development of China's new energy vehicle industry through scientific and technological innovation, and contributing Chinese wisdom and Chinese strength to the future development of the world's automobile industry.

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