
China Construction Bank Agricultural Reclamation Branch: Financial strength lays the cornerstone for high-standard farmland construction

author:Heilongjiang Net
China Construction Bank Agricultural Reclamation Branch: Financial strength lays the cornerstone for high-standard farmland construction

(Zhang Qingfu, a farmer, introduced the construction of high-standard farmland to the staff of the Agricultural Reclamation Branch of China Construction Bank)

The blue sky and white clouds reflect the endless grain fields. In the middle of summer, when I walked into the Zhu Mingtun high-standard farmland construction demonstration area in Fengle Township, Bayan County, Harbin, I saw that the fields were square, the canals were connected, and the roads were connected, and the green rice seedlings were swaying in the breeze, indicating the hope of a bumper harvest. Behind this beautiful picture of modern agriculture, CCB continues to introduce financial water to help agriculture strengthen the people and make them rich. A few days ago, the smooth investment of 140 million yuan of high-standard farmland construction funds has provided a strong financial guarantee for the black soil to build a green barrier and secure the "Chinese rice bowl".

Fertile fields rejuvenate high-standard farmland with vitality

China Construction Bank Agricultural Reclamation Branch: Financial strength lays the cornerstone for high-standard farmland construction

(The staff of CCB Agricultural Reclamation Branch went deep into the construction site to understand the initial construction situation of the project)

"When we build high-standard farmland, we take into account local soil conditions, climatic factors and agricultural production needs. Through scientific planning and careful construction, we can ensure that the farmland has good irrigation and drainage capacity, and improve the fertility and utilization rate of the land. At the same time, the rational layout of the road also facilitates the passage of agricultural machinery and greatly improves the efficiency of agricultural production. Ren Min, general manager of Heilongjiang Agricultural Development and Construction Group Co., Ltd., pointed to the third bid section under construction.

According to Ren Min, the so-called high-standard farmland construction refers to a series of engineering measures such as land leveling, soil improvement, irrigation and drainage system construction, field road construction, farmland protection and ecological environment maintenance, and farmland power transmission and distribution, combined with agricultural science and technology innovation, to comprehensively improve the soil fertility and quality of cultivated land. This construction model is of great significance for improving the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture.

China Construction Bank Agricultural Reclamation Branch: Financial strength lays the cornerstone for high-standard farmland construction

(High-standard farmland demonstration area after completion)

In the high-standard farmland demonstration area, several farmers are laughing and talking. "In the past, farming relied on the harvest of the sky, but now there is high-standard farmland, drought can be watered, waterlogging can be drained, the yield is guaranteed, and the income is expected to increase by two percent!" "If you look at this roadside ditch, it can demarcate the boundaries of farmland, avoid water flow and soil interference between adjacent farmland, and ensure that each farmland can have a relatively stable growth environment. What a contribution to the protection of our farmland! "Walking along the straight field road, in a farmhouse not far away, agricultural technicians are busy monitoring the data of the field. Through intelligent equipment, they can grasp the soil moisture, fertility, pests and diseases in real time, and provide a scientific basis for the accurate management of farmland.

"In the recent flood control work, the drainage system of high-standard farmland has played an important role in draining excess rainwater in a timely manner, avoiding the flooding of crops and ensuring the normal growth of crops. At the same time, it also protects the soil structure and prevents soil erosion. Looking at the construction results in front of him, Ren Min felt a little emotional. From project planning to implementation, from equipment purchase to technology introduction, the construction of high-standard farmland is not only devoted to the efforts of our construction enterprises, but also inseparable from the financial support of CCB Agricultural Reclamation Branch. ”

CCB strongly helped to compose a movement of abundant production in black soil

"Financial living water, moisten the farmland, and nurture the lusciousness of the harvest." Since the beginning of this year, in order to comprehensively promote the improvement and development of agricultural and rural infrastructure and improve the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture, the Agricultural Reclamation Branch of China Construction Bank has invested 8 billion yuan in low-cost agriculture-related funds only to help stabilize grain production and increase income in the reclamation area. After learning about the capital needs of Heilongjiang Agricultural Development and Construction Group Co., Ltd. in the construction of high-standard farmland, the bank quickly set up a financial service team to open up a green channel to ensure that the funds were in place in a timely manner, which provided a guarantee for the smooth progress of the project.

China Construction Bank Agricultural Reclamation Branch: Financial strength lays the cornerstone for high-standard farmland construction

(The construction personnel introduced the erosion ditch treatment to the staff of the Agricultural Reclamation Branch of China Construction Bank)

China Construction Bank Agricultural Reclamation Branch: Financial strength lays the cornerstone for high-standard farmland construction

(The erosion ditch after treatment has played a good role in protecting the farmland)

According to Wang Jun, President of CCB's Agricultural Reclamation Branch, "CCB's support is not only reflected in the supply of funds, but also in the innovation and optimization of services. We have actively established communication mechanisms with government departments, agricultural enterprises and farmers, forming a strong synergy of financial support for the construction of high-standard farmland. With the joint efforts of the provincial bank and branches, the first special working capital loan for high-standard farmland construction was successfully launched. At the same time, after the implementation of the project, we also have an in-depth understanding of the progress of the project, actively visit the construction party and farmers, listen to their needs and difficulties, and provide customized solutions. ”

(Qin Yiyan, Wei Yunpeng)

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