
"Really hard" to ensure safety, battery replacement service so that the rider brother "full of power"!

author:Shanghai Huangpu

Take out your mobile phone, scan the code and wait, "tick" sound, as the charging cabinet automatically pops open, the courier brother Xiao Chen homeopathically put the battery of the electric tricycle into the empty cabinet door, a few seconds later, a cabinet door with a full battery opened, take out the battery, close the cabinet door, and it takes less than 1 minute to operate. The efficient service made Xiao Chen can't help but sigh, "This battery swap service is so convenient, we used to have to wait for two or three hours for charging, but now it has greatly improved the work efficiency." ”

"Really hard" to ensure safety, battery replacement service so that the rider brother "full of power"!

As the "errand artifact" of the rider's brother, the electric bicycle is their indispensable means of transportation. However, with the increase of business, the battery life and charging problems of electric bicycles have also become a major problem for them. Recently, under the impetus of the street, a new type of electric bicycle battery swapping cabinet was officially put on duty in the area along the street at No. 786 Luban Road, which not only greatly improved the work efficiency of the little brothers, but also solved the problem of safe and convenient charging of the express brothers.

No. 786 Luban Road is located in the Bauhinia residential area, with a total of 2 express stations and 1 Dingdong shopping station along the street, and the number of riders is as high as more than 60 people. According to the person in charge of the site, each of the little brothers has to ride hundreds of kilometers a day to deliver goods, and a lithium battery is obviously difficult to meet the endurance requirements. Whether it is randomly looking for charging piles, swap stations, or returning to the site to charge, it will waste a lot of time, how to charge and change batteries quickly, conveniently and safely?

"Really hard" to ensure safety, battery replacement service so that the rider brother "full of power"!

Combined with the special action of Wuliqiao Street to "break the problem at every turn, work hard and forge ahead to promote development", the Street Safety Office and the Bauhinia Neighborhood Committee conducted many investigations, listened to the needs of the site leaders and little brothers, and specially planned the charging area for each site to place electric bicycle battery swapping cabinets while removing the original non-compliant charging equipment.

"Really hard" to ensure safety, battery replacement service so that the rider brother "full of power"!

The setup of the battery swapping cabinet is not all smooth sailing. Due to the limited external space at the courier site, careful planning is required. In addition, there are relevant safety requirements for the battery swapping cabinet, and safety performance is also an important factor that must be considered. In order to ensure the smooth installation and operation of the battery swapping cabinet, the Street Safety Office has visited the site for many times to provide guidance, and strive to find a balance between safety management and enterprise operation. "The situation of each station is different, and the charging cabinet settings should be optimized according to the objective conditions and needs such as the number of charging cabinets, space, and safe channels." The relevant person in charge said.

"Really hard" to ensure safety, battery replacement service so that the rider brother "full of power"!

Once the battery swapping cabinet was opened, it was well received by the riders. Riders need to change their batteries once after the meal rush is over. One battery can basically run 60 kilometers. For them, the method of "replacing charging" not only solves the problem of battery life, but also eliminates the potential safety hazards of flying wire charging and battery entering the home.

"In the past, there was no battery replacement cabinet, and when the car ran out of power, I had to find a place to charge it, which was very troublesome. Now you can change it at any time, and the time saved can be used to receive several more orders. "Riders can easily take out a fully charged battery and replace it with just a scan code on their mobile phones, saving the time of charging in the past two or three hours and solving the "battery life anxiety".

"Really hard" to ensure safety, battery replacement service so that the rider brother "full of power"!

In addition to efficiency, the improvement of safety performance is also a key point for the little brothers. Through centralized charging and rapid battery swapping, the separation of people and vehicles, vehicles and electricity is separated, and high temperature and smoke alarms are set in each battery swapping cabinet, and aerosols can be sprayed immediately to isolate and block the fire source once there is a fire in the cabinet. In one of the express delivery sites, because the battery swapping cabinet is placed on the indoor safety channel, in order to improve the safety guarantee, the street safety office instructed the site staff to move the cabinet out of the safe passage and set up an independent space to realize double insurance inside and outside the cabinet, making charging and battery swapping safer. In addition, the relevant departments of the street will also regularly inspect the battery swapping cabinet to ensure its normal operation and provide continuous and high-quality services for express delivery and takeaway brothers.

Next, Wuliqiao Street will firmly grasp the demand orientation of the new employment group, take the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of the new employment group as the foothold and starting point of the work, continue to promote the quality and efficiency of the work of the new employment group, continuously stimulate vitality and provide excellent services, and "exchange" a full sense of gain, happiness and security for the rider brother.

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